Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

HonorableGllbht .Bllifh 'Couilt~~Attoilmy .JmmeCov&y opiulonlo.o-21& Be: l4u8ta tier rehicle vehicleowned by a reddont of Term but vhichiru~dexclmive1~ vhichirueedexelueive1~ In Rev u8xico except that th8 88m adee au occa8ioual trip luimthia statebe reg- iqteredin Texas! U8 are in ZVJ@?&~of ymu letterpi l&&.30, l$&C,in.vhich you request8n oplaiou.ofthla depeirtaent om th8 que8tlo8of wbstber or not the mtor vehiclein questionmu&be registered in Tune. You 8tateis follou8: ~.A~~e.inJmeeCounty,~e,~~~-- afe~a~mdranch~ths~eteof~~Waxico;&~ aud u 8e6 e x c lu sively fo r fa r m a ud ‘ia c h ing p u r p o *a l tr u c k s th lr truck cones into Texa, mm? t-8 codng afterfeed, mppliee end emchae 18 uqed exclueively on the Hew Mexico property,q ometims it c-a iqtotbla Stetewiths loadof Mr. A'8 cattleto t+e FortWorthnmrketa." We a88um irOnyour letterthatMr. A ie a.nsidentof Terse andthis oplnionvillbebaaedon euchaeemption. 'Articlle 66758-2of Vernou~sAmmtated CivilStstutesreada in part 88 fol.lolm: 2veay.owwr of-amotOrvehicle,trelleror 8eti-tral.Ler used or to be used upon the publichlgbwayeof this State, and each chauffeur, shellsppf;yeechyear to t&e StateHigh- .vsyDepartmeut throughthe CountyTd Collectbt.0~ the C&u&y iu wi+lchhe reaideefor the regMt.autimof each euchv@lcle onnedorcontrolledby~, . . ." Article604 of the Pea81Code read6ae followe: "Uhoeveroperatesupon aay publichighwaya &or ve- hiclewhichbee not been regieteredaerequiredpylaw eball be fixLed not to.erceedtwo huudreddollars." HonorableGilbe* Smith,page 2 (O-2154) Tk oolyque6tloavhlcberieeaintbin caeeirvbetkr ornot tk vehiclein quertlouir exceptedfromthe generalregirtmtioulava byArticle8~ oftkPenelCode vbichdealatitbaon-resident ovaera of motorWbicle~. Under 1181dArtlcle &7btemporaryregintr&loncerti- ficaterasy be obtainedfor out of statevebLclerby non-realdent ovnerB. Sectitm5 of raidArticlealno readnin partas follow: ". . .Andprovided,forther,tktauynon-reml@e.nt owner of a privatelyovnedmotorvehiclemy be peraittedtomake en occaaionaltrlp intotbim Statewith mcbvehicleondertbe pX’irflcgS6 of tbi8 Act titkut obtaining suchteqwary IF&#- tmtiim certifioste. . .(I Article627bvmiLdbave noapplicetlontotk cameat bend becaunesaIdArticle~Sectionldeiiasaanon-reside&as foUov~: "Wu-resided1 meauneveryree:dentof a stateor country othertbentk Stateof Texasvkse sojournin thin State,or or placeof abode, or buduess in this State, vbome occupation, iianj,c~atotaperiodofnotnorrthanons~~a, tvemtydayninthe calenderyear." The Iegi@&ue has defined4 "mu-resident" for purposesof tk exteu~iouof non-reeidant p+vilegesto be a per- motor regietrsflon mm vbo 10 a r+dept of a et+teor countyothertbentk Btateof Tune. Kbderthe fact8 mhitted,thaowkof tkvehicle inqueationin 8 remideutofJoae~County,Texm. It 10 tk oplaal of tbilldeptuweat, tberefore,that saaidArtlclevouldbave ac applicetlcmtotbevehicle tiquemtiouaudtkttk asmevouldkvetobe ~gleteredinTexae under our gqleml mgilltratlou lalm. Youinverytmly AFPRovRDAPR ll,1940 A!l!rlmRRY-GFTRXAS /I?/u. F. Moore FlRBl! ASSISTART By /a/ BillyGoldberg ATlmnEY~ BlUy Goldkrg A~~iSttXlt. BG:ja:lie