mm. Q6aa 8. vupnrr
Dl lielab Attorney
Clsbuma, Tom6
Dear a1r1
foriron Calu3tphna 4 ~opu3atlon or thtrty-
thr4o tkowand, thrs4 hundred and 6eQent40n (33,317)
lnhnbitan8r, aacwd?n~ to the hat Federal Census.
Art1414 39OE, Vmlllan’IJ
c:o13 Annctat6&
rB4dIIIllpIlPt66 i!U~lOrrSl
RQ' di6tS'iQt,OOUUty O,l'&WO~-
olnat of'tiosrsh6l.lraqulra the asrvlcss ei
deputies, aosiatanto or clerk.9in the per-
lornanoe of hflbdutlas be i&all apply to
the oounty Cemlsslanerr' ccurt or bfb oountq
ior authority to appoint &oh degutles,
&BaiIItRntm Of clsrkn, ctatinfiby sworn at~li-
oatioa thr 5untbm na6666, the position to be
ffl,led anb tha mount to be pcld. C&d epplf-
oation mhaL1 be eocoapaoibd hy R statemsat
rhewlatg the gmbabu norlptn frezc fee8,
Oocama168ion&! 6$&Q aor;pon68tiaato be coilootcd
br s8iQ aii%e Curing the tincal ear awl tha
pZ'Ob@blydi6&U'6WMnt6 Which 6hihal 3:16C$U58 all
6alti66 end 6xpen666 o? 5saidOlfiCO; aad SSlQ
oow't shall take it6 order authorlsing tha
6 polnta4nt Of su6h d&pu8:4a, eiMl6t&nta enQ
0fart8 and fix the cwip?snratino to be pnld
t&440rlthln th6 1~iaStat~lena lamsin pnrorfbed
and detrmlhr the numbor Co t6 appofntsd ~8
in tho dlmrstion of a&Lb oourt arayhe proper;
prorldo~ that to no ~an(ra&al2 tbs Coxmi~alon-
OrI* Court or any mmber thrrro.tatteiwt tc
lafluen44 the nppalntarsat of ray parson ae
dbputy, o~meimtant OF elbrk in any atfloe. Lpv’pon
aI4 sntry of 6Wh CrQ4P the ari1abrr applylag
fe+ auoh asef6trnts, drjxition OT alarkks&all
be *uthauisod 8a ap old t&m; pretldad that
said oi#eps1&6ation 6ii 63% not 4~19446the Hd.BIUar
al?!etmt tr*P#&wtar *et out* ;TlM oaapQ3satlon
w&uh mug bo rl~oW to tlludsp utlsa ,
or alwkm &bare aw.mS for their ewvlae8 8hall
be 6 mtmoaablk Qne, not to sxoesd tha Sal&w-
:&@ RaXWltlt
‘%. xZ&QQUBti88 kR*ilXg6 pQpUhti@n Of
t?lentF-fir4thousand and on@ (i%,#lf WXd not
ra than thirty-seven thou&and firs huadrod
T 57,boQ)
: inhabitants, ftsst acaLmmt or ~ohtef
deputy sot to rrossd Two Thouaand'boll.ara
othar a661atant8,
(IrS,OW) par anntzlsg Oeputierr,
cm olerkr lmt to atr0esaEjavo?ltorn
Kun4red Dal-
lam Iw?OO) par am Fmvidad, how-
*lot* that in all a0trah*
.icrsocntaiolng a rspula-
tlcsl,of nat 1638s tha!&wiirty thow#4nb ( 3i ,000)
war more than thirty-oeven thousand, five bun-
&64 (37,SOO). aaaoraing te thr la8t prec4dlng
Foderal Cenma, on0 hevin~ a velwtlan in e*-
c\as8 of ltighty-Sivo b~illi& 90llars ($05,000,000),
and in all ccuatier hevi,q an asrrsrssdraluntlon
of not leaa:than Y'wtmty-#seven )rilllon Five
Kuudrstl ThtwaafmdGollars IW?,SOO,OQOf nor mwe
than %watpaeven Elll.lon Eovoa Hundred Thou-
sand ?kdlarr (~~~,TOO,OOOf, accordin(Jta tbo
lant approved tax roll, and o(rRtiairiistg a gcpula-
tion id not lwm then fifty-three tchousand nine
than tiftp-four thou-
httabrtid (S3 903) nor 11101-6
ran4 e54,oc& acoordin 80 the laot preoedl:w
Fedoral. Cam& Sanr (4 u8ise in ths Tax
~olleator *ml hmwmcr*a of lob may sso*lvr
net to tmceed Ibsnty-four FlundrrdDollam (&MO)
per 6mnm o’s&, tba remaiiidec cf the’deputisr
in #aid ai’fios &all recalvb not erceedin$
S6vbntren BWFad DcUars ($1700) par arwlurc eaobrR
FM +errtlon arises *hethar or aot the birtriot
Attorney 1s a rtats otiiaar or B Uia8rlab arfloer wlthin
tba weanlag of title10 3902, mph. We gwto from Corpue
Jurlr, Vat. 16, pa* 'l&97a8 fallow:
%hothsr prorrautiq attiomeyr ctm rtrte
OffiOOT8 CU' OOU$ OffiCOl-6 UWld W&6 ti 6.-
#eat4 ,upotb weir CI L raiifuation $38 the ecmatl-
t\niima ~3 s$atu#r ot the.vwiMb8 BtaOba.
liMe,pr~om,1$t.r8u8es eb twa8ttfqtW~~ thw are
hJd't0 be 8tate offie*PB nOt+ltEI*t4ndfrpg
txbei~ dubisr are aonflned to 8he illrtrlatr~ far
whtsh tbry are sleeted or ag;polnted and Chrif
cmpnrrtion ii paid by the oonntf, while un&er
atherr thy are ngarded a8 wun8y oifia6rfh
xn mm jaiadiotiop they are,nsither state
EOf aountp of?losP~, but oircuit cr diattiot
In an opimion written by Hon. Rusl C. xalksr,
8eptember &7, 1934, aedrersed to Bon. A. 1. X&&hhura,
County AtMitbt, Houstctn, Tern&, this departmot h&l4
thst 4 dfstrfet rttornsy wss 6 aietriae otflaer ratbsr
than a anuttyor stats :aifiorr.
~ we puQtP mm tht& opi~nioa&Elfcbllowsr
“We ml& ~.&a &&ttl&d in tbir &tat& th&t
the or?ide of dirfriati judge26 a dirtriot
otiioe and not m owmty of prsainat oftfoe
within tha meain,g aT tba eleation l&w& ot
thlr State, and thir rtqardl&&8 or the trrri-
torial 6rt,entof the dietridt involvrd.
fWsilton ~&r Wtaro., 881 SW 804 (Cit. A p.),
,$878s 306 (Su ct.); x?Qandsvs. m@81 9tm,
II88V i!d104O r*Cm. of Agp.). vith regard
to his poritios (16a oaurrty,distrlot or &t&r
efflees, tha dtstriot abtornor is in a post-
%ioa imy 6fsllar to thbt bt the diatriot
jdtgo md it fs 6ub;acittefftb6t the autbori-
ties fus% oite~ will 6upgm-t the pmpo6ition
th6t tba distrist attorney is a aistriet
r *th -hth
sr e 4 l o c u nty or stat0 orri~e~r.*
In vfew of the far&~l.n$, pu bra n&pwtfullp
&dvi&&d thst it is ths o~inlon af thinsdsportasnt that
the etmak&sit5a~r6*imart h.mstha legal rutharltl and pmor
So ol,lm the ditiricatottorne~ of Johnson County to employ
a o,l&ry:
b &Qlpliono& with Adial& s908, rugn.
Trustlug that ths faregolng fully ansmrs your,M ramrln
no& very truly