Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Gerald C. Mann Hon. R. E. McLaughlin : Opinion No: O-2019 County Attorney Be: Constru’ction of Article 752b Moore County ~, in regard to, petitions presented Dumas, Texas tomcommissioners’ courts for bond ele’ct.lons for road improv’ements. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of, your ,~o,pini& request, of recent date o We quote from your letter as follows: ‘.. “Two petitions for ‘bond elections for ‘road im- provements hav.e .been presented to the Commisslon- ersl Court of M&r35County, Texas ohe for done Hun- dred Sixty Thousand Dollars (@.66,000) for the con- struction of approximately 18 miles of paved’high- way and one for Ninety Six Thousand Dollars ($96,- ~OOOf, for the construction of, 11 miles .of paved hif$waye The -larger petition Incorporates all the 11 miles of the .smal.ler petition. “The group presenting : the smaller ‘petition’ is not in favor of constructing,the seven additional miles called for. In the larger petitibn,,and a con- siderable amount. of controversy has arisen over-the two proposals. ., “Under Article 752b, Revised Statutes - L;ic,;e;$’ mandatory ,that the court order two (2) If so, how soon must the elections be held? (3) Can the court ~postpone its ‘order on one petition until after the ,other has been voted u on? cc, can ,boih ii&i ons be held .at ‘the same place, on the same day, by the same election Judges4 ori must ~.. there .be a separate place, and separa e e eotion. supplies and judges? (5) part of ,the highw.ay called. for .in both peti- tions lies within the city limits of Duinas, Texas, the county seat, an incorporated city. Is it legal to vote county wide bonds for this pur- pose? _ - . Hon. B. E. McLaughlin, page 2 “I am quite sure that from the foregoing you have in mind a picture of the situation as it is, and I would appreciate very much having your opin- ion as to the procedure the Commissioners1 Court should take in handling this matter in accordance with the law.” Article 7521, provides, in part that “upon the peti- tion of fifty or more.resident quallfiei property taxpaying voters of any county, the Commlssioners’ Eourt of such county at any regular or special session thereof shall order an elec- tion ***‘I. We feel that this statute Is mandatory and as a general proposition the Commissioners’ Court has no discretion to refuse to grant a petition and to order an election for the purpose of determining whether or not bonds shall be issued for road purposes whenever such a petition is prepared and present- ed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Title 22 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. See Hu gins vs. Vaden, 253 S.W. 877; Moore vs. Coffman, 200 S.W. 37t . There Is no statutory authority stating when the petition must be acted up- on by the courti However, this department has held that it should be acted upon within a reasonable time. As we understand your problem from your opinion re- uest and other correspondence on the matter, one petition for 4160 000 was filed for the purpose of constructing and improve- lng highways. Later a second pet~ition was presented for $96,- 000 for the purpose of constructing exactly the same mileage with the exception of seven miles called for in the first peti- tion. We have no .doubt that under these facts the Commission- ers’ Court would not abuse its discretion in taking up and grant- ing within a reasonable time the first petition filed, even though in the meantime the seoond petition had been filed. In- deed, we are unable to perceive how it can be said that the court had any discretion to refuse the first petition when presented. When the second petition was presented, covering the same mile- age with the exception of seven miles called for in the first petition, we think the court would have a right to postpone its order on said petition because If the election on the first peti- tion carried, the election on the second petitionwould be a useless act, and we know ‘of no rule that would warrant the issu- ance of a mandamus to enforce the Commissioners’ Court to perform such an act. See Huggins VS.* Vaden, 253 S.W. 877. The Purpose of a~bond election is to vote for or against the issuance of bonds for a specific purpose and not to vote for one petition or another petition. The bond election must carry by a two-thirds majority vote, the money to be used for the purpose Hon. R. E. McLaughlin, page 3 voted on. We know of no way that both eleetlons could be held at the same time end accomplish the purpose for.whi.ch a bond election is held. Therefore, it is our opinion that the proper procedure would be for the Commlssionersc Court to call an election on the first petition. If this eleation carries, then the second petition becomes a moot question because the entire mileage pro- vided for in the seaond petition will be improved with the bond money obtainable as a result of this election. If this elec- tion fails to carry by the required two-thirds majority then the court can call an election on the seoond petition. In reply to your last question, the County Commission- ers have power to improve roads.wlthln a town or city with the consent of the civic authority. Hughes vs. Harris County, 35 S.W. (2d ) 818. Having this power, an agreement with the civic authority to expend county road bond funds is binding on the county -- at least where the expenditure is on a street which forms a link In a county highway. 21 Texas Jurisprudence, 668; ~~~~eo,fv~e~~~r’sd~~~t”;tSt38P~~~ ~~~tg18~ S-W* (2d) 43; Trusting that this answers your questions, we remain Very truly yours ATTORNEY GFNERALOF TEXAS By /s/ Claud 0. Boothman Claud 0. Boothman, Assist- ant. APPROVED MAR18, I.940 /s/ Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GBNERALOF TEXAS APPROVED:OPINIONCOMMITTEE BY: BWB, CHAIRMJU COB-s:wb