OPI repuut sor our oploloa
frotr nlrtltr to tbr Nstlonsl
Arru ama$rhaobcan pwfehetedlttbCerUoraou
inu h
fo hellth etobaooo Wn ‘htu l%o Ea ns
o r-
mtlon ot rlgarotk
UIA tobaooorhlpmnt8 botwoon
the stator. Tour r.oolto.mnthly l tranaarlpt
oi Ul rhl punt4 of olgwottoe ooaina into Tour
Lan mlr.l.rlppl 0khh.m &k.n...,
i.i%i%Saei. and hma“ whloh .$blw the
cl~rmtb. Wl8liml $0 olloittrur l
t&It r.ro
b o r o tdblor qo da g .TNr rrraageunt rNoh
orialnatod a a *ad adopt04
s mtth, Co a fer wb 8u
eatmod raverel of the Strtu to emon th.lr 1.~8
to ?orlUo tN. lnforsatlon. m .rohaag.oi
.u& lnroxm.tl.. h.8 r.8Ult.d in llininating
mar large inturtatr doaluo who had ret up
plrou. of burln,rr in Watrr l6Jolalng or natw
Tour for tho 8010 pup060 of g.l.1.grdvantq.
am? TOXM dwdor. by ralllnetu Sme algarattu
thma&'h interrtate trrnraotloa8. 8uOb @hi&W&t.
WOTO13.6. by par001 ,“08t fnr ei lnrp6otlan under
ptrl leas m@ ngul.tioa..
Ia 1936 *ad 19S6 Ton8 roarire laforaatlon from
Konur and Okl.bWa. rhowlw iniorinntioaor SE
alllion oiprrttbr 8hl39od into %%a8 by one
dulu opustlag l p l~o o o t b ur luc r r la both
rtetrr. Thi. lnformstlo. r..
f&ou&h obtrinsd
. reolproo.1lgreet6at nude at lrtloarl %x Gcrr-
foraoer an6 rawalto in rtwplng tha aotltltie8
of ttlr dral*t .8 all,ar asrem otbrrr opnt-
lag oa 8 mrllrr 8oU8. Soar ot the ol.gsntt8r
wuo tax paid vntlt the Depmtmnt noelted the
Attlm Conformooio lh
Orlmar In1938 8m8
Xiabrrlin 8ad Pat wf permwA4.d tha tu rtti-
oirl. of kUs.lulppl to audit d*rlrrr rhlpplng
into Toxrr rad turn the lnfoxmtloa over to
the Tuar 0rrloiua. Aa l ro.ult .pgroxl5.t.ly
$8 o%m WM eOlleOtOd tQ duiIIqUUt taXM
after forty-four oiril mlta had broa rlld by
tba Attarnayhnm.1'. Dopartwnt. 8oa, t)B6
dulOE#lr r d
lO( lM UW #r O Lnr O1 V.d in the r Y-
odpt or ruofi 8igarr:trr rr0iii Ml?r1881~91. Ia
on0 oau - th8 0ontlnoatal 0m Oompuy or
lleuaton - $1,600*..(I
uollntd ln d antto tax
sod puutl*8 wlthaut the naowwlt~ 0 ! illlEg 8
. 838:
l1vl1*ult. hi* Ear trnrlta4 in rrduulq the
bor1n.u of th lr48mlar to a very ~11 qrun-
tlty uhioh ir MU m trod to Tour OoathQ
th e
a ta O
Smmr l*lppl. Ml.rl.ol 91 aEuid.4
1 l Xm rltor
7 Uu Coafonnoo .la !hw OrPma* to
rw&n a8u0n t3 r8port lntmrtrto.8hlpploat8
to thr m.*iu1 pi vu Com4l8rloauh6 to pro-
vlda that awh !nforatlea 0~14 b. glv.n b
tam stat88 into rhloh bush rhlpaonw war8 m8a8.
Fho bonf8nnoor hvo r88ultod la bettu law8 lo
all thr 8totu lrrylag t&e000 t&8 and ha*
reduo.6tax or..loa to 8 aldaua tbrotigblnter-
*tat0 hran8aoDlona.
Thr conruMoo he. al.0 oiOt.d aomltt.0. t.
u.. tbolr ~nf~uono.in hav
tio n
lntio t*d
that wo uld
rril rNpmmt8 a.@
tNr bill -0 the 'Brvor 6111 - will be ln*cte4
4urLyr th‘ pruuat roe*lon of thm Nation.1
C0agroa‘. T:48 Bill has be.a . n8.r.d aad
purt.d by th. SI&tlosil Tobacoo icx Confereaco
aI& if it 1. .ucore.tully.wlOtad, 1t uill b.
a8 a r08'ilt or tbo 8frort8 or tha n8tlonrJ
Tobaooo TM CtJQr*rtmc*. 8uoo.rrful eon*
rltl wu1 a 8etinF, of not lo.. aan P100,aJo.?0
utdah ir rtlL1 lafipPIn(eCthmqghtbo Lnta-stkta
8Njmnt or oifjsrottrc~by
parael -goatl~c0
AMor a. 1trpU of l>~TOpri~tiOll r0r th. 09uatlon
or tho Cl@r.tt. .nd Ocdupatl~ hr Raroraemont Mrlrl~ or
th. Cmaptrollu~r Dapartmaat H flad lrkappmprlatloa or
$lO,OOO.OOfor Vortad., ralrphcnr,ulagraph, lzp r o 88,
8upplle8, atr.tiortery, prlntlng and o~ntlnguhr In 68otlon
24* of Aztlole 70470-1,VbIpoa'8 CArlI Statute*, it I8 1rd0
ths dut 0r th. a0m tawllerto eombot, 8uprrvi8a 8114ls01 -0~
ta b eelI latloa of ci:g.r.ttr tuw Md th. Coptroilar 18 glrea
war ~4 thhoauthmlty to a&8 aad t4 *118h rulea and
reg uratlorir for tar lnroroawnt of tb prwl810n8 0r tha set
ii~rgi,ty 0i4pntt0 tu 0ftd tru 601100tioa 0r ~nwii~~
rms tka rw8 uaioh you rubs&t to ua, thmro
lppmrr ..; oaly a rleu ddr.bllitr ior the Co~~gtrdl~ to
bo a rcrbor or the Xatloati Tobaooo Cant.rwo. but l praotloal
nooo0olt fo rluo& r0abOnhlp aad upuioitloa of tho beuflto
th0r00r lr h0 10 t0 prop~rlp lOroroO th0 pr~t101000 of t30
t0tiag ltmito
rad lfr00t I rooooaoblyhiuh prroont~y 0r
001100tloa0. T3b probloa ol th eltipwat of imatOq?Od rig-
lmttoo trac othrr rtntoo lute tNa one lo oao *ioh omnot
bo pm rQ halt with lxcrapt with the oaoperrtloa of the
luthQr r t1or 0r other Ototoo. In our 0 lalon tbo adoouat or
fs8.00 rot aubetoLlp in t.ha~otloaal fobfmo Tu coareroaoo
00~ b* ~814 out or UN qproprletloa of $10,000&O uatloae6
km115the ltonr 0r appmprlatlo~ ror the ourrent
bieanlum to the Caao, 7toh ~4 Oyotrr Comisolon io one or
@OO.OO ror *Be&o, ptiodloals, Uuu and ruboorl tioru.*
The ewe or )~3,00 oooerlag duo8 r0r tbo -0, Pl oi earl07otor
Coaabrloa ror rpmbomhfp lri Fbo Iateraatloaal Asooolrtioa or
COJU, rlrh an4 Conoerrrtloa Conudrdoaora uuky80 paid out or
that airproprlrtlon,
Fo dosire to bo luraibhed rlth aCditioaa1 lararau-
tlon oonoorrdag tha rumtloao of tho lktlsaal Cwwd Anooola-
tlon nad the nln tlonohlp betueen 8u6h Aeooolatioa lab t&o
Adjutant clonsrel brtoro attonptlag to glvo our opinion la
roaponr*. to the third part or your cueatloa.