Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THP: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 8. A. 61888, DireCtOr Textbook Dlvlrlon Department Of SducStiOn hatin, Texas Dear 811'1 - Help In dl8t.Fl- textbooks. 21, 1940, request- , the letter being ary 8tQ,tvo ques- you from this the wthorlty of to rel&mrre bond- textbook8 in looal or expenditure8 lnour- cdn vlth the distrlbutlon bOOk8 t0 pupils Of the pub- In your OpiniOD Ilo. o-1837, al'y 16th End rddl’e88ed t0 the f the Pertbook Dlvl8lon, both e88 question8 were umvered in the ~Eovever, Upon prelrentatlon of oer- fain ololnm from local bonded tertboolc CiU8tOdlti8, vhlch inrOlve parlB8nt for labor, the Comptroller rejeoted the paw- mnt of the alalms and returned them ~lth Honorable a. A. 01a88 - Page 2 the letter Thlch 18 co led belov: (Ciplee of clal~ are rttoched P *. il. A. Glars, Director Textbook Division State Department of Edacstion h8tin, tea8 Dear AU'. Gla88: @*I am returrring the maoant of BOP- ner Frlzaell In the amOunt of $29.33 and the account of J. C. latoon in the amOunt of $7.eo for the reason I believe they are in violation of the iollovlng Fovla- Ion oi the Departmental Bill plsklng aa op~oprlatloa for the Textbook Dlvl8lon ThlCh prohibits the employing oi any ad- ditlonal employee8 for your dlvlelonr *It 1s f?wther worlded that the anmnte to be expanded for nev textbook8 and reblndlng shall be a8 fixed by the State Board of Educations provided, however, that no employees, In addltlon to those listed and lteadzed above, shall be eEplopeO.* Very truly yours, Signed; George Ii. Sheppard Comptroller of' public Accounta Breasler/g 8Slnce It ha8 long been the ourrtom of this Dltl8lon to psy such claim, and 8bV2.e fu&is are available for the payment of current clalm8, this Dlvlslon feels the need of further Interpretation of this problem. Se therefore respectiully request your opinion on the f0110vlng question* 81. Does the rider to the General Ap proprlatlon Bill tor the biennium ending &lgU8t,31, ls(l, a8 quoted fn t&3 CODID- tlonorabls Al. A. Cl088 - Pa&e 3 troller'8 letter, Obviate the atathorlty of the State Board of SduOatlon to pay Out Of th8 Textbook btld 811 nSOeS8ary expenae8 In conneotlon with the distri- butlw of free textbooks?’ In the general form of yoaw question a8 stated, It haa been ana~ered in formar opinion lto. 3091, of date liovenher T, lQSQ, addressed to the Honorable Ceor U. Sheppard, and opinion lo. C-lSST1, dated January 16, 1940, adJlret3sedto you, copies of vhlch opinions you have. QbviOU817, the 8peclflC qtle8tiOIt71th vhich you are Qormerned la vhetbtr or not the rider quoted in KP. Shoppard~s letter ha8 the efreat to forbid the State Board of fklucatlon to pay out of the Textbook Fun3 Items of reln&ursement for extra help to llv. Prlzaell aad hr. Watson for 8emloe8 in a88i8tiXIg in the dlstrlbutlon Of textbooks. So that, TO ~111 amver your question a8 thus reetated. The Comptroller ha8 docllaed to pep these bills upon the grouwl.that the rider to the Appropriation Bill puOi&d in his letter forbids such imfment. It 18 the opinion of this departinent the rider ;;;:,zgt have the eifect attributed to It by the Comp- We conwend the Comptroller98 vigilance vlth l r88pQCt t0 the paying Out of plbl1.o mney8, but we hi8- agree Tith hi8 con8tructlon of the rider. The language which has iippelled the Coieptrol- ler"8 action Is a yvovl80, as f0110~8: 8 + * 4 prodded, hoTever, that no employees, In aMltlon to those listed and iteaiiized above shall be employed.. The acoepted rule of oonstruetlon with respect t0 prOtisO8 18 thus stated by &i?. Sutherland 011 Statu- tory Constructions Honorable tl. A. Gla8a - Page 4 mThho natural and appropriate office of the prwieo being to reetraln ok qualify so126 preceding mtter, It should be CoDfinod t0 That J8WWie8 it llDb88 It Clearly appear8 t8 have been intended to apply to 80~~ other matter. It Is to be COD8tNed In oooll6atlon Tith the eec- tiOD Of vblch it fOrTI a part* and it 18 8ubetaDtially LO exeaption. If it be a pm180 t0 8 PWtiOUlW 8eOtiOll, it doe8 Dot apply t0 others UDle88 plainly interad- ed. It should be construed Tith refer- ence to the lmmedlately preceding part8 Of the elau8e t0 Thich it 18 8ttaehed. In other Torde, the prWi80 will be 80 restritted ID the abeonce of anything la it8 tel’ms, Ol' the subject it deal8 Tith, erinclng a~ Intention to glre It a broad- er effect.4 e l *Story, J., oaffl he Ta8 led to the general lule of 1aT which ha8 alvays pre- veiled and become oonseorated a8 alTio8t a xnaxlm in the interpretation of statu- tes, that vhen the enacting clause 18 general in It8 language and objeatr, and a pWV180 18 afterward8 lDtmduce!a, that protlso 18 striotly construed, and take8 DO Case out of the enacting clause which does not fall fully ~lthln it8 term6.m Sutherland on Statutory Construefion 223, p. 297) Applying this rule of COD8tNOtfOD to the statute, the pm~i80 above quoted is applioable to the enactment con- tain& ID the section of Thlch it is a part, to-wit, the erl- actment that *all awunta to be expmded for new textbook8 ad rebinding books shall be as fired by the State Board of &lucation.* It Is In respect to these tro item that the prwiso forbids enployoes ID sddition to thO8e listed and ltamized in the Appropriation Aat. The prOvia has 8 very definite a?eani&z Then thus applied t0 that part Of the 8eQ- tlon imnecllately preceding it, that la, that no employee, fn addition to those 118ted a?rl itemized, should be emplg- ed Tith reapect to the expense8 for DeT textbook8 and re- blndlng books; ID other words, that the handllng of there Items should be confided alone to 801~ of those employee8 specially listed and itexkzed in the bill. r ’ klonorablo L. A. GlP80 - Pago S It could hardly be contemplated that the Act means that in DO WODt EX%y the Board engage em- ployeee, other than thO8e listed a& Itemized, be- cause by item 26, under the hesd of gSalarlesv, there is epecially prOTided 'Seaeonal Eelpr Clerl- oal, atenograpbic and labor, @OOO.OO.m lb18 itrelf 18 express authority for the employment of clerleal, stenograyhlc and labor help beyond tho8e employee8 liarted in item8 1 t0 26. A&D, it 18 our OpiDiOD those &k3r8OD8 ald- ing in the distribution of free textbooks and psia by &Jr. Prlssell and hr. 18t8OD, the custodians, are not employees ID the 8ense In vhlch that Tord Is ased In the proviso. To think it 18 there ueed In the 8en8e of persons or employees vhose tenure of eenlce va8 pernrnent rather than temporary, seaeonal, or.occas- lonal. Ua are borne out in this C0DCl~610~ by the further rider declaring #all eaployees in the Tert- book Dlvisioa of the Gducatlon Dapartmontshall be appointed or removed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 8UbjeCt to the approval of the State Board of 2ducation.v This bears out the Idea that 8ooployeesv, within the meaning of the Act and of the prwi80, are such persons as those Those em- ployment Is for a given tenure, and in a sense per- wnent , rather than that occaslonal 8ervlce render- ed to Frizsell and Fafsonl It is the fapdllar ejus- dam gmeris rule of CODStNCtiOn. Any other COD- struction of the Act vould a;akc It 1mposslble for the Board to employ a messenger to deliver a con- signzcint of books hovever 88811, and yet such sivd- lar and inc1deDtal expenses in connection Tith the di8tr1bUt1OD of tortbooks Is inevitable. The Legls- lature never conterqlated that they were to be for- bidden. Such a COD5trUCtiOn would not harawniae v1t.h the recoznisod 8~d declared policy of the State to furnish md Zstributo toxtboolrs froe of further costs. lioreover, the rules proscribed by the State Board of XuCatiOn Or11 CODtrary t0 8UCh COD8tNOtiOn and lnrlicato the CODetNCtiOD Te are giving the rider. Thcsc rules among other thiDgS provide for reislburse- pent for (1) extra help for a short time, (2) reaeon- able drayaga thargee, (3) freight or parcel post chargee. ID at least tT0 of these Item8 the elenrent of personal eertlce enter8, and In all of them the rs- Honorably ii. d. Glass - Fcrge 8 ldmrecm.nt is of expenseta Incurred in the distrl- bution of Woe text books. You are therefore advised In the opinion of this department the roimburoemant Items of Mr. Friz- tell aml Ur. Watson should be paid out of the Taxt Book Furd. Very truly yours ATTORNCC!LG~NERATJ 03 TXXM OS-KR