Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Koa 11. L. 8holton, Pega Zi uon. Is. L.. Uholton,Pago4 and fix the oollgrnutloato be pmld then wlthla the liaitatianahorula~r*sorlbohaad dotaqiao thommbme tm bo pointedma %nthmdlmmntiam 0i.d6emutM7, % proper: Qrovided that in no 0~88 m&U 8hm corrlrrrloae8'Court 01:l aomborthuon? attw# to Wlrmoetlm % t- appa 5.atof uypram udopu~,u.~t.atosokrk the OatrJ oi awh order tho lueh lsla ta ntr deputie. mtharla.dto.&i iotthmi aididthtaid lmmmtlma mhm !G aot uoud Phe md amout hor&Mtor set out. TM oapmartlonuhLabrafbmm~tmthm dmptMm8, ...l.t.at. arol..rk.+Ww~~d s rg~ viou .ohallbba ruuwb th e lb lla wl~ u wa ta r ...a l or aot tb8 uutl0a .ta be pricrme(l by the porsoa mxMy4 lo wtltute th e dutlom at 8 llmrk; Hon. Ii.L StUton, Paa. l5 #are u..blo tori.4 .ay mtatutory .uthorlt~ whlob would authori.. cltlnbrfbe w~r2rci~lfx1om.~\rrt of Yohfma Gowty, Pox.., or the ~-runtyittornmy ELC JohasoaCount;,'hnm,to apIoy m atmnographmrtormmld a ma tylttoxaoyand pay for memo out of mousQ fahds. Tour eeaond qortiloa 1s themtfc~n umuorod ln tho a.-- ti+o. Yo ult8tela y c o rletter th a t JohasoaCo ua tl hu~populatim or 8!5,s11ammull&totha&8~ Ia6 Yeaenl C*asus. Therefore,tho offiun* sala- 8w la mppl%ombleto Jduuoa Oouat7, Tezmm. s~bdi~imi011 (d 0r wkotioa 3s 0r.wti03.0 seib, R.v%..d Civil Statute. d To..., .pplltibl. t. loaati.. hvlaaapagulatloaoftweatytbauaad (80000) lahabl- tuitsoraore dlesmthmnom Ipu~&~aobalnotythou- mmmd(190,000) lababltaak~mmomrdla(l tm the tmt prmmmd- lq Yadoml Cwmu, is &leable te JohnsonCounty, Tbxu, ad rm8asas f0llw.r *(a)me oami8d.onor8' uurt al8hor- ug ythe 1%. tho mploynoat uf E stenogzmphw rod w for mumhmmrrloom opt or fua4 at the aount to mm amount 10lmo.00) D.l- A.ud.hd tho Caunty JWgo l.h.bit.nt.0~ eoorbata mmImryauttomxmmmdtl,SOO.OO pmrmammm. Hon.x. L. Shelton, S's@ 6 tuad of the oaaty. we laalose berewlth .oplo. of op&aau x0.. o-18@& o-l~W4~0-lUQ mUohaonblnfulIdlrowlo~ of ther&~erotowhiohtbeylu&tm. APF'FtOVEDm 27, 1940