mm. L L. d4w.n
tkwlty Attorlmy
Ltsa5tone htlntf
Dear Sir1
tha ahovd 5ta*
mabY. to find any statutory authoritywhfoh would
allow the oommlrreionsr8or Umeetone County any exponsee
for tripe cut ot the county on 0itLoial busLaineee.
This deptmtuont haa repeatedlyheld, thut In
the absence of a *nlid statute, the dozmioalcmersoourt
has no authoritytolow any 8ms of aoney to lte ZHQ-
bera for expsuma.
The oaaei8sfon~ra~aourt in the absenor of
a VRlItd statute la unauthorizedto allow autonmblle
0-8 to it8 member8. Sea letter Opinions of this
departmsrt,Vol. 550, page 642, dated Nemh l%th, 1958,
wrlttsn by lion.James W. Hair, ksabtant Attmrmy Oanbral,
and addreasod to &XI. R. #. %ripllPg, County 3ud@e,
S~JIAugustine, Texfm.
Opinion I&. O$QO of this department,held
Eouae Bill Xo. 806 of the 46th ~gialature at TOXINS,
relating to travellugexpensea oi oounty a~slonera
in oountlea hoPias a-population.ofnat lms thantZ,lOO
an6 not EOXB than 32,500, aooomling to the last preoed-
iBg ~OdQlWl ce5SU8, WU6 U5~055t~f~ti056~ 15 t&t it **18
a apeolal or loeel lew regulating the affairs ofmmn-
t&as end prohibfted by lseatlonS6 of Artlole EtX:oi the
wl8titutlon of TQxRe.
The eamlasioners? oourt, la the absence of
a valid stetute, does not hev'oatxthorityto all&n theat-
se~expsnae none !'orgesoline spent in disoharge of
their dutleti. 300 L tter Opinions of this departroent,
dated Juriuary ES, 1935, written by Hon. la05 0. 18em,
cOealstant Attorney General of Texae, addTossed to Hon.
W. C. RoEkmeld, Count0 Att~ma~, Xoabertha, Texas.
Also see opinions Mos..HO-?%3,O-890, O-996
and O-1545 of this departwent,
You are, therefore, seeps&fully advlssd Itbat
it 1.athe opinion or this de~rtmnt thut your question
should be ans?fsreQin the ne&Htire and 1% is 80 a!umer-
Very truly your