Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUOTIN fbn. A. X. Turney County Attorney Brewster 00uaty tiplae, Texas Pear Sir: iglnion Ho. O-192 ize: read6 in part a -i- ko in the jxmfor- apply to the or hi8 00anty r0r 001ff)E)S, cOZL&381oRSand cO?B- oolleated by sald otficaaUur- year and probable dieburssserlte nclude a&l salaries and expenses of said office; and said court ahall 3nekeits order authorizing the appointment of auoh de- pir.ies,mmiatante and olerks and fir:the oom- pensation to be paid then wlthln the limitatlone herein prescribed and determine the number to be appointed 88 in the diauretlon of 6aid aourt Hon. 1;. ii. Turney, Page 2 nay be proper; provided that in no case ahall the Cosmissioners*Court or any sienberthereof attempt to intluence the appointmentof any person as deputy, assistant or olerk in any of- floe. Upon the entry of such order the offl- oers applying for such assistants,deputies or clerks shall be authorized to appoint them; provided that said compensation shall not ex- oeed the maximum amount hereinafter set out. The compensationwhich say be allowed to the deputies, assistant6 or clerk6 above rimed for their eervices shall be a reasonable one, not to exoeed the following amounts: In counties having a populationor twentF;ive thousand (25 000) or less inhabi- tants, first assistant o$ chief deputy not to exceed Eighteen Hundred ($LeQOQOO)Dollars per annun; other asslstantrr, deputies or clerks not to exoeed Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00)Dollar6 per annum each. "1-a. In oountiee having a populationof twenty-fivethousand (25,000) lnhabitsnts or less, according to the last preceding Feda)_ral. Censue, and whose tax values exceed One Hundred Million Dollars ($lOO,,OOO,OOO), aoaording to the last approved tax rolls, the first assis- tant to the Tax Assessor and Golleotor end the first assistantto the County Clerk may each receive an annual salary of not to exceed Three Thousand Dollar6 ($3,000) per annum, and the oashier to the Tax Assessor and Collector and the County Clerk may each reoeive an annual salary of not to exoeed Two Thousand, Four: Hundred Dollars ($2,400) per annum. The Tax Assessor and Colleotor shall designate in addi- tion to the r~irstaesistant and cashier, two heads of departments,one tc be in charge of assessing and one to be in charge of collecting in suah counties,who may reoeive an annual salary of not to exceed Two Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars ($2,400) per annun, and any additional assistants, deputies or clerks to the Tax Assessor and Collector or the County Clerk may receive an annual salary of not to er- Hon. ii. 2. Turney, Page 3 cec:dOne Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollar6 ($1,800) per annum. Added Acts 1939, 46th Leg., H.B. ,$tj57, 11. "la. I6 counties having a population OS not less than nineteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty (1@,850) and not more than nineteen thousand, eight hundred and ninety- five (19,895) inhabitants,according to the last precedingFederal Censua, the Co=e~is6ion- are Court say approve the appointment of beads of departments,when necessary, and when addl- tional allowance for salary is deemed necess- ary or justified by the OommissionersCourt of such oounties for heads of departmentsor chief deputies, a sum not to exceed Two Iiundred Dollars ($200) psr annum may be allowed, in adcltlon to the regular salary for such heads of departmentsor ohief deputies,when suoh offiaers shall have previously served the county ior not less than two (2) continuous yeare. As added Aots 1939, 46th Leg., H.B. 81030, il. n. . . ?- "4a. In oountiss having a population or sixty thousand and one (60,001) and not score than one hundred thousand (100,000)inhabitants, according to the preceding Federal Census and containinga city of not less than fifty-two thousand (52,000) inhabitantsacoordingto the preoeding Federal Census, heads of departments may be allowed by the CoazissionersCourt, when in their judgrnsntsuoh allowable 16 justiii~d, the sum of TWD Hundred Dollars ($200) per annuu in addition to the amount hereinberoreauthor- ized to either First Assistant or Chief Deputy, or other Assistants, Deputies or Clerks, when such heads of deparlznents Sought to be appointed shall have previously served the oounty or poli- tical subdivisionthereof for not less than tw, (2) continuous years; provided no heads of de- partzents shsll be created except where the per- sons ought to be appointed shall be in actual Hon. A. 3. Turney, ijage4 charge of some department,with Deputies or Assistants,under his supervision,or a depart- mnt apgmoved by the Court, and only in offices capable.of a bona fide subdivision into depart- mnt5. As added Acts 1937, 45th Leg., p. 581, oh. 290, il. -5. In counties having a populationof one hundred thousandand one (100,001)&nd not more than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) inhabitants,first assistant or chief deputy not to exceed Twenty-six hundred ($2600.00)Dollars per annum; heads of departments may be allowed by the GOx&36iOners' Court, when in their ju@ment such allowance is justtiled, the sum of Two Hun- dred (#2OO.U0)Dollar6 per annum in addition to the amunt herein allowedV when such heads of departmentssought to be appointed shall have previously served the aounty or politloal subdl- vision thereof for not less thsn.~ two aontinaous years; other assistante,deputies or clerks not to exceed Twenty-threeHundred ($2300.00)Dollars per annum eaoh. . . ." The assessed tax valuation of property for Drew- ster County for the year 1939 wae $7,708,646.00, 'fhs populationof 6aid county, acaording to the la6t Federal Census, is 6,624 inhabitants. Under the provision6 of the above mentioned sta- tute certain oounties aoming within a designated population braoket,the Comnlssioners*Court may approve the appoint- ment of heads of departments,when neae66ary,and when additional allowanae for salaries deemed neoessary are justifiedby the Goymi6sioners~Courts of 6zch countlea. For heads of departmentsor chi6f deputies 8 sum not to ex- ceed @.%O.OO per annum may be allowed, in addition to the regular salary for suah head6 of departmentsor ohief deputies when such officers shall have previously served the county for not less than two continuous years. Also oountieswhose tax values exoeed certain amounts es de- siC;natedin the above mentioned statute, acoordingto the last approvedtax rolls, certain assistantsas named there- in are allowed the salar&es as are provided in the statute. Brewster County does not come within any of the l&n. A. dd.Turney, Page 3 above mentioned population brackets whioh would allow the Commlesioners~Court to apgrove the appointmnt of heads of depart?aehtsand allow additional salary for heads of departments or chief deputies In a sum not to exceed #ZOO.00 per anhum, in additfon to the regular salaries for such heads or departments or ohier deputies, when such officers have prevlouslyy~ervedthe oounty for not less than two continuous years. Aleo, the assessed tax valuation of Brewster County is not such as would authorize additionalallowance for salclries of deputies. The provision of the statute that applies to Ghe compensationto be allowed deputies, assistants or olerks for their services in Brewster County is Section 1 of krtiole 3902, supra, which provides: "In counties having a populationof twenty-fivethousand (25,000)or less inhabi- taZHi8, first assistant or Ohiei deputy not to exoeed Eighteen Hundred ($1800.00)Dollars per aarnna;other assistants, deputlea or olerks not to exceed Fifteen Hundred ($1800.00)Dol- lars per annum ee0h.v In view of the roregolng statute, your question ie anewered in the negative. -i- Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry,we remain Yours very truly ATlWRNEYGENERALOFTEXf6 BY (Signed) Ardell Wwilliams Assistant APPaovEn: February 9, 1940 h. F. idoore (Signed) KlXST k&iSTANT ATTORNEY GENEzJi;KnL GF TEXAS aT'?BOVEDOPINION CO&ITTEE BY B.‘UY.B. CWIRW,N