Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonoroble 8. C. Branson Comdssioner, Dapartaent of'BenkIng Austin, reacaa lo.hare your le tho parpose of loa of aloptiag u&or 8.8. Ho. 6# Aaa of lQaQ* etlag executed by all *took- add oorporatloa. A OertiPied copy OS the reso- the stockboldors of the l&r- & Employee Industzlal Bank, adopttfngthe powore provided ior under 6. E. so. 268. '4. An af+fidavitof all the 6tock- holders of the Ksrcbante 0 Employes In- dustrial Bank to the effeof that the en- 552 Hon. F* C. BmnBon - Pago 2 tire runruntuf'eei(Lcapital stook of eai&tor~rationaas eubearS.md and aatua11g p&i in fn aaah. "5. A oert.iPl.oate of the b&r- chDntaE:P~legf3a kaa.Istria3u~ 06rtiqrsns. the mloption of the e&IA- tianal pev5m ae pm~idod for uear 8. B. NO. 268, b&n&$ it copy of the aertifloato of authovity esaeutoabg aw.3ae zumd.ng Goszaissioner of this state, oereifying mat the ftwahante &&qloyeslnBu8~rXalPFulkis&Puly lriaorpwdi~, snd ds antitled ,*o 8x- eraiso, not only the pmer5 granted to it luxler its ol%giat%l lat%rter, but Aa adrllffoatbamto, all the pouars proviaoafor under 8. B . 268. 'I hare mada the investigation ElYloonolwle that the elltlreanw?mt of tho Ca@81 stock of saU Wank hrrabeen poia in in f'nllin sabh. *I, Has the Ee~haxrbs dtSa- oyoo fndustriElBanlt&i 8" eoti?elp aaoptd the a&IS- tonal or0 proeaea ior and au31" orieed UrxlQr6. B. No. 088, 46th L5gitialatnre, A&s of the LO&F$8lEtur8of t&m state of TexaSI hJnmaa- tory of hrtiol% 646, 8oQtLon 2, Title 18, of the Revimd Giztut-saof Texas? %o 4~0 exfube~ the instrilmnts rzforrd to in your lottor and attoohod as esllibits thereto, anrl fIna the sm to bo in ;xopsr Porn anA =ltogothor sufficient for the lxqmes intended. This jlepartmnt is of the opi'nion Xcrchantr :: alployoG Itiustrinl EOICL';hno cffectiooly C.&GptOfi th0 dt,iG!ULl pOVol?s FOVidGz Oti nuthorizod t0 SO- oallod tirrie Plan Baum Luxler 6. E. 206, 46th Logis- loeuro. The 6epY‘tmnt is further of tho Opinion that the kiQrGhE?lt6 & &Jplo3-'oslzdustrinl &ml; having &opt&I thOs0 power6 is noe a lo@lly organize6 bank u&w the laws of this Stetz, dth power, mm& others, *to rcoeivo mrm3~ on tl= d~pOsits.a Truotin~ t&at m;ic Fill lxlvc ansaerod YGUr puostions satlsfectorily, we are OS-A!H