Bonoroble 8. C. Branson
Comdssioner, Dapartaent of'BenkIng
Austin, reacaa
lo.hare your le
tho parpose of
loa of aloptiag
u&or 8.8. Ho.
6# Aaa of lQaQ*
etlag executed by all *took-
add oorporatloa.
A OertiPied copy OS the reso-
the stockboldors of the l&r-
& Employee Industzlal Bank,
adopttfngthe powore provided ior under
6. E. so. 268.
'4. An af+fidavitof all the 6tock-
holders of the Ksrcbante 0 Employes In-
dustrial Bank to the effeof that the en-
Hon. F* C. BmnBon - Pago 2
tire runruntuf'eei(Lcapital stook of
eai&tor~rationaas and
aatua11g p&i in fn aaah.
"5. A oert.iPl.oate of the b&r-
chDntaE:P~legf3a kaa.Istria3u~
06rtiqrsns. the mloption of the e&IA-
tianal pev5m ae pm~idod for uear
8. B. NO. 268, b&n&$ it copy of the
aertifloato of authovity esaeutoabg
aw.3ae Goszaissioner
of this
state, oereifying mat the ftwahante
lriaorpwdi~, snd ds antitled ,*o 8x-
eraiso, not only the pmer5 granted
to it luxler its ol%giat%l lat%rter,
but Aa adrllffoatbamto, all the
pouars proviaoafor under 8. B . 268.
'I hare mada the investigation
ElYloonolwle that the elltlreanw?mt
of tho Ca@81 stock of saU Wank
hrrabeen poia in in f'nllin sabh.
*I, Has the Ee~haxrbs dtSa-
oyoo fndustriElBanlt&i
eoti?elp aaoptd the a&IS-
tonal or0 proeaea ior
and au31"
orieed UrxlQr6. B.
No. 088, 46th L5gitialatnre,
A&s of the LO&F$8lEtur8of
t&m state of TexaSI hJnmaa-
tory of hrtiol% 646, 8oQtLon
2, Title 18, of the Revimd
Giztut-saof Texas?
%o 4~0 exfube~ the instrilmnts rzforrd
to in your lottor and attoohod as esllibits thereto,
anrl fIna the sm to bo in ;xopsr Porn anA =ltogothor
sufficient for the lxqmes intended.
This jlepartmnt is of the opi'nion Xcrchantr
:: alployoG Itiustrinl EOICL';hno cffectiooly C.&GptOfi
th0 dt,iG!ULl pOVol?s FOVidGz Oti nuthorizod t0 SO-
oallod tirrie Plan Baum Luxler 6. E. 206, 46th Logis-
The 6epY‘tmnt is further of tho Opinion
that the kiQrGhE?lt6 & &Jplo3-'oslzdustrinl &ml; having
&opt&I thOs0 power6 is noe a lo@lly organize6 bank
u&w the laws of this Stetz, dth power, mm& others,
*to rcoeivo mrm3~ on tl= d~pOsits.a
Truotin~ t&at m;ic Fill lxlvc ansaerod YGUr
puostions satlsfectorily, we are