Honorable A. 7~. Frcstwood
county Auditor
Salth County
Tyler, 33xae
Dear Sir:
r:ortsrs 118 to47
an the above
this 4epart.nent.
l special Judicial Dirtriot
and ths :;e+rntt Judicial
sed of Faith, %ooC and
If so, to what extant
fund should payment ba amdo?”
Title 42, Chapter 13, Vern.::nls Annotatrd Civil
Ststutee, ‘J~&ming wfth Article 2321, YAK!endina with
and ‘inci.uding Article 2327b, prcvides fz the axeulnatlon,
Honorabla A. T. Frastwood, paga 2
appa!nLmnt, teea, aalariarr, axyensss aA manner of
payment of 0’ ficial 0oUrt reporterr for district an4
ariainal district ooorta of thla Stata. Thraa atotutes
also pmvide that such offloial reporter ahall tokc
and eubscriba tc the oifiafal oath, and in a44ition
tburato ahall subscribe to en oath to be s4mini8tarr4
to him by the dlrtrict olsrk to the effect t&et ha
will wall an4 truly, an4 in on ispartiel moaner, kaap
a correct rscor4 of all the evidence offered in aeob
oao8 reported by him, together with the objections sn4
axcaptlcns ap4e b? the parties to ouch suit, and tha
rulings and rmarma of the oourt paasinc: upon the ad-
mleaiblllty of =eetl.qony. Said statutes further set
out in detail the duties of such reporters, an4 yyuvlda
that when althar party to a civil 08aa ptinbing in th4
oounty ccurt or e county oourt et law, e~yliea tharefor,
tha judga’theraof shall appoint a aolnpetant ntanographer,
Article 2326a, Vernon’s Annotated Clvfl
:‘tututea, providea,in addition to tha ooapansetfon pro-
da04 by Law for the aar+iow3. or 0friciai iwtrrt ruport-
era,. that izelb.‘a$fic+al aourt roportura shall bo ,el.lo*rd
their adtual;“‘.ah~“‘naoaas6ry lxpenaaa uhila aetuallf an-
&aga4 in the 4lsahargo of auah butloo not to osom4
rc;lr dollera per day for hotal bills, not to *roar4
four Cahta a mlt1.r when travaling by rellroad or bt
boa, act to ucard ten oaata a al10 Pman trerrlily
by priV@te -oOBv4yanca, in gO%.k@$0 aUd r4tlwhg fr0~
tbs pleoa whsru auoh duties am dlsoharglrd, trevallng
ti.6 shortact pnatical routs. Thla atetuta furthw
oats out in dots11 the mmner by whioh auoh sxpsnsaa
shall ba pari4 an4 i’rota what ftanda, upon the sworn
ststamant of the reporter, approrsd by the Judas.
None of th6 abore mintlone str?tutes prorlda
fir the expenees for stationery en4 office su~pllea
f:;r ouch rcport8re.
In nusieroua cn6,ea rwhloh wa do not dean ncc-
essary to oita, the cnurts hsva hold that the conraie-
sicnera’. coo:rts are oburta of li,:~itad jurlsdictlon, an4
tbst their authority extends only to matters ycrtaln-
ing to the Censral welfare 31 tl:el.r raspect:Te ccuntiaa,
end that their powers are only tkosa e%xessly or i,~-
pliedly cxferrad upon them by low; tkt:t ie, by the
Constituticn firili stetutee oi the State.
After a careful search cf %.a at;:tutes and
other outhcrltits, ?'e find no Etntuta