&82orabla 5. B. Buahnmn, Jr.
county attmlsy
val Verdn county
Dirtrtot aud county *ttornoys, upcfa
request ahuu give an opiaiim m amtee,
in writln(Jto 4llyoountp or pr0olnot of-
itom of r&sir district or oourity tmoia-
h6 their offiolal dutim.”
%morable 3. 3. Iiuohanrn, Jr., pgs 2
“frr View Of the fast thet tha fun4 ia ,mrrly
bei- ha&l by olryk subject
th4 to an ruder bl the
cOOr%fO? th6 bmrflt Of the aetlul owllar or owners;
3Aa alnor ar1ther thr strta Of Taxas Do, the county
: Ymes kly hot
that the Ccunty Clsrk, in 111
prob*blllty, dll
be s nwalsal Irhough neerseary party
to a suit, to astabli%h tha taricms interests is 6
iMa 86po6it64 wlbh said Clerk, dhqusliiy the
County Attorney frao aat- da attocnsr for the
prinaipal ounsr Qr olalJmnt7'
Thsrs a011 bs so gurstlon that OJMof thr UuUrs of
a hlAty httDrA4y is t0 giVa rdriw to o5UntJ
OffiOUTS, rbrn
80 r4QU636kd, tOUOhb&BhOlP 0ffi6ial aUtf66. ft ~66 5n hOid
Ln Clbmn v. Wvls, 236 5. :Y. 202, but It wss also ho&3 in
thst cm;10 that the atxmiarl~ers~ aburt uefa not ra6sriotaa to
thr Baplojiarentof t&s County Attorney. Xt is wsU 86ttl6d in
this State that Cau@ty snd Ulstrlot Abtwfiays mrs rspolrrd to
crfora only tbass Butts8 vinloh am iqossd am thsm by 14~.
P 8 bh4wrrrr r0ii09fa that*iaW6 no duty 16 ~wmd dpoa auoh
County ~ttornry, thsn suoh eoanty e?flolal OT 6am.ia#Io6or6~
emart CRA aan,atraot vtth %hr County Attares) to r6prrSmt hia
in ma fmuAtyiA aourtOA theirml&3l~~~~t.
m4 olerk has 119 orilalal duty to prr0am hrrar
this duty being to pay over OWtain aroniso to the par*Y Or
pm,ies deui&natrd by the osnrt. Z%zls is hia cmlr duty.
.sung thl5 line, 8hle dqwr?mkt also aslls toor
6ttsnutm 00 Arbialo 339, Vornon~c ~~0tma Civil Statntes~
whiah rs4da 4s follasr
!lonorablr 3. l3. lluahanan, pge 3
KA thfs wmvmtlcm, WI QaU ynur r6bsaticm to Brya
f. Lmds , 27 8. 4 (2d) 604, whrrda the 4eart sala thst -3u
attOZ!Atl$' stay
rapresuntc~ul advrrsc intareatsii not oonfliot-
irlttdth kBOwl6dg6 n6d 6036~t 0r btb pBftiO#. maa9 the
iah SWNa by OU th664 wcnld &Ot be M 6&W@* i&U!ISt aad
would i lip tb
not Qlaqua oouaty attmney rw3 sating aa attor-
nap r0r the prlnolpalmmet 02 rlalmant.