Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU8TIN Honorable J. B. Allred County Auditor Baylor County YF---+- =ym our, -LXAS Dear Sir; ion of this departmmt on th* aboro 8 reaaioed. as follbas : Court ot Baylor County O\mty AuaZtOr to get a to payment ot expens6e fw a period running ers for extra help aa derstanding that thle offi- ed to aover any extra help th:‘ce,eLFhLYKty tidy, whfoh ln cmlr part oounty ie not large enough the oounty has paid tU8 en srnount for oonnty and iag per year, around4l,4OOdM 8 should hsri et from them fast that the expenoe &ate- ment monthly to the emrtl which ha ‘has done amI in whlah hs has not alai&ml the&~ expenses, it Is mg belief that M Ia not entitled to alah them at thlls late date. ITOn. J. B, Allred, pace S matter for the full period or any part of the nine year period.” Article 3899, Vernon’s Annotcitofl Civil Statutes, rea&a In part au follows: *(a) At the elose of eaoh month of his tenure &$ offioe eaeh offlaor named herein who is oompensated on a Pee basle shall make as part of the report now required by law, an it&.zsd and sworn statement of all the aotual and neeessaq expenses lneurred by him in the oonc¶uet of hia offlee suoh aa stn- tlonerp, stampe, telephone, premknns on offi- atslat bon&a, inaluding the, eoat of surety bon&e for hie premium on fire, bur- glary, theft, robbe nsuranoe proteatlng pub110 funds, expenses an& other neoesaary expenses, Ihe Commiesioners~ Court of the oounty of the Sheriffte reeldenee may, upon the written and 8w:rn applioation. of the bherlff stating the necessity therefor, pur- ehase equipment for a bureau of oriminal Men-- tlfleatlcn suoh-as eemerae, finger print, ear&s, inka, ohemieals, &@rOsoopes, radio and lsbora- tory equipment, filing oards, filing eebinete, tear ~:as and other equipment in keeping with the system in use by the Department of Pub110 Qafe- ty ~of this State of the United States Departsmnt ;foiustioe enU/or Bureau of Crlmlnal’fdentifloa- If suoh expenses be ineurre& In eennaotlon with’any partioular aase, sueh statement nhall neme euoh aaee. Sueh expense aoeount shall be aubjsat to the eu(llt of the County Audzttor, ~ii any otherwfse by the Connnlsaioners~ Court1 an4 Y it appears that any item of such expense wae not incurr& by auoh oflioer or eueh item wae not a neoessary expense of offioe, s~ueh item ehail be by suoh auditor or court rd$eoteU, 3.n whloh &se the aolleotlona of .lsueh item ma’y be adjudioated in tiy oourt of ooripetent~ &trlsdietlon. The am&& of salariee pai& to Aesietante aab De- puties shall also be, el~:~arly shown by suoh~offi- owl plvinC the name, position an8 amount peicl eaoh; and in no event ahall any offioer show Hon. 3. 5, Allred, page 3 any graater amount than actually paid any such Aseistant or Deputy. The amount of suoh ex- Pensee, together with the amount of salaries paid to Assistants, Deputies and Clerks nhall be paid out of the Pee8 earned by such offioer. The Commlsulonerst Ijourt of the oounty of the Sher$ff*s residenee~may, upon the written and sworn applloation of the Sheriff stating the neeesnity therefor, allow one or more nutomo- bile8 to be uPred by tile Sheriff ln the dis- oharge of hie oifiaial dutlee, which, if pur- ohaeed by the County, ehall be bought in the manner preaoribed by law for the purchase of supplieli and pald for out of the Oeneral .Fund of the county and they shall be and remain the property of the county. The expenee of mainte- nanee, depreolation and operation of suoh auto- mobiles a8 may be allowed, whether purehaeed by the aounty or owned by the Sheriff or his De- puties pereonnlly, shall be paid for by the Sheriff and the amount thereof shall, be reported by the sheriff, on the report above mentioned, fin the seme manner as herein provided for other expenses.* The Commlssloners~ oourt Is a oreature of the State aonutltutlon, and In the exooroise of its functions, the oourt’e power, authority and duties are strlotly lim- ited to those expreivsly or impliedly conferred upon it b the Constitution and the ‘laws of this aitate~. Aats outai l e of these definite bound6 are null and void. (Mills County 88. Lampabaa dounty, 40 S1 W. 403 Oommis6lonere~ Court of Madison county va. Wallie 15 8. 4 (Sd) 55881 Satsfleld v. Sheppard, 59 9, W. (8d) lhlg Van ~oeenberg v& ~J.ovett, 173 5. PI. 508 Miller ~~8~ Brown, 515 S, V. 45St Texa8 Curia. Vol. ll, pp. L-5). Oonee uently, from the proposition and, authoritlers eited above, be Pore the aommissionars oourt in the aitua- tion now oonfronting UB ean legally pay the aounty olerk money representing expenses of that office over a nine year period, there muet be mome expreseed or implied authority found in the Conetitutlon or the laws of this State eonfer- ring that right or Juetlfying that aetiO& The county officials of Baylor County are aompen- sated on a fee basis. Artlole 5899, supra, ragerdlng ths expen8es of oounty offlaiale, with few exaeptions~, has been IIOn. J. B. Allred, page 4 dn the same form during the nine year period WC now have under oo~slderation. This atatuts has alwape allowed the expenaoe enumerated therein for oounty offioials oompensated on a fee basis, inourred by them in the oonduat of thair offioae. Howeqer, these expenses wera never paid by the oounty, but the amount of suoh expenees, together with th8 &mount OS 5alarlee paid to assistents, deputfss and olerka wera to be paid out of the fess earned by auoh offioer. Under the old statute (3899, 234397)suoh expanses and sala- rice were to bs paid out of the cixoess feee earned by suoh officer. ??ow, under the present statute, suoh expenses and salaries are to be paid out of the fees earned by suoh offi- 0er. Said offloer oan le@.ly dedaat the salaries of his assistants and deputies and the authorized expenses under Arti 3099, supra, in arriving at his maximum oompensatlon. Tha county has paid the count olerk ex-offlolo oompensation in the approximste 5um Of $1400.00 per year dur- ing the above mntioned nine year period. The aonnnlealoner5~ oourt Is debarred from allowing oompensation for ox offloio asrviaee to oounty offioials when the oompeasation and ax- Oesa fess whloh they are allowed to rotain ehall reaoh the nudmm provided by law, A5 above stated, oounty offioialll who.am oompeaaated on a fee baste must pay their expense5 out of fees earned by their respeotfve OfflOes, and the oom- missioners' ootWt ia without authority to allow payment of the aam by the oounty. You 'are respeotfull advised that it is the opinion of thitl departmsnt that the ag;ove mentioned erpenass Of tb6 oounty ulerk should have been paid by h&n fxom fees of offios and the oounty has no suthority to pay suoh expenses. Truetlng that the forego@! fully ansWrs your inquiry, we remain Your5 very truly Al'TORhT&pCZ!XERAL OFTEXAS BY ISl8ned) Ardell Pll.lianw Afmla tant A%GX ApprMre&,Aprfi 80. 1940. Or#ves SeLlbra, First Assistant Attmney General ApprQVad1 Opinion Cor;rmlttee by BWBL Ohairman