lionorabla C. E. Maror
county Audlto?
Beoo$doohor CountY
E~O&dOChQS, I8166
DePr Xr, mmrerr
xonor6blo C. E. XQaver, Pago 2
QntOr8 into the dutlQ6 Of hi6 OfiiOO.after any prfiD(Ll'y
lh o tio n
at rhlch he r6661V.6 l OfOa r M jo r lt7 $ where86
a ocrndldate for a oountr Oft106 16 not 6~17 olrat6d ant11
the RWro;ber ehotion, and than do*6 not t&o OtfiCQ un-
til the fouOWing faWSr;l. The FQSU~tant p661bl8 d16-
qualification6 and aonfurioa6 WQ to0 obV1066 to mntion.
SUffiOO it t0 Day that U6lQW thla 6tatUt6 16 VrlY 01088-
lt followed. rs oould harQ l 6itWtiOa whrreln a ootint~
o-l!elrzan iai rupavl6lag e OOlltWt Of hi6 0111 CNIdibaOJ in
a p r lia allQotio6.
?urther, Article 2598 RQti6.d CiTil St6tUt66,
prohibit6 a eandldats fron plaolng us nf+m on thr oftlclal
ballot eioro then once, lxoopt a6 a oandlbat44 for two or
-FQ Off1066 PrZdttd by the COIMtitUtiOn. .
ArtiClQ 2978, k6V166d Cirli Statuts6. Ofti-
cial Ballot. "In all eleotlons by the peoplQ,
th6 VOte.6h611 be by oSfici41 ballot, wtioh 6bdl1
k, WsbQrSd, 65 QlQOt106 60 guarded and Oonduatbd
as to detect fraud and pm6elTO the parity of thr
ballot. 20 ballot rhall be u8Qd in rotlng’at lor
6enwv~1, prlaary or 6pealat llQotlon held to el-
mot pub110 officsr6, 6ChOt candidatQ6 far OffiC8
Or deter&m QKIQbtiOM 6Ubllrltted t0 a VOtO Of thQ
p~~ople, lXO6pt the official ballot, ~61066 other-
~166 authorleed by lmf. . . . Th0 na~43Of nd oao-
aidat rball appear more than One, upon tlZQ OXAT-
clal ballot, t aaamor
pore ofrioes ~~tttsd by the con6tltutloa to be
held W the 6a~~e~ P f -Qna l l l
?(~nderscoring ours.)
Thl6 depertrmnt, in a letter opinion addrerrred
to aa. 8. r. Kauffman, chalrsian or thQ rmmaratia Eucu-
tiV6 CO&the Of"IU~l'6Bt COU6ty, Taur,:br thQ Xommble
R. E. ClYhp, A6616tant Attorney GenfbS61, ruled 06 thi6 qUSS-
tlon a6 follows:
*Can this partr h6v6 hi6 naae plaeod 011
the ballot for thm legl6lature, and also have
hi6 owm printed on the ballot a6 a 06ndidats
ior preclrmtahairmn at the 66~1 eleOtion?a
hftm cltin& hrtic1r 2940,~R,. c. 3. of 9’6X66,
66 (msMW, drtlals 318, R. 6. S.* ArtiolQ 2978, 8. C. E.,
and Art1018 16, Section @,of the Constitut%on, Yr. may
COnChdQ6 a6 fOlbW6:
"In via of the 1ntQrpmtetlon ot the abOVQ
Eonorabla C. E. weawr, P6gs 3
rtatutar aad prorl6Ioa6 of tba Conatltutlo~, and
ln ammar to yoour~flrrtquestion you are 66Vi64d
that it 16 our OplnIoa that ao oantlldata can ham
hl6 namb placed 00 the ballot for two OfrfOO6.'
a6 agree with the eol;olurloa reached br Era Gray,
but do not reel tbat Artlolo 16, 26otlon 40, of the Conrtl-
tutlon of th6 state or T0xa6 lppllo6 to such a oa60. 240
Ealk6r v. liop9ln& 226 S. F. 1461 Falkar T. Eobley, 105 S.6.
490; Coy II. ~chnledar, 218 3. W. 499.
Thsrrfora, it 16 the oplnloa of thla drpartmnt
that an individual oanpot be a oaadlbate for the oountr
ohalrmanehlp of the Deaocratlc Farty and a aanC1dat.efor
anothzr county sl~otlrs off100 at tha 6aiw tlm.
very truly four6