Hon. Stephen P. Bsbert, Page 2
eke11 enter jadgraent on the ttirdlat or plea aad
the 8ai #hall be ereouted as provided by Chapter
4, Title 9, of the Oode ot Criminal prooedure of
the State of Texae. Provided turthesr, that the
Court or Judge thereof, In the exeraiee of sound
discretion My permit ths defenUa.nti where Jude-
men% is deierred, to remain at lsrge on his own
reoogniminoe, or may require him to enter Into
bond in a mua at leaat doubl,e the amount of the
aeeeerrt3 tlnb land ooata, oonditionsd that the
defendant and suretletii, Jointly and severally,
will pay auoh fine and ooarte unless the defendant
personally appears 05 the day set In the order
and 618ohargee the judgment fn the rammer pro-
vlde4 by Chepter 4, Title 8 of the Code of Grim-
Inal Prooedure of the Stats of Texa6; and for the
enforoement of eny Judgment enter&, all writs,
proowaee axd remetlies o? *.he Gods of Criminal
Prdeedpre are made applioeble 80 tar aa neaee-
rary t6 oarrf out’the prortrions of this ArtIole.*
WI rtatuta oleerly provibee that th6 jud:gent
shell not be deferre& for & longer period of time than six
(6) month8 ind that in, etexy inetanee where the w$qurt
ereioirrr &la, dimhtlon to defer the Judgment, hia order
60 dQiag mast f&x the date to irhioh the jtulgment is Uefer-
red, uid thet 6ay muet’not be m&e than six months from
the date of the reception of the Yerbiot or plea of guilty.
Xc242 tk Inrtenoe that the judgraent hae been
.%wa %,
iz +& a6’?ER
. T,s
a XLs
, nnnn
dieoretion, rrj permit the defendant to remain at large
on hie own retignIzanoer
TM euthority of the oonrt to permit the defendant
to remain at 1-e on his own rmognizanee where the ju4g-
ment has bra& Aeferr,ed ie~neoe8aarIlp linit.ed by the preoed-
ing prorimfoji6 of’ this rtetuts prrsoribing the period ot
time rox #hioh th# judgment mey be deterred. The authOrIt;r
of the aoura La to permit the derendent, where ju5agnent Is
defa!rdl, to’romiiin et laXg6 Ou hie Own reOOgiBanOe during
the period ot Qefersent, AnF,ettempt on the part of the
0-t, b]r arder, to dti9r juag4tmi fnbefInitel~, or beyond
th0 air 8mhltr pcrxltra;, ox to’ pqmit tlke. defendant to ramin
at large OQ .h$u owx reabgniranoe Ixdetlnitelf, OF becnb
the 01~ months peri&, .*@Ld not, only oonsti~tute a violation
Hon. stephan P. Hebert, Pege 3
of the protlslons of ArtioLe 698, but would aonetitute RII
rttenpteff exeroise of the p?+rdonIng power, 1 powor n.Uch is
veeted by the Conetitutlon of the State of TeXPe exolus5.~o-
ly In the Governor of this St-te,. euhJeot, of ooureo, to the
nffinmtive reaommendation of the Bonrd of ::?nrdona & tkroles.
Trueting tlmt the foregoing cnawaro yo.ur queetlon,
we sre
Yours very truly
R. ii’. Fnfrohild