Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

The Attorney’ General of Texas October 22, 1985 JIM MATTOX Altorney General supr0m9 c4m 8ullelw Eouorablc 8. Tati !Lturtieeteban ~piaion AO. Jx-363 P. 0. BOX 12540 chnirmnn Aualln, TX 79711-2546 Natural Rc~ourcc~ Ctmdttec Re: Authority of A judge to 5rZN7+2501 Texas StAtA SeaAts restrict the type of ball T*Ior 91w57L1357 P. 0. Box 12068, C.al@tol Station available to s defendant l*lecoplw 512l47M295 Austin, Texas 78’l:ll Dear Senator Saatimteban: You have recpesttd our opinion regarding the authority of A magistrate to restrict the type of bail available to AIL accused. 4524 Alber(a me., swe lb0 Artlclc 17.01 of the Code of Criminnl Procedure define6 “ball” AS El Paso. TX. 7-2793 915i53&348( the secu~clty given by the accused that he till appear md ausver before the proper court the 1001TOXEE.sutte 700 sccusatj,ao brought against bin. md Includes a Nou¶lon. lx. T7w2-3111 ball bor,d, or a personal bond. (Papbaeis added). 7lY223YU16 l-bus * Gill” 16 merely an undertaking by au accuecd, for the purpose of cffecl,i.ng his release. It cnn takn At lesst two forms a06 aroadw*y. SUIIO312 under the statute, A “ball bond” or a “persoual boud.” These two Lubbock. TX. 794013(79 Ka747a236 kinds of bail ‘51 not appear to be exclusive aud. gloen the magistrate’s broa’i discretlou in fixing ball, other forms of security may be autbo&ed, See - V.T.C.S. Art. 1715. 4309 N. Tmlh. Sub B YcAlm. TX 76501-1685 512m245.47 One form of “6ecurlty” specifically authortied 16 the ball bond demribed in nrtic:lc 17.02: 2w Makl Plur. sutte 4m A ‘bail bond’ 16 a vritten undertaking eutered San Antonlo. TX. 762052797 Fnto b!r the defendant and his suretIc for tbc 512a25-4191 sppearance of the prlnclpsl therein before sow court (81 magistrate to au6ver A criminal ~CCU~A- tioa; p:ov%ded, hovever, that the defendant upou execution of 6uch ball bond may d6po6it vith the cuetodl6n of fund6 of the court in which the orosemtlon IA vendian current wncy of th6 United itot. 1,~ the &aunt of. the bond 10. liau of having euretGi eignlng the tame. . . . (EMPHASIS iddcd),- Another form of “security” specifically 6uthorlred is the personal bond deecribad III article 17.03: .. I \. HOaOrAble H. TAti SAntieAtebAn - IPAge 2 (JH-363) The court before whom the cane 16 pending AA~. in it6 discretion, reltaee the defendnat on hi6 perrooal bond without 6ureties or other 6ecurlty. In light of the6e conslderc&lone, YOU AAk: 1. May the court require A defendsot to po6t bail fa CA6h only? 2. May the court Bet the amount of boil but Agree to nccept A caeh percentage in lieu of that AWUUt? 3. iay the tour t 6Ct A differential boll Amount depending upon the type of bond. &. A cash bond of $1,000 or A surety bmd of $lO,OOOt In Ex psrte DeAtoa. 582 !;,W.2d 151 (Tex. Crlm. App. 1979). the trill court hsd ordered A defendant to post “A $15,000 cn6b bond for nppeal purposes.” The court of criminal nppesls held the& [t]he Authority grs,ated the court in Article 44.04 to . . . ‘impose reasonAble coaditloas on bail pending the fia%:tity of hi6 convictioa’ does not vest the court with the discretion to require A cash or surety bond to the exclusion of the other. 582 S.U.2d At 153. LiMee. la Ex parte Rodriguez. 583 S.Y.2d 792 (Tex. Crib. App. 1979). the C,DUrt of Criminal Appeal6 said that A requirement th6t A bond “be ]wsted ia cssh is not nuthorized under lrtlcle 17.02.” 583 S.W.2d At 793. We conclude that A mAgi6trnte may not require la AccuAed to post il bail bond in CASb only. As to your second questl.oa, boil 16 by 6tAtUt6 the 6ecurlty required by A magistrate And May Include A boil bond or A persoaal bead. We constnse your question to inquire whether A court my set A “boil bond” fn A certain 6mount nad then agree to Accept A leseer pcrceatnge la lieu of the face ammat of the “boil bond.” Although SuCb practiCs hA6 6ppAreUtly existed ia VAriOU6 TexA6 jurl6dictions, 6ee 7 8. Wl116oa, Texao CriailUll Forms, 147.19 (Texas Prsctice 1977). rdo not believe it i6 sutlwrired by section 17.02. We offer no opiaioa oa the coadltioa6 that A magi6trate May require in conjunction vith the issu~ace of A per6onr.l bond under eectioa 17.03. Fia~lly, we believe it jr Cl-r that A osgistrrte msy not set A “dif fereatinl boil Amount” d’cpendiag upon whether A CA6h or surety bond i6 used. The r6AsOdag of ruch cA6e6 AS Denton sad Rodriguez iadicrter th6t. if A Court ftiH:S boil in tbe 6IMJUat Of $23,000. it MY not, under the term6 of nrtic:ic! 17.02. require thnt -at if the boil Is 6Ati6fied by eurety bond. hut Accept A leS6Ar amount if the bail 16 p. 1666 Roaornble H. Tot1Snatie6tcb4~mi - PAge 3 (JH-363 6Ati6fied by CA6h. We emphcdse, however, thAt nrtlcles 17.01 And 17.15 confer upon A court brood discretion, 60 hllg AS it 16 rlaeoosbly exercised. in 6ett:tag boll. A smglstrste hns brood discretion in rettlag the Amount nad coaditioa6 of boil which on Accused mu6t sntlsfy to dbftnia hi6 release. Be may not, however, require 1~11ACCU6ed t0 pO6t bAi1 iD cnsh only I nor ray be set A differeotirl boil bond amount depending upoa whether A cash or surety boad i6 glvea. J f% Very truly you & J In tlATTOX Attorney General of Texas TOM GREW Pirst Assistant Attorney Gawral DAVID R. RIGRAFDS Executive Assistant Attorney Gencrsl ROBERT GRAY Specinl Assistnat Attorney G~eaernl RICK GILPIH ChAirmAn. Opinion Committee Prepared by Rick Gilpla ASSiStAnt Attorney kD6rAl APPROVED: OPINION COKKITTBE Rick Gilpla. Chairman Colin Cnrl Susan GArri6oa Toay Guillory Jim noellinger Jenalfcr Riggs SArAh Woelk p. 1667