Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

834 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY QENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN on m the questions veb hy thib depart- lreloufm~ Cwzt have authorlzs the erprnUltum of to aover the erpenea of re- tlveewho have fled to aac\ther Ii the pnqsiliiag qus~Woa ie clamrend .lnthe 8fflrm~tlva, would the eotmty be llr- 31s for such expnae if lnarlrrea cn the ini- tfstlv ‘of the Disbriatirttoziey ot the 5hrri?f,or both, ulthoutthe lxpenae bslng firstlUtbooriae8 by t:,eC~owiaaionera* Court? *It l:oI.onmn Ccwnty liablefoC the!ax- ;snss of going after 8nU cetuming a fugitivs oha ed with the ooml8~ion of offoneewlth- In 3l s Couutybut who hoe fled to mathe? State? *I? the above qussttonla anawemd In the rtiIrc?%tIve,would the Countyk liable oventhou~h th8 fut?ItIve had not hem Iadlct- OU by the Grand Ju.? Toula the t?herif~have an.$'eu?,hFrIty to go beyond the border or this elate end ratunr l prisonnr rltbautfirst obtalnl~ xWqutrltIun as prwiaea in drtlcla,lGOS an& 1006, Ccd0 ot Criminal%medur~?* Ariloles:lOORand 1006, Code af Crintlual rrooo- dum, read aa follower ~&art,lGG!L Yilttm the Coverncrdeema it proper to damanda psreonwho has oosl- 'fitteden oitmm IO thla Ctate and haa fled to anotherState or territory,he may aamIuIonany ruItable parsantotelre such’ requl8ItIoo. The aoouaad, If broughtbeok to thenState, shall be dellvbredup to the rheriffof the eouatpIn whlah It Is alleg- ed he has oonmltted the Wfen8e. “Art. 1006. The offloor or permu 80 ooernieslonrdshall rec~lveas aom~nmtlon the lolual and nooeasazytmrsllxq expearer upon requIrItIonof the Cwernor to be allw- ed by auah Gwernor and to be psi@ out or the State Treasury upon a omtIf1cst.e of the Cmawnor reaftlugthe serviceerenderatl and the ellowaneetherefor.* On July 6 1933, thle Eepartmnt hslc?2n an oplnlonwritten by iron.T?ruce H. Wyent, Assistant Attorney Cenerel,eddrwsed to Ron. Morqe B. Sheppard, Canptrolltrof Fubllo Aaccunts that the sheriffmufat lock alaae to Article1006 tar hla can~nmtlon, whioh Is payehle out ot the OovernoPa I.r:w Xn?crcament Fun&; Said oplnIon Is ?To. G-1016. Hoat.Trm A. Cmren, Fags 3 vIdee ttit'fheV. S. Cods, Title 18, :~actlcn'bbE, gro- 'e1u1ooet8 or expnaee Incurr4dIn the apprebandlng, eeourlw and trnnemI:.tlngeuch fugitive to-the State or torrltorymekinq euoh &mend, shell be paid by euoh State ox terrltotj.” in ths oaee of Er pm-te C-oodrmn,182 I;1p IleO, the oourt held thet the leas of Texas ere govemod bye the above aentlomd lct. Con(greeelona1 The above watione6 Fednr41 etatutaprwlbes that all ooate or exponeee Inourre4 in the epprehendleg, aecurlw and trenemlttl~ of the Sugltlve to the Etnte or territory 4emnUlz~& sh411 be paid by that rtate. Wo quote from Texee furleprudenee, Vol. 39, pa6e'81184 tallowsa 'in aa8e the Gwernor deem it proper to 8onuu1d a poreon iran another Stete, he rosyo~eelon lny suitable person to take ml& rlaquIsItIcn.The oe@er 6r person eo caamInelonedread&pas awh oomp0watIon ior the aervloe ee the Cavernor ellowa, to be peld out of the Stats Tr44euxq upon 8 aertl- tlcate of the Governor. Th4 lccur~ed on be- ing brought beok t@thie State io delivered to tlm ahesifi of the aounty In whioh it Is al&~@ that he qomlt~ntl the 0ff4nw.~ Sac the oaee Xx %rta Plnkw, 215-q 2nd 334. in the folldwlng asset, Qomiualonere* clourt of fradiaon st al, 15 EX 2nd County,et al ve. :7gllac)4, 535; 2aldwInve. Trevle C,ounty, 88 68:MO, and n(pmBrou4 other oasesahioh ne do not deen n4aessm-y to cIt4, It was held that the otxm$yoomfnaionersl court hes no Qlc4r or suthcrIty,4 ept ouoh as ti.cmfermd upon theme xf the CnnetItutIrnenYt atntLt4aof this state. Bon. Tom A. ~revesl, Tap3 4 not authorize the ComaIsv,ionera~Court to er~end' covntfr fund8 to lover the ergenre of returning fuglhve8 uho 1 hove fled to another State. Thererore, your first quee- tlon la answered in the negative. As we have enrwared your first quelitlonln the nmgstlrr, it la nob neomcrBaryto ans'er queatlon#.Ez, 3 m&u 4. The rtatutuer speolflcallyproviCe a definite' prooeburr for returnin& fuaitivea aharged with the aom- mI8810n H offenrer within this State who have fled to another State and those statutes provide that when the Corernor deeme It proper to 4omend a pereon who has om- mitted an offense in this State and bae fled to another State or territory,h+ my oomaisoloa any suitable perron to take suoh requisition. It Ie a ~11 reao&zsd prinoi- pie of law tha ,xhero the Le&sleture presokibee a defl- nits and oerta!11method of prooedure to be followed, other methods are by lm9lloatlonoi lew excluded. See the ease of Foster va. City o? Xaao (bup. Ct.) 286 5.~K. llO+. a. reply to the lest queetlm above quoted, lou are rerpeatfullyadvlaed that lt.~iethe oplnlon of thir dmpastment thet the mherI.ff.wou.l.dnot hsvr tuthorl- ty to QO beycnd the border of thle s;te;aend return a prlroner without firrt obtaining requleiticna8 provide& in Artloles 1005 end 1000, 20ai-3 0: Criminal Frocedure, Xe dealre to state, howmer, that in the fore-. mlng opinioa we two not pasciincupon the lafglity OS an oftloer'e.aot :o returnin@ a fugitive of T+)XHSfrom another atate, whed euoh Su&ItIve h96 voluntcrrlly wolved extra- dltlon es Is frequently done. Eowevvr, ln all buoh oeae8, nolther the State of Texas nor tha county oen lepally pay to the offIaer return% the fugitive my expeaaea fnaurred by him beyond the Sttite llae. Trustlnp that the forefrolngi'u31gimewera your Inquiry,we remain Your8 very truly