Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Aquat 5, 1949 Hono Allen wverr OpiniQU10~ v-875 Qovernw’ of Texas Capitol Building Re: Authority of the Qewernor Austin, Texas to approve twe aoosunts of a sheriff, acting as an Attention: Mr. Ransom agent of the State, for ao- tual and a~o6sarg travel- ing wipsnras lnmuwd br him on two trips to rrtuxn tha same f&tire to Texas, Dser Qovomor: Refwenoe is ude to your rrquast for an op@ion, which reads : “Plea88 advise the undersign& 08 the following facts: The Sheriff of Yllls Coun$~ went te Callformriaafter a fugitlvm and returned him to Goldthwalte. The prls- oner escaped from the Qoldthwalte jail and returned to California. The Sheriff, under a’seoend set of extradition papers, has q a lng o nolftrr hire Should both lpensm l~coumts of the agent ma rharlrf Iso paid bf this offioe under the Statute osveriaq tha payment by the Strto for the roturirn of iuJltivos under a writ by tha Uove~ner?* Ue are advised that the Shwifi *i‘Mills CrpItJI aoting as agent of the state, has rharnod the fugitive to Texas and lodged him in jail* Article 1005 and Section 1 of Article 1006, Vor- n@n~s cod4 ef Crimlmal Procedure, read as fellewsr AI%. 1006: %hon the Govwnordeems it proper to demand a person who has commltted an offense in this State and has fled to another Stat. or territory, he may commission any suitable porsolato take such raquisltlon, The ao- ousod, If brought back to the State, shall bo delivered up to the sheriff of the county in ., Bon. Allan Shivers - Page 2 (V-873 ) which it is alleged he has committed the offense." Art. 1006, Sec. 1: "The officer or person 80 commission- ed shall receive as compensation the ac- tual and necessary traveling expenses upon requisition of the Governor to be allowed by such Governor and to be paid out of the Statr Treasury upon a certificate of the Governor reciting the services rendered and the allowance therefor," The Governor not only has the authority to ap- prove the account of the agent of the State, Sheriff of Mills County, for the actual and necessary traveling ex- penses incurred by him on his first trip to California, but it is his duty to do so, Insofar as he may find it to be correct. Opinion No. V-520, A sheriff or other peace officer of this State has no jurisdiction beyond the boundary of Texas. When a sheriff has been commissioned by the Ifovemor, under the provisions of Article 1005, to go to another state and re- turn a fugitive from justice to this State, hs acts as an agent of the State - not in his official capacity aa sher- iff - and travels both within and without the State in that capacity. Opinion No. V-525. It was the duty 0r the Sheriff of ldillsc0unty to retake the prisoner after he escaped from jail, if ho could, anywhere within this State, the limit of his juris- diction. Opinion No. o-3010, But had neither the au- $o;,i;Isnor the duty of retaking him beyond the boundary D Therefore, if the fugitive were to be returned to Texas from California where he was captured, it would be necessary for the Governor , upon proper request being made to him, to commission some suitable person or officer an agent of the State to return him, The Governor 80 com- missioned the Sheriff of Mills County,.who performed his duties as such agent, returned the fugitive to Texas and lodded him in jail. Therefore, under the plain provision8 of Section 1 of Article 1006, he, as such agent - not as sheriff - is entitled to be paid by the State such actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duty ae such agent. Hon. Allan Shivers - Page 3 (v-w3 ) Where a Shariif, comlrrloned by th8 Governor an agent of the State, return8 a fugitive to hi8 jail from whioh he l 8- oaper and flee8 from the State and the Gov- ernor again corrlsslons the Sheriff to re- turn the fugitive, whloh he does, the Gov- ernor may approve hi8 acoount8 for aotual and neoerrary traveling lxpen8e8 lnourred in making eaoh trip. Art0 1005 and Seq. 1 of Art. 1006, V.C.C.P.; A.0, Opinion8 mium- bered V-520, V-SM, and o-3010. Your8 very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEKAS ..kM-w BY Bruoe W. Bryant BWB:amm:nb A88irtant