EoaorableT4s c. Hag, Fags 3
‘fn riew or the hot t&at tas Coaptrollarha6
fU7186d tltl*departmnt h, till not aooept our pa ,$oll
wbrre mom tha8 000 oks, 1u 9188*6 lgsdnrt a 8,&,.
ia68 of f~pp~~p~i~ti~a8~4 i8 V~OV 0f th8 ra0t t a3
bu moa8uaFy to lay off nay of our sqploysr tt ml& 8
ooaatruotba I8 plaaed on our r;qropriatlon, f wouU
lp p r uo ir te
ycut i8uledLRL4attantloain ToQl~lngto tbie
rot the Yaarr mung
Ay9&Sl* Axrl =,
AuOl~ - (c&oo~ bari8
at rcot to uxor8d UslaFy
Supenirirg Mdatant 300.00 aoath 3‘400.00 3,600‘00
Supsnislag a8sirteat so0 acnth 3,600.00 s,two.oo
Supenisi. MS%8tent (‘k
.Ot3o~atb I 3,600,OO 3,60&00
3fmlorA83 stant ($a76&0 mcoth)...... 3,300.OO 3,300.cKt
senior M8lrtent(j875.00 sooth).‘*...3,300.00 3,300*00
Sentor Mrirtant 3,300.00 3,300.00
3amt-38alorAralutaat 3,000.00 3,000.OO
Seal+eaiar kmfutunt 3,000&O 3,000.W
.sonl-sunior 3,000.OO 3,OW.OO
See-funlor ~&OO.~ &,iKM.~
We wderstanb that tha qwrtion with wbioh Ou am
coaaarned 1s w&other the state Aadltor has the autheSI ty to
URp~oy 80s. than om pereon at thm @‘a6 tire to ill an or taa
rltloam provided for La t&a section or tha appsoprirtI oa biu
r eNhibd0re #e bullme t&t thir question au& bo
88#WM’Ud143 the f8Ot8 SUktiw t0 tb )SO~S diM
0r tba butiur or your orfm rntl8l80 ia rier or tha
vhicti your orriao bar boao operated in the iart. se bsllevwthat
iP 18 proper to prsmce Pat the Luglulature lntondod W pro50
~OUS atriee TV bs opmd4 la tha aest &floisnt ~~LILM? pOs8%ble,
tithls the 1tritaUons of the appm riatiooraada, uld tbat th0
iagirlatrurbab Ln ah& the namer PR whluh four offLo* had bees
opsFate4 ln the part.
Rowrabla Tea c. rln6, Pw 8