Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. 0. 3. 3. Elllagson Osnarsl Kaaager T6X66 @iUOtt sr6tU4 flont6Vill6, T4X%6 &6r Of tb6 L6#6l6tUr6 b6 4r dir6atly or indiraa017, is htka E&eta, or auy ocauatytheza- -7 1bW 9M86d ‘bXl%B~ th6 t6Xm haV6 b46n &6Ot4d.* 8111 487, ihot*of t&a Fortpslxth l&816- tur4, is tb6 baat4ral b696Tkearlktd kpproprlaahh $111 96486d ior the Warrant bimnha. Th6 699?09ri~tdQX~ ior th6 TOX%C~Frfaott 87Et0i~ 6Ontaia6 Und6lr the h66d%St~ %61i¶t4U6LIO6 and m1~6061~l.an60u8* the ?d.l6dtx& tuo it@!@@ BOU. 0.5.5. Zllln~son, psffaZit tlU&%rd *l" tQd *6* r88p6OtiV64t *0I'OO6l'166 * I I&$180,0~.00;liY68tOok, f64cd lUld846d t + + ~9!5,000.00* Tb6 p~rOh%s6 Of lit68tOOk for 6cting pm90666 fell8 with,inth6 OhdfliiiOStiO% Of -~066ri66*, W3116 thb jurth%me of liY6mtouk for work 8nd breedin pu+ ~~666 603X?dl witbin tha ooveraga Of th6 it6a l@l fterntook, f426d6tldS66d". The pWWh%06 or lir66took by th6 8t4t6 Frlaon would be by vtEtU6 6t 6UtbOrit7 .3yst.&n and funds oottferrtd by S.B. 487. Th6 uOnmtitutiOn%l Jnhlbltion 00Dt6la6d in J&t& al6 ?i,Piir6griph16, ot the Ooniltitution o? T6x66, 6bot6 qUOt66, WOVld a$'+917 t0 6 OOUfr*Qt iOr th6 8616 Of 11V6- st00k to th6 St&t4 Prison SyJyet6a b7 a a4nbsC oi th6 ?bxas LsgislatuP4 undsr the Otaeral L?sQartmntal @9r0- PriatlOU Bill ps356d dU?itIu th6 tttrp Of th6 ht~f616ttW6 for wbloh ?,holatter wwt 6le6t66. Th6 tin6r61 D69art- nsnta1 Appropriation Bill in this inStan S.B. 489 tall8 Within tb6 purV16W Of th6 pbrSS6 "an;ll6W p6866d dxzlng th4 tarm of whloh h6 shall hare been 616otsd.* -X4 think it ep&WeBt that t&6 int4tRtiOn Of th6 aboY Ql6tl56 Qt the COnatitut~On *aa to ab- aolutsly pro!;lbltany $eraon Ron entarln8 into a uontr6ot with th6 state or uountp authorised by 6t6tUt6 passed by l%$l6l%ture of &lab oar- taln person *a6 a sxmb%r.* CGWiii~!%C~CFXBXGX ot the A'.tOrtiaY o&n6r%.l*6D6- plrtzent. NO. L.C. A&. Bu%b6=# * e * u a person who w%6 a I&ember of th6 Lag- lcrlatureat the tima of the 6naotmaat or whaa 18 ksown ae the Sot6 :'l&hwq Caaalsalan Law oixld aot lawful17 m%ko a aontrtot with a ooun- t7 for road oonstruutionwork inrolri~ iun66 awarded to eaah oounty by th6 atnta ??.ighw67 Oom- mlselon. 36 think 016% thst a person who '106a Hon. 0.f.S. Elllngaon, puge 3 msaber of the Sate Senate at tfie tleo ai the enaotment of the law approprlatin(t re@atration teeato the 3tete r'igt*ray CdsPlon would not lawfully oontreot with a oouity whom funds q- propristd by ma& sot are to ba lxpeaded. An e~proprlatloa act 18, 0r ooursm, e law. tie seotion 6, krt101o 8, sat* conob~t~tlon.* It 1s would our opinion that It bo violetire of 6eotlon 10 or dkrtlolt 3 or ttie Conatltutlon or Taxa8 for a ammbar of the hglelature to ee$l llro8took or lm., other mmmodlty to the Tcxes Prison Syetta ?i&rou&h the Boerd 0r c0r;trolor to my other stat0 mp8rtmt dma the authority r0r the ptuotmeo Is oonferrrd en4 the nonor to pay ror lireatoek or other ooemodl~ lr qpre- prlated under the General D@partmentel Approprl&tioa Bill paaeed during theters ror whleh utd member or the Leglelature wa* elected. Tr::etlagthet we have fully anowere4 yeur inquiry, we ore ?our8 very truly lrl?mtsm acar%RALO? TX&3 Inal. a.+3: (with enolorura Board 0r aoatrol 6.02 (rlth enoioeure Q0mptrolluc of state oi Texao. APPROVE~OCT 23, 19% -..fL?L&d ATTORNEY C$,I!TZP,AL OF TEFAs