Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN sr. mnr1os lt.Baughppao, allot Clerl$ 88psrtaaat or ~i4QltQr0, baettin,Tuxas noar sir.; leth end isothroqault- eldonr heve ‘boonto. Sr, CharlosB. Baaghm~, Pye 8. and thu reaainder at suah foos fop:sQah season- ,a1 holp as iuaybe uoaossary, and other exph~sos lnaidart to’tbo pro&m administrationab the above Aat. ,.-For tho fiaaal years onding A st Sl, 1940 and AUgQet Sl, 1941, all foes and7 of UA- oxpsndod bdAQOOb mhiah bat. been ro00iroU uod uhioh.may bo rewired by virtue ot. 8.. B. SO,:- WI :B.B. SS9, Aiots & the FOrty-fittb;L~&#la- two, and ae ammded by blotmts Bill 84 of t&a First CalledBsadon or tbo Forty-fifth Lo&- lature,are bmoby ap9ropriatodaftor they &all harr bem5 dopositod in +h* Stata.Troa- auryfor the r0iiarriti8purposret nimat~ or.mdiog *8d.~io0dp4g14 .’ the A&oaX$uril Frotootlv .: Aot Assistant Biroeta? . . . .. . . e ,. . ml3pootor’ . . . . . . . . ~. . . .‘. muathe roan$86ar,or 'auah faoa r0r euoh auamk *hr iho il8osl,i& &lng kagm,t sl 194Wand Augaiit 91, 1941, all roes and/or-d OXpDQdOd balaAeo# whioh,haat beoQ m8eiYoQ aI%& uhiab aat ~,TOOOIV,UIIby Yfrtue c$ It.8. 500, Beguler Semdoa of the Forty-eeaoadLeglela- tars aa assaildid,and B. 8..888, Aot6 of t&e Roguiar Somdon of the lkrtpsixth Lqiibtaro, are hureby appropriated after thuy &all baw beeA deposited iA t&o State TroaaQ;tJI,for the followbw pprppdeosr CuOr Of th6 aitTQS wiQ.S%tY aQ6 Stenognphar-Bookkeeper . . . . . . and tha'romlnbef cvfruoh hutQs tcr suah sea- sonal help a8 kay bo AaaossaxyaAa othar~sr- J?UQtSOE iQdd@At tU thS pTOI)OrSdraiAiEtZStiOU cc the ebova ,AMl#. xr. char106 B. Baugbacm,Pa80 5. R*For tho fisosl roar8 ending.August Sl, 1940, and August ST, 1941, 611 teoe and/or On- expended balamoa whioh bars booA~reaeirod and whloh may be rsaolred by virtue of H. B. 625, Aote of the Roguler Seerion of the Forty-third' Loglelaturo,.aoemandod,are horebyeppraprla- ted a fterth e ylbell have besPldopoeltod IA tho St&o Tro8ertn for euob eoeaonal holy ae may be Qeaoeaexy,-aQdother OX:WAI)OOin&d&t t0 the 9roperadniAletmtfOA of the abavo Aot, IA0 aMua1 aalarlea to be paa OQt of fhM fbO6). Vloaee advles whether tho Qwmledonor of Agriaulture in tho adninistmtlon ottho above Aate, hai tho'&sthodty to approve ox- penae aoaounte lnourrod by oanployooeof the hpaZ%aeQt iA the UdniAietmtiOQ 5f the AbOvo Aots, end till tho llomptrallerbo aathorieod to leeao warrants oovorlag kid oxpcmeo aowwte, amiDst tho fanba roaming tf'tho Dopartwnt uQd&rtho provleiona~of~14 above A&et* Them owbo no qaoetloa bat that all fooe and/or wox&nmlbl balumos dhloh have bear rooellrob lQd .whiob maybe. reoelroaby rlrtuo af ths,~fellowlQ8 Artiolea and A& shaVab o wlp p r o p r ia into it toa - a ma d &a oVa il- ablo to the partloulardirieioae~~ Dopartmont of Agrloultarowhlokare arroatoat Revlaed 1. Artlaloe 56 to 67, inelaslre~, Cidl Statutes, 1985* Cba&m 98, Aota of the First Cell- ed Seaaion, Uat L8ghataro. Rouse 8111 99 an& Bouee Bill 557 Aota of the 45th ~&ial.ataro,a8 amendedbi Sonafe'Blli84 of tbo Fir& Qallod SetwioA, 45th Loglelaturo. 3. Howe Bill'500, Roguler Sseelo~ of the 4Zpd teglelataro,aa amended, and Xoaeo Bill 888, Aata of tho Regular Seedon of the 40th Legi&itaro. 4.. House Bill 683, Aate of the Begular Seerion of tho.4Srd Leglaleturo. IQ eaah af the four'paragtapheof the General DepartnsntalAppropriationBill; Soaete Bill 4Z7, Dopart- nent of AgdOQltQro, under aaaalaoration,tbo words *all .*59 241'. Charles B. KIw&IWA, -60 4. fee8 and/Or unexpendedbalanooe ... are hereby approprlat- ed after they shall baoe been doposited in the Sfato Ymaeury,w are follmed by throe pUrposea: First, on0 or more epeolfla aalarp ltcunsror a permanentahlof of a division and awl&ants; seaoQdd,*the remeSndor~& euoh foes for euoh season&l help 88 ma7 be Dbooesa~pflaantI third..wand othor oxpeneesinaldentto the properad&&- lstratlonof the aboroN Aot m hata. brtor the e*alflo salary it-e are pal&out or the reepeotlvefunds, the remainlAg balanae Is appro- priated as a lump ewn for *euoh reeaonal help as -3 bo neoessary.and other expenses iMidOAt to the pmpor ad- ministrationof tho abemom Aat or bate. The qUO8tlOA before aa lr whether or hot travel- ing eXpOQeos harred by eaployeaa in the adniniatration of the resptmtlroAate nadir wa~lderatlo~ may .bba gieib od or the lw ma approprlatlona. xt 18 qlr OpiAiOA that th0 qltostionla aDaReP- able in the afflmmtird. tA tho Onso ot the qpprOptiati.en io rltorjr.Aatwe fiAa tbo words %%I other lxpeneee,bol- do& to the proper ldmiaitatratlon of the abeStem Aot er. Acts. This prwlelon of tho appropriationbU1 laQ only be aonrtmed as an appr8Jwiationfor oontingoat expmaae. It la 8 blaaltefap&iroprlatloti almad et oetahhing.orozy lagltlaatooxpwee lpoumod &A tho~propera&lAlatratLcw 0r the above referred to Aota. ZravollQg eqpeaaoe are properly ineladod immg *ather ergeAses lnoldsnt to tho proper a&niQlatratlonof the aboto* Aat or Aots. In CoAfsraQea Opinion X0. SoeD OS this Dopart- ment, by Honorable Riohard B. lalrahlld, AsdstaQt Attor- ney Oeaeral, it ,haebeam held as followsr V?hara a dopartmoAt er dltialoq ot a da- partmaat is not provided epc+oil%aall~~wlthan ltm for *trarollzrg axpenes * but mah depart- mont or Qlrlsicin0r a dopa&mant is provided dth a~ itam of appropriationfor ~ooAtlAgeQt expeAsea* or for travellAg sxponaes gro~pod dth otbitritems of expoase,.tbol&m fnr *aon- tingoat oxponse* or tha ltsa for traveling ox- pwee grouped tith other item8 of axpaQee slay bo wed to defray ths tratatlng expsnses of Kr. Charlso I%. BoalgtuWn, Pa%@S. t&e departrPsnt Or 8 dapartpleUt. OX-d%V181O11 In 8UOh th3 eV8,?t, BUS QTOvidsd ia tbS itOlP:fOr ‘00~~ tiW8at OXpen Or rOZT tXW8iifU3 aQWI60 grCXAp& with othor Itcrcsoi oxgnmae rapreaeotathe maxi- mu!naSM&t avnilable tO the dapartmantor diYi* 8fOU Or Lt&tpnrwRt rOr tr6V6iiUS8apOMe6, (OX- cept es to Federal ruDd8 autborlasdby the Fedore Governamnt to be spent ror mooh pmpo8e) 8nC when 8u0h am~nt haleb88a 0rpent%ed, w&titer ror traveling expense8 or for 0th~ e?rpmau prc~rlp payable out of #UC& ltaa or appmpr$w eon, no othmr runde rrolp any Iwuroe (aareFad- era1 funds 6pmol~oally autborlradby tlm Yebnl Covornnant to be u6ed r0reuoh purpose) may be bpmt by the depurtamnt or division of a depart- zaatror travelin&espenmt.* oi the De ramcat of h&aulton In the paragrfiph ap- proprintloarhioh w are mm1 6s 8, Sk0SpOcdliO,itaPfOT "tIUV~:fl~81pWAE08n ha8 been 84% Out. Ivetthoria thera 6nita der m initely swr er md ta a 8 looatlqent atpau*8.~ &it the r80t t&t the 0at0h41 phrase -9ma 08h6r orpmames lncltlentto .&hepropsradminietration"rS tpe Data la ~ptm808* doe6 nat quertion 18 not .labeled*ooutla(gsnt ohall@ it?3e88enti8l OhSl!~Ot@r.It tP @ilVM%kti bF the ab0~8 tpmtsd tuiicrg0r coai0r8~~ opih8 mb. so09. Attation mnot be oaflsd to the following itoarpoOn %8intananoe and sri#00ellaneo~~In the a&poprlatdon %br your depart?imntt In vim of the abow item and tb8 f’csllm%ngrl6er to fiBsateBill 427, the qus8tIon ari8sa a0 to WhOthor or sot ttaralfae;sxpansas ineldsnt k thr proper adaaialeliawtlon or the Aat. under aonstderatianawg be paid out of rundo accruing to me Dapartmnt OS AgrWiltuPa uader ttrspro*& SiOS3 Or th888 .h?tSl 10 co be p%fdout UC Lhe appm~rlatian rma tka Oeracarel Fund, rmpr tees, riJaalptn or 8psalal fu;;Ce oouaoted bg virtue $0f oert3In 1~8 2r thie iitote, or rrw2 other ruaGt3(excluelts 0r fsdoral funds) ,ovfill?blefor use by a da~artmantrW Coneiterln~ th8 Dopwlnent af Qriculture appoprla- tion 55 a w&016, It Is our opinion tkt the Legiialat- approprI?ted the @C,@oii tr%volixg sr?ance itazlfor ths purpose or anrrylng out th0 runotione d *all fiivisions' genornlly wbioh preceded the Zaintennaoe an& ati6oollaneou$ lti&SiUI4ti~On, 1.8 @588r%i orrio x%V18iOa, iiOtiimUrai en6 i&8x8ritin8 Dirictlon, ‘dtrkets and %arehoue* .Dlv~tiIon, Waights and -auras Division, Seed Lnborstory Division, ;ibkd +8d Cettifleation DI~visIoa,?eonn Dlvla~lon, and - StallIon Ditision. But ror the purpoee or. dotr8y- Iog traveling oxpeneee, 85 well a8 all ooata and oxponoee In&deftt 20 the admlnlstratlon of Artloles 56 to 69, lnelu- . S. 192&, Cheptor P3, kota Blrst Call86 S@s6lon, ~St'&SbtW8; $1. il. 99 an6 11. 6. 557, Aoto or 4Sth, "LegIslatura, as awetied by S. li, 24 of the ILret Called f%8t?iOn Or #iSam iAgi8hitUr8; k Be 6oo, hW&Ar 888. 81011of th8 ata LegIsleturs, a8 smQAdocl, an4 3. B. a&3, Aotar of tne Eegtilar Yesaion 0r .the 46th Le4#8zstqre~ an& B. 8. 623, Aots ol the Rsguler 'Sssslon of ths QJrd L8gislaturs,it .wao th8 InteutIoa of.tire Lsgislatu8 th%t tb hS@ 8M QppXfkpri%tiOn8 pX'OVb%sd ill C+OIlQO~tiO~ with the foregolag aaaotaenta be, separate, dIstInot, and exolualve. It till bs observed ~&at tbe Acts and appropriations in oomeotlon themtth under oonsideratlonfollow the "Ualntsnanta and 'ril8oellsneous"items Inolutin~ 830,000 for 'tr%veling eIpdnM)8" iA the &3paraQKat Or AgiQtitUre appro?rIatIon. T&l8 Indloater tha asp8rabllIty of the88 ftenbn from ths pr8~66dIae epsoirioslly Itaalzed pcirtlons .af t:ta I?111 to which ths WaIntmc?&oe end ?.!189811ana0u8* pr6vialonaare appended. In this oonnsotlon, 3pfnIon 30. 0-153~2 by Iion. riL&xsrrCW, Fairoh~ld, Assistant Attorney 3enar51, to Zen. C. 3* Clnrk, C&aIrzan of tlia Sbnrd of 8ater ~~&bsera, Austin, Is In point, oopg %ttsohcU. It in our oplalon that thy tk&&aloner al' Agrioul- turs, la the n&midolstratlon or Artlolas 56 to 69, lnolu- sloe, l&vised CIvIl Statutes of lWS, Chapter $3. Aot8 at xh ch8ries x. fkuuhma, %hrge7. tbs irirSt CollCd :686iOll Of t!B &Et ti&$SbitUrt3; :iQU80 Bll’L 99 r?cd !iOUBB Bill 557, hots of ti2l 43t?i relr;fa1ature, aa ssmdsd by .%nate Bill 24 of the Zlret Callee 2eealoa of the 46t?1 Lo&sfnture ; Xcuse Bill 500, Reg.&r Sesoloa or the 4&d L6gislstuX5, a8 aaanded, and ilow Bill 098 Act8 0% the Zag~lsr ~eS#lioll Otthe 46tht8gtS~Etlll?6; 6u! t$,ouee Bill 623, Aots of the Regular Sorrslon of the 43x4 ~f$iSlStUNS, hs6 tb!e 8UthOrity t0 tlYiV61 8ppT‘oVQ 6XpQXb665 inourrsd by sliployses of'tlta Depertmsat of Agrioultur5 in,the ndrdnlstrntloa of the above kots, ant the Ccuptmller of Pub110 Amounts of the State of Texas is ailthorlzed to i85Ue WtlrEtIIt8OOVOrfIlg syoh tnWOl OXpen 6OOOUntS 6&linSt the fun68 aocxuing to the D8partaiimt bt A&oulture Under the &wWisionS of those At!$d.. Tru&lng that w havcr sully flaswred your Ldqulry, we*are Your8 very truly AFPROVEDOCT 20, 1939 h.u ATTORNEY GENmAL OF TEXAS