Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Ad- R. Johnson, ltxsautitoDlreotor Stat6 Depertnrnt OS Oubllo Wslfars Aul#tin,mu8 /'\\ l4er Sir; Oplnlon lo. 0-14Ce~~ \ Bo: Dsgoslt of F&rat fund8 * St&s 5yiaauq; \ ml. "ill .ehrml.dg. bar I),1939. IOU +driro thst oertei in th/Aurtin I?atloml Bank, mpromnti of Federal tundr turned over to the Taxar on in lc o r dea o e dth Fodoral ruloa and re lnuary 1, 1986, to be expended by the State tr disoretion la oontinulng the Qe this State, here been tran8iarrwl of~Fubl10Isliars urment to ths p 1 Wo. ab, 46th Esgl8latur0,Rs ditibursemsnt8 Srcauen4 in the ftmd has bren me&o re% subjscrtto withdrawal by the Texas 6el.isi Comml&Aon and' therefore nom or it he8 boon dspositsd in thi Treasury kf the Mate ot Temer. The entire administrationoi this fund haa always been under Federal rsguletlon and aontrol.w .._.I Hon. Adam R. Johnson,P8d. t YOU dOSiTS t&O .OpiSiOS O? this dSpS&BSSt UpOS th0 ?ollowlng Qtb¶.tica.: "1. Under the 1.~8 of this Stats should the Dopertsmt of Fublio woliarw doliver to th. State Tressury for deposit 1. the Stat. Troesury monI.08o. 4eposlt in the Austin ktlonal Banh, Austin, Tsxes, the custody a.4 oontrol of wbloh monies h.. not beon t~d0rrud to the 6tata mpllr?asntor &blio w0ir8r8by the Texas xidi8r CuesIsslos,or should sum ba loft on doposit in ths Austin Watlonsl Ran+ mbject to withdrawal by the Dsprtment umlstthe powers deJsgeted to it br law? "1L. xi, in snswulng the aboro que.tlo., youJut that th. monls. in the Austin Wetional Banh, AUStini TS~SS, rS?Srrd to.1. that quo.- tlon should be trsnsfarred to th. State Trsasury for dsposlt, Is the Dspsrtmsnt o? lkblla Wolfare ompowuad to suthoriss l xpendItur. of seae In its disarwtlonin scoordanoo with Fsderel rulse snd rsgulatlon.uhder whlah said ronI were al-, 1oo.t.d to the Stat0 o? T.x..Ta By the prorlrlonsof Ssssts Bill Wo. Sg, 46th bgis- laturs, Regular 8osslon, the State Dspertmnt of Publio welfare is dlnotad and required to oooperat.with th. ?.derel Oorersment,end a4 agenoy tharso?, In asj rsasos- able msnner whioh cay be nooess~rj to qualify ?or Fs4arel aid for ssslstanc. to persons who ar. retitled to ssslsteec. under the prorislonso? the Soolal Securltj Aot enactad by the 74th Congress se4 sppror.4 August 14, 19Sb. Section lie of ths;Aot prowId. as follows: "The -ate Treasnru is farabr 4.sIgnet.4 8. the oust sdd1.n of .nr ssd all mossy whloh ry be rsoeired by the State of Tues (whloh the State Dspartwent o? Fublio Welfue Is suthorlud to sdmlsister),?ros enj appropriation.rado by the Congress of the United States for the pur- pose of eooperetingdth the several stat.8 )a ths enforeessnt and sdministntion o? the setera , - Hon. Adam R. fohnmn, P-a b ~.wI.Ion. of ths Tsdorel 'Soci.1 Ssourity Aot,' and all ronel r eo sir o fr lnr other swroo; d ee oad th. Stats Trsesursr Is heroby suthorlnd to rsceire suoh loasy, pey it into the proper fund v or the proper .ooount of ths Osnsrel ?und o? ths Ststm Trsosur~,prorids for the propsr ms- tody Uwmeo? on& to make disburmnents thuefro8 upon the order of ths St&s Dapertmnt and ugoa wsrrsnt o? ti. Stat. CaptnU.lor q$ Publlo Ao- 00uat..= Uadsr ths ststs of isots outllnsd by you oboe., thsso ?uM. leaaot sad should sot be l.po.lt.4 In th. Stst. Trsesury, but rioald rsmeln m doposIt In the kstln Betlonel Bsak, Austin, Texss, in wmpllonee with ths males sad regulations OS the Federal governmoat. The ?und not horlag begn rrlsosod to the Stat%, but herlag ruelaod uador ths rqnletloa uul sontrol o? the Tsdersl suthorities,it do.8 sot zvprsssnt suoh State roni. OS ray be, br th. Lsglsleturs,roqulrsd to be dmpositsd in ths state Trow. .#sumiag, housrsr, that the fUBd8 there hsro Xwn soqnlrod the status of State mnlss, wrsrthelsss, th. Stats, hetlag rsoelvod suoh moaioq by grant, to rhleh groat was sttoohsd mob ooadltloa.,saoag them being that ths money be kept In nation81 banks subjest +o dthdrawel bl the Toxe. lWl1.f ~..lon, th. grsat me? not be .oa.pted sad th. soadltloa rejeotod by the Btato. YOU ore thorsiors ldrissd thut the ?und. to uhloh pa refer should be left on d&posit la ths k&in Rotfonel Beak subject to wlthdrowol by your tipertswat sooordiag to the rules and hgulotions of the Yodsrol govemssat. The emwer to pur flrst question xsndus It aaatmeesary to answer your seaond. Tours very truly ATTORRBY - OFTEUS RWF:pbp APBlOVBD SRP 16, 1969