- 0. MNm
- oD(pIl.
Hon. Barry &xix, Jr.
The Adjutant General
Au&In, Texas
Dear sir:
lx a h tw
8 boat
Dep6rtment~a prosent
27, 1959, fou ark *ha
OllQwing qu6stion:
mints4 to The
d is now found to
‘0 preeent military
la bocrtwas aanstZu6te.d by l
lSi@ @ta rth e
a ll$ taUllb
r yo f
and that the premnt adniniatntioa
itable for military rs~uiremet~ at tbk
5798, fzevl0bd Civil 8tntutes of lWS,
-The Adjutnnt Clewral, after the rpprepri+
tlonr are aado for that spore, may puz'+hae* and
k66p F6Sdy iOr U66 4f iS6UO th6 atixitaw
thie 8tah a0 th6 bert fllt6E66t6
fWOO0 of Qi
th6 8OrYi~O UiSy3?6q&6, m6h amount a6 k&ad Or
quartermastera, ar@ortnor, 8Ubei8&6S66, puQiOO&
Stinti, bl@Q66rS, an6 til 0th.r tilit6iI'Y S-66
end augpliw4 as &a~ b6 woeeSarYt he IlkMll 600
Ron. Xarry Knox, Jr.. Page 2.
that all iilitary atorslrand supplier both the
Property of this State and of the :hltad mete6
are PmPcrly oared Sor and kept In good order,
ready for use; and ell accounts rrhlohnay e~orue
against the State under the provisiona or tale
uhepter ehnll, ii oorreut, be oertlrled and ep-
?rmed by the Adjutant Chmsral end psld out or
the Etate Treasury ae other o&lam are paid.
Any tilltarp storer,belonglnu to taia Stat6 whloh.
lacybeomae unsenloable, obaolato, or writ ror
furth6r U66, aray b6 dlapoeed of in mob ~18u16r
86 the 0OV6rZIOT 01 Adjatant Oon6T& Per pt6S6rib6
by regulations Qr order0: and th6 AdjutantWn6ral
may cell * de6troy ae he may ew rft 20r the baot
intOr68tS 0fth eeeni80, lsy Qa66rVl6abl6,
obeolets, or untiLtable tilltary storer beloag-
1% t0 this State, th6 eW realized fIVX!I
aele thsreqf to be turned Into the State Trusury,
or he may In his Qlsoretlon, arohanga euoh ltor6e
for 0U6h 6thW ecllih~~ ~6toTes66 th6 iut6Mat
Or the 66TV106 Mf MI@Ih’6, iOr the t&66 Of th6
aotlte c&lltla of this Stat+.*
Sines the above etatute eonfan rpsoliio ruthorlty
Upon th6 AdfUt&Ult
G6II6ti to OXOh6~6 unsuitable rririt8l7
Storea belonging to th6 Texa6 far euoh othar rilitery
rtoree a8 the intareste ob the 6enio6 may nqu&6, w6 aesmm
that the qu66tluu whlob you have 1~ 1pi&d Is wh6thar this boat
xay be regarded as a Wlitary rtor6.a
The term -m111tery atore,* es found In the abora
Otetute, must b6 OoU&l'U6d aoourdlng to tb6 6rdiMTy doflni-
tlon or euoh tanam, unleee wmthlng la touud in the etatut
lndlaeting that the l.6glslaturr intended that It should
have a contrary 5eaning. ,Se find nothing fn the 6tatut6s
rafle0tlng the legl8latl*s intent that the tam *arilltary
stcree” should have any other peeaning or slgnlrlaanae ths.u
that whloh It ordinarily bears. iwb8ter*B ROW Intemauom1
3mti0uary, ~6a0hd Ifditioa, derlnes the tam-etaree" es
meaning *supplies, aa of provieiona, ama, equlrmmta, eta."
It must be dewed to be Ulldlfiputed
ire think that
a boat provided for
military purpoaea mist be rebterd6d a8
ullltmy ~equlPmnt.~ Se thsrarore adrf66 that ths boat to
u&lob you refer Is a *mllltary 6t6r6,P wlthln,the mSaning
or Article SOW, unb, therarore, that YOU here such auth-
ority &th refersme to the exohenge th6rOOr for other wit-
able mllltary suppiles as 1s ex;lreaelY dQ@u You by th6
Bon. Barry Knox, Jr., Page 3.
tei-m of mob krtlole, abwe quoted.
Your0 very truly
By /@&ti
R. R. Falrcjhll6
Afmi atant