Eon. Boyet Steven. .a& Ho?. 0.0. E, I!r.n.h,p.g. a
pmnlt under Senaw B111 800.
"If oooilr.k, m that 0ineo1xr. Martin
h o e.
no wo r k
laeept on th. pr.du.8 of hi. on.-
toner., WinKI material fbrninhad solely by the
awtamr, that ho and hi8 work do not .od
dtbln the pun1.w of th. A.0. The bill, ra-
aatd under the police r, ao doubt hu .
It8 purpasa the prev8ntron of dl8.a.. by mpe-
rl8lon of plant8 wh8ro matfre88a+ are kkea 8nb
repaired without th. emu hatin m~~pwo?&nl-
t7 of ob88rvln6the work or kno &
land ohuoatu of raterlal~we4 In Na mottrem,
but it lwuld 0.m 601lrg tea ru to raqulr.a
pumlt of a man who ipu span encatkmr~~ plrrL8u
to repair N~I rdttr88eo8,paint hi8 houao awu
hi8 lam or fir the 8ueen door. To r.qoL
LEr.Nattin to bull&a mettre88 faotary bafera
h. ourobfd~&apsrmlturdearrfonhl#tmdo
would 60 nothing 1019 nor lu* man &WA*&In eat
of thi mean8 of ll~olihoob
of he an4 d8 wife and abildrsn, on6 po88lbly
plaoa him on the roll6 of the %P.A.*
The fol1owi.g putlnult poPlnlon8 Of Artlol.
444y. mpra, are tmoted for the purp68oa of this apin-
aS80. 8. (al. All b eddillN& i b 6c url-
8~~4 att8ah.d ri.iblo,
a mbe%an8lal*hlk olatb tquponubioh ahall
be indollbly atamped or printed with bla.aokink,
In tb.Bngll~lmgua~,a .tatmamt6howlng
whether new material8 or euon&hond aatulalo
bae. been wed in rlllln(tlohboddin~, aad trpa
or ma&e of aotton 8.4 all 0th.r m8tud.U u8.6
in filling rattr... to ubloh lttaahd wh.a 0.. 8r8u88dd,wltb approriPakgsrwd88.8
whmi Irixdi ulmt germi0id.ltr8atment. if uv,
haa bean applied k, th. or to Cba bod-
dkr6i the date of -oh g.dOl6.l tZ..tM.Bt;
She nwaber of the permit of the parron meaafaat-
wing thebed&lqyi aad.thraPnqaroithe pm&t
or the p.r* applying 8II.h6ualalaaltrea+ent,
If iuly..
Hon. Boyet Steven8 and Hon. Oeo. L. Franoh, m 5
“ileo. e. (et). Imary article of bm%llq
amaufaaturedfor rOUle aontalnl~ loond-haad
material, &hall bear, ~oaurol~ mownttm?e$o on
all four ride8 of tbo tag, lttaohtito both
aid8q of the utlole of bedding, a lubatantl8x
white 010th ty four (4) br 01@8 (8) lnohea
ln also, upoa whloh ahall k indelibly ltaapod
or printed In red ink, lo the xqcllah 1
la plain typo not baa thti oao-half (i/a 7 Ek
la height,a tsb ing laeooa(L-band
: ~t8Tlal"~
Wee. 8. Ii0iewon ohtil mmufaoturo,'ro-
pair OT renovate into bAdin or bat&in& U&l6
dlueudo& aatulela obWna6 ?rom duq-groun&s;
funk farala, or ho8pltulawithin or without the
State of Te~88.~
-sea. 4. All .oo.Jld-hand; ap
portion8 thereof, for roaale, ahall bo aubjoot-
m3 ta a g.miaidal trutaent ourr+4tlyrowa-
mended by the Daputwnt.'
%ao. 6.
(a). Hopermen 8hhil1,
the bu8ln888OS mum?aotu?ln(l,r.pdrY'"~q or
reaova~lrya nybwldla6 unlua ho lhUl.Ymv8 ob-
hind a p.zalt her the D8p8ztm8nt.
"lb). no paweal ahall .ba&$qneldeM to have
q .ua ll?tdto lpp a mloeptqblo gwmiel4al
prooeua until au03 pro0088 ham b** r~Xotiue4
witha a l 4ppro?ad by the DlfWtrUat, after rQL&
l,nwbued permit ahall be 188~04 by tihaDo-
pU6aunt. Suoh writ ohalLoxplroono~ou
rroa datd of ferua ud ahall thwartor be an-
aual4 renmd at the optloa of the pox&t
holder open lubml88lon of proof (31oontlnwd
eompllaaaawith the pm+lalo~ a? St118 Aot .a4
the req@atioaa of i&o Departnwt. Xvw mr-
UOBto wh o a apermitham b een ieuwd lhlii1k.q
au& permit eoampbuo1u4 po.te4 on the pwul8.8
of him plaoo of bualnoaaaeu the.trearaent IIe-
rloo. Holauu of pud88 to apply fpmi.idal
troataant ahall be rsqalrad to kup aa leOW8W
reaord of all material8 *hIoh have bean mabjoa~
Ron. Bay&- ;tsteoa ud Roa. G-co.E. Frunoh, gqe 4
ea to @umiok¶al tr*4tt6*nt, in0ludlng th.
source oS'wt4rIU, data oi truhmat, an4 ame
an4 rdrlras.of the bw.r of laoh, ~4 8uoh reo-
owla s!-&U bcravailable for inrpeotlonat any
time by authorized ruprwmntrrtlreaot the 9.0
Ykc. I. (a). Ho p4r.a ot3a:lmmulaotur4,
renovate,reti ox lea88 or tute in hi8 porau-
rioa with intent to a.11 or‘1er.e %a the 3t.t.
ot Texm, any botldlq ewa.ra8 by the ~orlsloaa
of tide Aot, there bo .fflxd to the t.g
readrod br tbl. Aat br the perooo.maaufaotar-
Lng, renowMag, a4lling or leasing the 88m4,
8n adhesive stamp prepred an6 Issued by thl.
The ooo.tItutioaalltyof tb. 8o-oal1.d zbw
Bedding Law, 1.0.. Artlu& 44?6. 4apenaaupon whether
or not It le 8 valid oteroise of the polio0 powerof
the Stat4 or Tom28 trough it. 1mn6 bc4y.
The Supma. Court of th. Stat. 4.fl.r "pollee
power" Is tile oa48 of iSA?JlS 7. CxTr or DtiLAs, as5 S.V.
sls, PhilU98, chlat au3tiae, .a ro11ml.r
The polloo pow8rla a &rant of mtriority
fror the 9ecql. to gommmea~. agents
sor the proteotl~nof tb4 hultb, the safety,
the mafort aid the aolfare of the pablio. Zn
It8 aature It I8 bra04 and .oqv.henniver tt
e 8 aeoesaarg aad ulutuy power, alwe wlth-
out It 8ooIaty wuld be at the meroy of lndlti~-
unl lntsrset and thr4 would oxlat n.1th.r
publio order nor ~eourlty.~
Th. OfWt, tit.2 &tat&g that th4 pUbfi. heath.
the pulp110la sety,urd the ~Wllo aaufort 8r4 objsote 46
atah iaportaate that pint8 rights,uadormmron.blo
la wn,a wt ~1 6.1to thslr
6 le~~fltf, allude* to th. r.-
qrtirenantof "r0.k a? ntbrrtantlalr.lafion* Of the pti-
oular atatnte to the objsEot8of the ,pollaepcw.r.
w 4 e + A law w&h amuse. to b8 a polio8
ryLul.tIon but Qo~ir.6 tb. 0itle.n Of th. Uo.
Hon. Bayet Btarene an6 Hon. (3~0.B. Renoh, 7-e B
of hi8 propertyunUer the pretense of preserv-
ing the pub110 health, eafety, oom?ort or ml-
tam, when it ia mimifast #at euoh 1s not the
real objeot and putpow of the regulatlan,will
be set aeide as a olsar and dlreot invasion of
Xt Is apparent that Inherent lurdplenary es the
pollee power 18, et111 it hae its r~etrlotione. Bat
only must the law emotd b8 reasonable and the men8
adopted therein have a eubetantielrelation to the on&,
but the tolloriq porlelow of the United atatw md
Texae Conrtltutlonermst not be tlol@edr
*so state shall sake or eaforae say law
wbioh shall abrlQe the pririle&eeor lmunl-
the 0S olthene ot aho Un+te48tstee$ nor
ehall any Stata doptlto any prom of llfe;
liberty, or properw, without &UC,prooeee of
18wy nor aeny to any person with&a its Jale-
dloflon the lpaal protestionof the Xaue.. Sea.
1, l&t. 14. Cunstitutlonof the Unite4 State8.
970 oltlsen or this State 8
04 of life, liberty, w:oparpI, 3 &!&g$p-
%vmaltiea, or in q maaner dle~u~ohlud, 8x-
oept by the due eourw OS the fnr.e? the lamL"
i3eo.19, Bill of Rlghte, Coastlttatlti~
of the
State oi Texas.
The oourte will not pass upm the wiedom o? an
sot ooaoeralzzgthe exrcalee of thr polioo pewer, but thrp
will pass mpoa the question whether or no tlueh mat hae
8 substantialrelation to t%iopollee powe?* lt suet .
have aone relation and be ad@@& to the -68 uought to
be aooampllahed.
hitma T awas 183 u 8. 525 8. su i at. 81s;
CHIChQO‘BtTRLa&lu & c&mY RAILWhY 80. v,
ILLIBGI6, 860 U.S. 561, 86 Sup. Ot. Ml.
m0 t-was BpdPlrytnr 18 rimtan Ibremeta
health remlatq meamme.
Bon. Boyet Stevepa and Bon. Oso. I!. French, page 6
Seotlon 8 reads:
*tie atate Board oi Health is hereby oh&rg-
udwith th elnrpr0mt or this hot fw tha
poteotlon OS health usb to prevent th*-epre.m$
of 4leeaea. It IS ruxthu ampowerrd,and the
4uty shall be to makr, mend, titer or repeal
@moral rulae and rsgulatloneof prooeduxoSW
aarr~l,inginto erraat all the protleloaeof thl8
bet, aad to prsearlbe means, methods, aad
praotloee to aah3 efreatlte suoh provlelone.~
It #a lmeted by the Loglelatureia the inter-
est Qf the mltari ot the people Of the state.
Ia hle able artlolo QQ 'Qua Pcoo~er of La,
Pollee Pomr, and the Supmw Court,* pcyn 01, Y&tn a,
*Seleote6 Sseaye on QonetStutloaaILaw,' Rey A. Bram
*whhllelb right em that the cueeti6a o$
rhat the uelfaro at the pe@plo domad ohmld
bo left to thoLe&l~lature, tha Uowthar rl-
ways ruervu4 to itseli 8he power # 6wldiag
wh e th u a ( 5ir en ltatut*~ieto baa;002
a 1og1tlMto exertion or the
the 8tati*nad h# ml& that i? the sbatutio has
‘00 real or eubetaatlml rel8tlozP to the objeatr
o f th a t ‘p wu r w q im l palpablo lmuloa~of
ri(lhtrcsaured br tha ftmdamatal law, it la
the buty of the OourW to so aO&uQe, end the-
by gin &foot to the Ooaetitutloa*. In thle
ioraula three separate r*qulruwn~ am laid
dawn: (1) the objsot of the Leglelsturom6t b8
pwrlselblo, (8) the meen8 #Is% hato a SUbStU-
tial rulatioa to the urb, anal(St fcWamea~1
rigbtr mud .a03 be lnfrlngdt. Later oadea hrvn
-~Mded:Wiwift&tbs*qoalirlmtion that ?ih*Xaw
in cwetlon~mnet sot be ubltirery, unreaeoambllt
or oQpreeelv*."
Buiuwlng thu ~rovli1on.q of the BSaUlq trr
rrythtbo ob,jeot of applying the above eauwreka eWktd-
emle w tin4 a lai passe4 o#teneSbly ia& eafa par4
haelcb vblah rs~lat~e the m8nufaetmring,re~lrlag 3
Bon. Boyet 3tuuae aml Hon. aeo. B. Frweh, page 0
renoretlqg,and eslllag af beddia& 1.0.. amattreeeee,
pllla, bolatere, fcaher beds and other illled be&
ding or eny dosorlpt.Lon,"
(Sea. 1. (e) 0s Art101e 4476e)
in the r0ii0wring ~0:
1. requiring *a eubetantlalwhite 010th taga
bearing 8 lflo lnformatlonon all bud-
ding manlreoturud for original sale or
2. requiring 5ermioiQal treatmmt ct all
s. requlrln5 a prrdt of all pmreone engag-
ed in the busknees of menufaoturln& re-
palrlng or reaoratlng bedding or applvlag
a gumlol6al proouee,
4. requlrlag the arrlxation 0s etampe pro-
oared from Board of Health to the =wMta
010th w" On all kbdia&
5. prohibitinguypaeonfrcmmemfaottml43,
repair@ or ruwvatlq info buMlug u
batting dleoarde&materlaleobtalae&frta
6umpgrounde, junk prde, or hoeplM8
wlthln or without the State of Texas*
Beddingundoubtsbly 18 related to the publie
health and sad amy rtmecmable regul4tlon
wmfort, of the
naufaatum, renovetlon ead eel11 or bedding r0r ami-
taiy purposes would be a m6ane bar
"p136a wbstsnthl re-
latlon to ?he end eou&t to be aaooaplishsd,nawly, the
protrotlonof the p&lie health.
The requlreaontOf a permit or lioense to sa$aeo~
la a buelneee or 006upatloa 18 goof the oldest end most
armaally reoogal5*& forprs 0f'S&id 'p&iWe-zle&l@Qianh.
VSIO etatutee raqulrs a license to be ob-
tained or an oocupetlon tax to be paid in eon-
nsatlon with the enjoyment of ssrtain plvllegas
Eon. Boy& Stevens and lion.Oeo. IL Frenoh, pace 8
and the pursuit of a vari8ty of bueltmBee8,
oallluge and OOOupntlone.O
SARR I. BALDWIK, 57 led. (Icalem;
Bg 1. STATE, 109 Crlm. Rep. 96p3.1. (6d)
OZdD t. 3b!IlE(Clr. ApP.) SE 3.1. (6d) 547.
The roqulremoatof tage a ndlmrpe 18 not an 6x-
aerslre exerolae 0s leglelatlrepowur~ The t66 ooutaln-
lng inrormatlonfar the puxohase 18 a pub110 potsotlon~
end a etwp exolme tar 18 a permlselble~methodof rale-
1~~6rewnue for the enforoementof the hot.
STEMS&, STAL we RAY, ET AL, 84 Ala..W, 4 So.
173 (See Sussremm9ourt):
UTbe aase eeume to hare goao oft ufslr oa
th&f~yuy to hare tage attaohud to the paok-
We haw ealQ that the gurporo of
the etatut; mae to oroatu and furnleh erldwar
or a guaranty or the ohamloal iagedlente of
the tortillsu sold. This the statute roqulree
to bu dono br lttaohlng liag8to the eew.ral
*As wu unduatand the statute its aontrol-
ling purpose was to guard the agrloultural
publla agaln#t SpurlOU and worthless oompouuda
lowtlwe sold as ferMllaue~ to rfx oa eell-
ore a statutory guaranty that fertlllrerelolU
by them oontaln tho ohemioal lngedlente, and
In the proportions,repreeont6d;and to furnl8h
to buyers aheap and reliable wane of proving
the deosptlon and fraud should euoh be attsnpti-
06. 'phsaaooqllehment of these objeote will
greatv pramote the prosperity and suooeee at
agrloultuml lnduetzy, end wo do not hesitate
to deolare that they are ltrlotly within the
pale 0s lsgltfwste polio* regulatton.*
BRowB V. ADAIR, 1M Ala. 666, 16 9. 4S9 (tag)t
WCHR~STY t. s%snt, UE 8.1. (84) IN;
HINTOH Y. tiTATE,,116.S.V. (Ed) 6911
U.S. t. ABl~ICAH CHIOLE 00. 65 L. Rd. mu,
Bon. Boyet starens and Bon. Ooo. B. French, page 0
61 CORPUS JURIS, &&S 3‘tq Tax on Doouweat
l&ciao Tax1
PEOPLE t. REARDOH, 184 B.Y. 431, 77 IJ.E.970,
8 L.R.A. N.S., a14 aJIbfOOta0ta~
NICOL T. Alas, 193 U.S. 609, 4s L. ltd.9061
900 33 CORPU8 JURIS 3231aad ease8 eitad.
The rubjoottonof aeoondlundmnterirl. to eorpi-
oidal treatsrent is a proper polio* regdlation. Boa -
vfek9BRt. PAum 3303. 00. 319 U.S. 40?!$
PEOZLY~ v. MZINER, 871 IllLola 94, llo 2a.B.
so& iRXFBse;ORQ
t. &%IRpJoBRCB,
80 Al.. S9#,
e 80. 9Zb.
Pinally, tho guoatlon or1808 a. to whothor 00 not
the prohlbitlonoontained in Seotlon S ylnat the maa-
ufaoturin~,ropairi~eor ronorating tit0 beUlng or bat-
tine, uaiw aiaoaraaaraterlala obtalaod from darplgounda,
junk-yards,or hoapltalawithin or without the Btato of
Texas is an infringamontoffundamantal righta~u.du: S...
19 of the Texas Bill of Rid@ and the 14th Aaoa&mnt
to the F.&oral Coaat~tutloa.
Them uo latonl casei wbiah aerft ooaaldarat$cn
la two reapoot.
The Bupreae Court o? the Walt.4 Sotoe ln the da80
of UHLYER f. PALUER BROS. 00. ouiwa, held tho follerfag
Pen~~a~lraniaatatuto prohibitingthe use oi ahoddr JILT
or old, oven whon~aterfllsad,ln the afamfaoturo 08 aom
rortablea Sor beda, unaonotltutional on the grouada or It8
balng uareaaonableend arbitrary and l depslretionof
duo prooesa oi law to amn~aaturorat
Wo peraoa shall m~plg or use in the maklag,
remaking, or renovatingoi w mttroaa pillow,
bolater, feat&of bed. oomfortablo,euahion or
artiala of uphc&stared fnrniturer (a) any net-
ial knorm-aaguhoddT * or any!eb&t gl-siU
.fromwhioh *shoddy $8 ooaa
aeoondhandmaterial, uplaaa, sfnaa laat um&
auoh aeooatlhtwlPaterikl haa beur tho~ugh4
aterUlzo4 pnd diainfeotc4 by a roaaoneblo proo-
Hon. Boyet Stevens and Hon. Geo. E. Frenoh, page 10
oaa approved by the Commissionof Labor and &-
duetry; (0) any neu or aeoondhand reathera,un-
lees luoh new or aeoondhandfeathers hare bea5
aterlllzmdand dLinreotad br a roaaonablo proa-
a sslpprowd by the Gomlaalonrof Labor and In-
dustry." (Laws, 1983, p. 805, 900. 8).
Quotingthe deolalon in two inrtanoea:
Vhsro was no orldenoe that any aIoknoaa or
dlaoaao was ever oauaod by the us0 of shoddy,
and tho reoord emtalna perauaalre orldonoo md
by oltatlon dlmoa the opinions of aalontfata
amlnant In flelda relet& to pub110 hoaltb that
the tranamla~lonof dlaoaae-produolngbaoteria
la almost ontlroly by lmedfata ooataat rith,
or aloao proAmIty to, lnfeote4 poraona~ that
sooh b~aterIa'perIahrapidly when 88 at06 from
humanor 8nImalorganIaa: and tbattere r la no
probabllltrt& tluoh baoterla or wrmln llkh4
to aarry them aurtlre after the porlod usual4
required for tho gathering of the matclrlala, the
produatlon of shoddy, end the mnnufaotura aad
the ahhipping of ocmfortnblea. This ovldonoo tend8
strongly to show that In the.abaonooof StorIllU-
tlon or dlalnfeotlonthere rauld be little, It
aq, dangor to the health of the uaua of omfYw$-
abloa filled with shoddy, new or aeoondhand, end
oonrlrma tho oonolualon that all danger Mm the
use ot shoddy any bo olImInntadby aterllIaatIon.r
w atatoa hare enaoted law8 to ro&ulata
badding for the proteotlonof health. La&Sla-
tion In'IllInoIa (Lawa 1916, p* B75) wSnt beyond
amro regulationand prohibited the aala oi seaend-
&and puilta or oontortablea even when Sterlll88d
;;;hea romdo iram aterIlIzedaaeondhandmater-
In PROPIS T. wEIN=, a92 Ill. 94, L.R.A.,
19l6: 795, 110 B.X. 870, Annotated Oaee 19lTG.
lG68, the atah mqms9 oourt hold that M po-
hgbit the use of Mterial aI)t Inhew3ntW d-C-
ow and that might be iendared safe by reasonable
zegulatlon tranagreeaaathe e&nstltutIonalprotoe-
tlon ti personal and property rlghtr,.*
Hon. Boyet Stevens end Eon. Gee. E. Reaoh; pago 11
The Texea Beddlq Lou la easily diatln&ahable
from the PannaylYanfalaw paaeed on In the was of
WENFR w. PAXAil!BROS. CO., mpra. In the latter atat-
uta the usa of any aahoddp aterlllaedor uaaterlllaed.,
vaa forbiddon. The Texas law only bars materials ob-
talnodtram dump-ground,junk-yards, or hospitals, 1.0..
sater+al?.whiohla inherentlydangerous tram a aealtary
pollitOf vler. It apeelflea the meteriala rhlah may not
be used and llalta thea to discardedmeterlala outalda
tho pale of 8anltatlou. It la not uareeaoaablo,orbl-
trary or aaprlolouato prohibit the use of materials
tram duap-grounds,junk-yardor hospitals, slnoa the
probabilitiesare thet tLreyomnot bo randered rate by
reaaonablo rqgulatlon.
It is interestingto note that Juatloo Holmoa
wrato a dlaaontlng oplnfon la tho WEAVER v. PAw?iR @OS.
CO. oaao, dlaouaaed above, IR uhloh dIaaantln# opinion
J6r.Juatloe Brandala and Mr. JustIor~StonaooMurrod.
Mr. Ju8tIoe Holmes rrotw
VW Legislaturemay here bee of opinion
further that the aotual pzaotloe of flllIn# oom-
tortabloawith uaatarlllaadshoddy gathsrad frcm
filthy floor8 was 8ildoaproad end this qmla we
muot aaawo to I30true. litis admittad to ba
Ia@oaalble to dIatInguIahtba lnmkent tra the
Infaoted produet in any praatloebleway, nhaq~it
In the ease of PIcciPLE
t. tBlhIllXR
871 Ill‘ 94, ll0
U.S. 890. thenSuprema Court of IUlaoia doolard unaon-
atItutIonalAot dated July 1, 191s (Illleo Law t9lS
p. $95) prohibiting the uao of ootton or other m&erIei
nmde aeooadhandby use about the parson la tha ukio( Of
mattresses, pullts. or bod comforters, and the.aale of
The Cour+.atatodr
R&n. Boy& Stevens and Eon. 6ao. f. Franah, page
w * t + St la alnontly prdpor to repulro
~. bo rree +a gez+ of oont@on
miQ inrootlonbotora being used In uttroaaaa,
QOdOX8OrS w Wilta, whothor the rtorlu be
leooadhand 0s am, buttho possible.daagerto
health or safety dooa not justify the absolute
prohibitionof l or&al Induaw or parot;&
la valIaIlutotblahna bmapaaaod lno$her
jurladIotIonain this oomtry, but aa far aa
ua ara wlvlaad,tha hI&beatoowta of thoaovar-
lo uallm~a hew not pa8806 on tha aonatI~8Icm-
allty ot My ot sh0.r aota. xadood,the lwirung
ln mat of tlmao ltetut8a la aa ruy dlftuoat
that aam rullq as to the8 muld be o;zLt-
tl* ualataaoo in this eaao* h 01
wr y 8imilo .r
la a em0
r sa p ub to tx l sta tta o
uaa heldamonatltutlonml by t&o Supre Qom6
or hlabe in Towa of Gr~*na\ioro 1. nlruwlobp
lup r a .*
Pha Illlaola statute ooataino4 a blaaket pzokzol-
tloa 0r aoooodhandmatedal *ma the .*xa8 8tatuta
8utborla+3ltause, lmt req&va it to bo aubJaat te
guniuldal treatment, a form of regulationexproaaly
aaaotloaed by thoIlliao~8uprrsuQaprtr
ln the oaae of FoWIlOF OB~aBIo ,vq l&WHBXIOH,
b)ohla. $99, B $0. 985, the Supromo aouft~ ot hlabe
aNa&-dbm a oltr ardlaanoerrtfsp it %mlmful fm rq
perron to import, aoll, or ethuwlao deal la aowx&bead
g o~a~-oormeata, blank&a, beddlag (upbe&-ol&t$w
, exoeptia&from the lffaot of aal& A& a?-
tloloa aot lmporkd, and not uaod by perama havl~ Ia-
teetioua dlamaon.
Thar~aonlngoftbe oourt ia doUar~tbo*oma-
boroOrdinanoo unooamtltutiorml tea& t6 mappwtm8ha
boddIng law aa wo have boftaro \uc
Vhi#.protiaaadobJoot of thm OrdlI!iati66,
shown by the roaablm..raaitIng
tha tB
tlea ot the 08fleers emdmenbera oftbeBoar~-
of Health, Is to pm&eat ths health of the em-
soa. myot StavenaaAdBOO*000. IL. Frowh, pa@8&s
aunity. Whllo, unqueatlonably,tha aual<)l@
g o v*r a w ma
a ty p a 88
la ~%B a rer
y dla a no r our th a
p r ea a r va or
tlo a
hulth wl8hln lta limits; elf
prevent artlsler of me~ahandlaoar othira wbie&
hara boon oaed Q paraMa ar in plaoed iar8at0a
with aoo~loua dl~eaaofraabo brsaght iato
toun,ry utabllahquar8ntIno reuonab1* La-
lpeotloarogulatfona~pad prod40 for dhlmrw$-
w or deatroylne, the m ei alaura u f~
aa yMaable, and, it may bo, for ebtahizqj
ma tlr a o to r yla a UIa Aa
thaa l
tMh artlolu ham
notbeanexpoaa4toenlnt~tloua oroonta&ow
dlaaaao, - the powa? aannotbo outla6 baJoaa
whatla noouaary for prokotloA. It will not
ho aoatwverted that awodhag4 or oaat-ott gar-
maata, bblanketa,ba&diag, and be&-olothu ara
not pllEa*aa iatmduatita oi ltieotleuaor aoa-
tcyioua~uu, am4 th a tl lmuful bualaiaa in
rulliqf or deallug inthe8rQ6aearrted ondlh-
ant barye to the pnblle hmlth. l!hoybooom
da~43~~ow~rwaoa 0rth8A8waor pw1t3tmu80,
ocodltloa, or oxporoto. Thl* is virhAl4 adal%
tMb the provisoto the ordinanao,rhlohoamgk
frcu I taoparatlcmtho ~laot~tAu*paoifiodu-
t1dL.A A6t b&lOrbd, 8Ad tlut hat8 A08 b.0 W&k
w A PUSOA havlag M tatUtiOU8 6iSUU. ThB
qaration of the orbinanoa reaohaa barond the
8OOpclOi AO&O88- JWOt~Ot~Oll 8&i&~ttVWltit#A %I&0
the dmi.8 of rutralnt of lawSal trado, by pew
QSUMt~ prohibitingthe *tktiOA, 88lli6@.O?
othorwiu aab~ la t&b.oMwratd artla1.8,
thou$h they mq not ham been taaodby puw~a 01
in dlatrletninhated tith lueh dlaea*ar * + 8 l
xateria3.a tn du8pgrowld0, Junk-yer
tala to use the laq~~y ot the opitaiaa,
wutfolu of msrohandiae of othera whieb
by pora6aa or in pl8000 infested with oontaglour~~ma~a8,~
*artlo 0 8 0 oxpow to aa imtii0w or oonta@ow
di8~88,* m~~8 w rUSIk3A
Or the AStUM Of #w-
we, oondltlon o r lr p o a llr o
trlota lniootab with auah dauau.a
so tina thaf ArtIs 4496a la a ragulak42ryen808-
SIW dthbtn the SOft8titUtfO8~ iiIdStiOI%8 Oi t&a 8kk’S
231 '
Hon. Boyct Stovena and Hon. 0~. f. hsnah, pqo 14
polioa per, daalgaedto pramto t&o hmlth, o~afort,
and wurare or the pubiio. mm provlalona0r the bet
are not unruaonablo, arbitrary,ar oap~ioloua,Lr$
havr m lubatantlalr~latlon te the objeotlvo of 848~
(gaardlqthe p\lblohealth. On the other hanb t&a re-
atrlotlanaand regulstloaa or the Aat are within pmpar
llmlta and to no war lapal. any rundaaentalrlglitroi
waxy perann to pu~auaa lwhl bualaeaa OT oaoupatloe
and to wo and anJoy him priveta w-e W w wuw-
able and propumathod. The bodll rII& boaineaa in mbjeot
to regulationundu the pot100 gouor and the Texas Bad-
dlag LRW 40.6 not aoount to an •xer~~a~ oi the polio.
power iAUOQWA8UT~t~ with w auty and obligation0r tha
Legislature to pwlda for t&o pea la in their haalth,
lfo t~,oomfort,~*t# 18 mot laoonaPateat rith pttata
proputf righta.
b UlMOtMAt P a d82 th e p OliUP OWTOt,th lt&
8 e
r a nt b e up h e M %a lua + * + l rcrtianll na4 tUr mn no-
oeaaar&lywoul4ddtthat tha8tatuteprupoaa4 rould
inir~0 ?WldMOAtcll ~iD~iplU U thq h8VOb0.B U@U-
stood by the tra4ltlonaof our poop10 8ad our I~u.~
Ho- JusTICL nIssnPsm~ II LOQxmrt v. !mw rul?K,198
U.S. IS, 76 (19OS). Ha find no +lol8tiOn 0r the 14th
Awmlment to the lrdoral Coaatltution OT to hrtlUa 19
or the Texas Bill of Right ia Saute Bill BOO, Lo.,
ATtic 447aa.
In 6nawr to rour first qusatlon, it la our opln-
ion that senate Bill NO, beta of thu 46th Legl8lStW0,
(Artlolls449ba, Uarnon*a Annotate6 Olvil St6tuteal 18
Am for questlen nwber two, II) have given tha
raota thorough oouslderatloaand it la our oplnlon that
AarPedtherein would be abll@ te laplr
t&e lridllvi6nal
with Seotlon b(a) of the Aot to the extent of obtcrlalag
a penait mmthe Stato Boera or Heaqi, ?natllaoe the
beddfns he renovates ftathat of~tho @WOE and the rork
la done,on the pretiaea of tha ovmr who furnlahea the
mnterlal In * poaftloa to supervise an4 0buTfe
all phases OS the job, wa riA6 nothlm in the SfatUtO
which would require that the rermv&tm eatabli~ a per-
place 0r bualneaf4ror biaseli of o-** the tw
Hon. Boyet Ytevena rendHo::.Ciao.l!-Frenuh, pp@ 1s
Qf work he is dcing. There is ac aalo lnvolve4. There
la no olportunltyfor tba renovator to pass of? cm thq
owner any mloroprosencednratorlal@.The use of the
words *repeirlngor ranovatinfl in 380. 6(a) of Art1010
4476a lmpila UY to thla beolalon,
There is nothing in the ab~~t8mqat of faota
lubxdttrd to indiaatewhctha or not the individualunder
oonsldarntlon1s applying a germlol4al prooeaa ia him
work on the ownor~a prezeIaea. If this la. the eaam, he
must comply with $340.6(b) PI)well am b(a).
The Be44fn4 A08 la not sralualvelyaubbjmot te
a oonetruotlonw‘,ioh will imw its ooaatitutloaaUty.
When there are two I-walbla laterpmtat~ons r:-Zehrq
be plaoed upon a law, the oouyt8 *ill adopt that eoa-
etruotlon whioh most likply oarrler out the InterAlan
o? the Laglalatum an4 whloh acewda with reason. It ia
our opLalonthat the itlnaraatra@@ntorwlllhava oom-
plied xlth the Aot autiioioat~ iaaofar aa it eo~oema
hia ii he obtains a permilt ud erhlblt8 it on him
trefler. we polat out that the raata prseented aha
that ha la not In any tmr raauS8oturiagbeddla8 of Sell-
ing it, but la almj-ly ronovatln$ the owau~a bedding
on thw ovmur'a premisea. fb i# AQt AeOMaW t0 adO@
a oonstructlanof tr.18Zaw tilah wul4 4epxiv* this
inttivl&ml of his means of llvelihoo4mad in all prob-
ability be aa lnvaalon o? him fufUlamen8al rights,
Trusting that we have fully am-s&04 JW? in-
gulrlea, IO are