Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Truett Barber District Attorney Colorado, Texas Dear s1r: 0piclon So. o- Ret Salaries or la oowlttee Your request are are herein stated has herein stated has We re8tate re8tate yo taaicmsrs WaAtat or July) thdr sslblo to rriae i!aeathan January It be perml8sible for the opm. preolnats 2 and 3 to put in tbai.~ &iyS per L%OAth Wld thQ OwrmiS~OA- not 1 an8 4 to put in thalr time ye per month? Article 2380, 8. C. 8., made in part am follows: * ....Ia oounties having aasassed rcrlua- tion or Lam thanlour Uillioa Fire PIundr~d Thousand Dollars (#4,SCO,OOO)eaoh aori@iia~lon- er shall reoeive Salvo Dollara ($5) per day ror 191 saah day served as oomissioncr, and a like amxnt when aotlnq a@ ex-olfIcIoroad super- IntentlentIn El0 Ccmalssionsr~sFreclnot, provldlng In no evsut shall his total.armpsn- satlon exoeod Wine lWa6r8d Oollars ($900) In any one year...." The above quoted s?+tu+ sp4~ffIoa~~~pr~l$eil that thtbsalary for each oanrnisslonerIu counties having assesasd valuation OS lass than $4~500,000.00ehall be $5.00 per bay for eaah day 8erved 68,ocxmnlsaloner,and a 1Ike amouut when asting as 8x-offioioroad su erinten- dent In hia comissIoner~s preelnot, providing % no event shall hi8 total ompensatlon sxoeed $900.00 in any Oae year. In view o? the foregolag etatutswe think that your questL-rm oan be answered together. Therefore, fou are wepeattully advised that it Iu tha opinion of this departmat that the oaaDlrissiouar6am not pswftted to agree as to hem many days eaoh month they shall turu in to tha oommlsslonant court for thI6 Work and that sush ~.oomml5slonew cm6 only mitiea to the salary a8 p~wlded by the statute. TrustLug that the fore&ug aasweru .$%uriaqulw, we Nmlaln Very truly yours ATTOR?3EYOX?JJfRY~%'SX.i@ BY tcLtf&OA. Ardell;f;;lMT AT:AW APPRwg+ ATTORNEY G$&%RA; 0~ TEXAS