-- -
pfwwnt of sherlffa~ for aonveyhg prl8one~~~
88 of Artio1e1020 of the Code o? csi&n&l
Pxwmdure of Texas,.reada
as follows:
"Sh~lf'faand oonistable8 senl.ngprooerm
andattendlnganyexamln5.ngoourt in t&r ux-
aisinuticm 'or any felonyoaae shall be en-
t itlea to. 8uoh rawi as are its4 by lau tar
sLmflnrservLo.ass In mlsde5eanoraamw in
ootmtyoourt to be 16 by the titate, nat to
exoeadBour aadrzo p"CC (#4.CO)Dolisreln
any one oaee and mlleaeeaotunlly and nea6s-
sarllytruveledln going to the flaot ot a+
reet and for aonveylngths prisonera?
&lilStS fWJVi&%diIlUtiO108 Posb:
and 1030, Cod8 of CTI Proaedurs,aa bbb
raota a~- be, but no nilhage whatevershall
be paid for M or attaahlngdtne88.s
in the oounty where oaae i8 pending, Pruvlb
ed no aherlffor oonatable. shnll reoelve
irolRthe stateany akdltlonalmile&p far
any subsequent arrest of a defendmt in the
ssmfs nase, or ln any othar aam in an exam-
infsg ooi\rt or in Amy didriot court based
uponthesama aiharge oruponthe same afIA-
Inal act, or &rorrlneout of the aam orimia,
altraaaeatioa vdmtbertheaam& ie mde
with or withouc a -t, op beltare of
after lndlutm%nt,nndtnno soent shallhe
be allowadto duplloatshis rest!ior mile-
age r0r mklng 'itrrest8,with or withoutwar-
l-%X&* OS Wb%R tW0'OTSkUteWWXliUt8 Lv 'aXl'eSt
or aaplaaeer, are servd or aould hare beur
mrved on the imme detsadanton any one dti~y,~
You will note that the ~rovlaiomoi ATtloli,
1080, above quoted, fix the amountor the tee and
atlleagetvxpenssto whioh the aherlffis entitled\9D-
on pericmmnoe ai dutie8lnwsed upon hlla by law and
referred to by Article lfSO+ Rrom the stabatuant oi
feats set out 3.nyour Utter hm+n?vW, lt does not
aspearthat there MI) ahf du df on t&b peSt o? th*
Hon. GaorgeH. Sheppard,pege 8
sheriffto oonveythe ;PlroIler to the exe&&q
trial in Zl Paso. MO attaohnmt wee issued for the
witness,and it thereforeappear that the &mriff
was withoutauti+orltyto attendthe exsainlngtrial
in El Paso or to conveythe prisonerthereto.
It is the opinionof this departmentthat ~
.the sheriffof Childress~Ceunty ie not entitledto
receivepay-m& from the state acoordingto the pm+
visions of Artlole1020, above quoted, and that there
is no duty on the Comptrolletrto ismae the warrant
payableto the sheriffof OhlldressCounty.
Yours rery truly