80 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN , b).of tbls et raads, la part, as.fol- 81 Eon. Olin Culberson,Director, page.2 of liquefied petroleum gas over the highways of this State for use in any such apparatus,, without having rim obtaIned from the Railroad c0amlal310nor Texw, ukl6ar the provlaion of thlo Act 0.Xioense (I@tc do. * l ** '3~ have read em& cowldereb the ontlrd B.B. 792 and ln-our opinion the tan person aa urn6 b~sectlon (b) and other sections oS.saId Aot Ia tnwd to donot@ a de&or which may bc n person,firm or oorporatlonand is wad in the 8ense of a person owning and operatAng his own particular bualneas which i8 regulated uuder the term& an6 scope of this Act. Frcm our concridera-. tlon of the entire Act, w da mt belIme tktt it uas the intentionof thq Leg.i@lature tc require every per: aon that might be employed by a rlrm or a aorporatlon to hme'a'.Ucenee and to poeta bon4 before partiiXpat- ing in thw8iLe or assembiing,~numrriaotrrring, ti6tal- l#g or trawportlng any of theappazatplror equlpmpnt N@V&&d'fOr fo this ht. .' - _~ But on-the contrarywe tmUcve it to have bea cho inteatloon of the Legia&Mre tbpt the pnm~; firm or aorporatlonoperating the ~8lnu6 and reapcnsible for,the omration mma&baent.ot t&e Wdnass to be.tho '~hnlfonh~~qxinul~fopoet a bond '&ml.6eotuo the lheaae. The as&of thcterm *~erunP being in the muse applleb in Vo&. 7'Worda-anUE'hrases, First Serlw, aa tbb~oaa who oould olaimthd use) benefitsor advantage of the Propel-v. We like also.to apply the restrIotlof::$t.he "right to oontrO1 the propertyor bueInass". event loosame bustainsdor .aaau8e of a&ion arose as a rrreultof the deieotlmi?apparatus sold, the 1Iabillt.p woul&.iallupon the person, firm or corporationoperat- lng sqld business. J%crciore,you are advlmd $bat'In our~oplnlonthe answer to your rfmi qu.cstlonla "NO". Question No. 2 - *Such a,oorporatlonas mentioned in.QuwtIon Wo. 1 burnishes these. 8yatemn ana applIancssto other~pcoplewho oper- ate In their own indivIdoa1cnpaalty es mer- ,ohantsor salesmen. Colmpiasione are paid to euah merchanta or salesmenbr the corporatlmx illZIng suoh orders. Ia It aeoessary that each ‘32 HCn. Olin Culberson,.Direator, page 3 Indltldml who operatesu6der'hIa own JUUIIO to file a bond end pay the license ieeP wo an6wer your Gue6tIon X0. 2 In the arfiraatlvo. q&tlon 6tates that other people operate In theit own Indlridualoepaoltg, that b&in8 true they hare their own bwknc6s'or represent thetmeWe6 tc bc In buslnes6 end are not taking orders iron the manufacturer or from come corporationfirm or I6dlvIdual. wo conctrue H.B. 792 to Intend that all persons engaging in any .phase8 of the.indu8trymcmtloned herein upon their own rreepon- 6IbIllty to tall within it6 requirearsntc.Thea? lndlv- idual am acting as msrohnntlrselling liquid &ae*~ QCW8$iO6 x0. %. "The ' Automatic Butane Gae Company.homm ottice Xouato~, Texa8, al80 oper- at66 the ~f3razoriahwty Me ~mpcuiy~ aad the .' 'LIbcrtpcountfSa6 cozopany.' can tba rutometio mtnw ,oaocoiapagyrihone bond and gay me 110kn6t1roe to eater the actltltie8of twthrw dU%natly nctmd aotltitfqc,.batall of which are under on. co~n,~*8hip~" ; ‘Wo’..hme additiomil ~timrrtloi that Bone oi .thrw ham& eompnnies (LFOfncorporateb,but are all owned aatlroly by one,lmllv.ridwl and operat6d under arrsmd. The Etrezorla .Countyeuu¶Liberty County Gas Oom- z being operated 86~branche6,rgceiring their stdck and equiplahn.t,fromthe Automatic Eutcne k6 Compftlly, xowton. There Is, therefore,one owner reeponsiblsfor all debts, 01aIm1 or law suits of or a&nst.all three oonoern8. Under our theory of the lntention of legislature there Is n&necessity for a bond and llaense of each com- ~pany.but one bond and one liceagewill suffloe. Questlcm x0. 4. 'Sectlo 2 of Bauae Bill 798 l-048 8s fOllOW8, in PDEt: *Containerseub- jdot to theredulation of the Inter&ate Com- memoeCommIssIon and oontalnerswhiah are owned or used by.the OoYernmentOS the United St&e6 -- 83 Bon. Olin CUlberBon, Ei.rsi+toP, page 4 oi Aacrloa W exosptsd tram the JCOVISIOnS cf -- thl6 sect&i -8 aon, w psopfe WhO We Wht is kIlm es 'L&O. Oontalneraln ths hudlng Or what is ad&85 .:pa&tfadrgw bueineaa, but 8~oh aciw ttinera~~n~ahlppdInanythlngexaeptin intZWt5tO bU8.+666. ngtherseot1Gm 8pxovide8 for the RMMT of 06nstTuotianof buterie &a8 OOlltilbl~6Md not to CtI@@.ng in the 'bWiIuOs8'. ‘*We bare huld that a pW6QI se- and di6- UibUtW bUbrrS @AS USbIg h0.a.. (lOd&Xl~ 16 8Ubj66ttO it14 the,boQd alA&w th8 liOen8e fW.~ Al- WO OOTl?+Otia this qtliTOSMt?- ?oua'QUutlarrend lflforamt1& partainingthets; t0 ~dT%808 US tit&iYW hero h8a (LWTOfSt Who.8em and dlatributes- %26 Using I.&C. COUtt&uS8 16 8Ub- jeattofllaabai4andpapthe.lloen8sre6~. WethInk yue ba*s wrlwatlg.'~~ thut qw6tlasl am5 that the 6hwAts aeQr4 requQe8 tbst thEt . be do&e. .:: so4&ia.i&i) pz!oilMi‘ xhat .wn*w 6ub @St ., tata;; mgnxatloa dfth*Iatsr6tat8oo6meaic,0rlJMIOZi ariduontalner6whioh,cW owned snd used by the Govern- LpcD1E. ot tb tbdtti BtatCr6Of IMQflC& .lTbffOCQt.sbirapl th6 ~nni81068 Of this 66OtiOU+ 8iZWf!lp&lX1attQf Stat66 that the ocutaineT6natlan0dlr.~QyestlonHO. 4 are'uaed '&nLyIn kttrastate~ bualnwe tae 6tetute ‘k&66 no &asp- tloa.fcar those oontainen they ere olearlywIthln the rtqdmmenta cl the lrtatute. ~U66tiO6 HO. 6. *A dietrlbutorof butane hqui~t hW MS produot8haadled by indiVidWl8 -5 rirse, in dlfferect toirn8. Thtiw iihIvi5ukls 6nd firm6 8elIoit the sale of t316 butane eq:,lp- ment6ndr66eiv6th6reirm~6manIa6ion fromtkm diStribUtw& %6 di8Wibutor OpWLte6 LUhX oue muac an5 the above amutlcned repneeatetlves operate buslne66e6uudes thetr owu reepectire~ U*." ~ueatlon80. 5~axmr6 to us to have the same ‘aat of ifICt6 as Qumiitfon Ipo, Z, heretofore8nswerfA