OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EIoAorable Parks Ii.M6Mlohar1, Pa&e 2 "The oougty judge shall appoint a prrsld- iAg orrlaer ror each rotFog place tn hold any. such OleOtiOA in 005lDA sohool dietriots*and 5h5U propare the ballots for t3~0hele0tioA5, and the OouAty rhall bear ttm OXQOAEX4of hi*- lng t&m print&. All ?olls for sohool dlstriot eleCtiOB8 eball be OpOAeb. at eight o'olook a. m., aad shall be o&osed at mix o*olook 2. A. and AOAS Or the otliodrt¶holding auah 0hOtiOA shall be entltlod to ampsn5atloA themror. Any penon may cballe~ge a voter; but if thu challenged party tAke5 5~ oath that he la a qualliiedtoter of the State and county, a& that he ie a reeident gr0perty taxpapr in 6al6 district,he shall be entitled to ~ote.~ It ma held by thla dtpartmsnt in an oplnlo~ dated July 10, 1931, by AseirrtfintAttorAey~CrsAeral Soott C%ai~e5 addrers- Ad to Honorable L. P. Heard, that Artiole 2793 ia applioableto band llaotloA5 in oomma~ 5obool bl8trlots and A0~d 0r the per- 8OA8 hOI&%- euoh elOOtlOA5 5r6 6Atitlcd t0 OOmpeA5atiOA thm- r0r. Se find no reama w&y suoh %piAiOA should mt be followed. It 18, therelore, mar option that judges and olerkm in (LILei9OtfOA i.mOi~iBg the QU08tiOA Or t&C h~t~A00 0r bond.8in l ooauao~ aohool dfetrlct ~st8 Aot uMtle4 to reoelrs aAyfee5 r0r their uetrloeefor holdlng suoh el6OtiOA. Youlw very truly ccc :Bs COMMWEE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS