BonorableOeorgeHe Sheppard
Comptrollerof PublicAccounts
Bear Stir opinion tie. 0&26~
'Re::+y the T*s-Stite'Park~B&rd
delegateto ii%‘~ec&ary'the'
rl&t to approvec**.; against
the state'ap@ro$rl+tio3is,+r
We have ymr letter of Julf32, 1939, h,yhltihP&I &a$.$:
9 will thank youto aavise thie~depitrt&irt~whetbrTexas
State Parks~Board.lleyde&gatatoits secretary the rig?&
toapprove claimsagainstt+astatea~oprl+l~~f~
such board.”
Article'606~sR~vieed.Statutis,-p~iaas'f~the~'cr&ti&hofa'Sti$e '
Parks Board. Article6W* providenb,~olnonq
*mc Board mg make sic& riida& regilS+ms far
carryingout of this eat a$& the laws of~thlistate
to state parks, silt my adi+~'nec+ir~nOt
In conflictwith lawi"
The statutaticiwatingthe Stat.'Par@Boal'd,'atid
aeftiingIts duti&@ an&
powers are very meager.~
Hewever,the Waco Court ef Clvll Apwala, in State vs. Bre~n, ill S. W.
WI 347, saysr
*rae State Parks Baird Js ndt an l&pendent corporatlcmor
lnstltutlenoperatedfor financ&algaln,but Is an agmcy
of the State authorizedto an&charged with the rasponsQlllty
of acmrirlngand melntalninga system of public parks for
the benefit of the people generally,for the,benevolent.
purposeof premctingthehealth,happlneSSjand general
welfare of Its citleens."
Ho&jrabla&or&a ft.Bbepprib,Page #2 (O-u26)
~rtiaL 4SiJb1,RaoiuadBiatutoo,&sbdiviabn 4, impoeeq on the aOmr0iler
the duty t13 roQUfrrrtt~aaOoupt0praMtltedto him for eettlementnot
othe2Moe pxavidodfor by Saw Co be lapa*otrfamu prescribedby bfmm,
all euch aaacntnt4
+a bo vorUlod by affldaeitau to their coxrectneuu,
and ~cI#Q 06,nd@atorthe Uch hwolf titray case in which he may
it neceuoary.”
‘Ati O~iM and aOOo\nrto &tit the Sate Shalt be SUbdtted
on farm0~prclo0mtt3a by .WloOomptrotler in duplicate,when
rewb!od by’hlm,,tioop%gktlnm for peasbi~, and shall ba so
preparedab ii0pxoV%d*for the etttering thereon, for the
uea of!the Oamptxoller.‘i Dopwtmant, eu WelL a0 other
approprlak mrftorr,. the folldvingt
“1. iSigptl;uro
of fho hoad of the deportnkator other peruon
r usp o na f&
ib ino
rle twittng
ax p a nditties
hold tlw pMvidotw of the lort,rtaCute Quoted,~it .appaaratltat the
Lsglulaturehaq roqulrea that we a-roller 31@3thave the slgnature~
of the hetill
of the @artftWt, * Otlt+tr
per8Cm incurr% the
We, thaxdorei a&war youfititioi~tn~tlie negative.
Since *e atfitutpagive~~~~~~~.tatePqrloP‘BoardthkpcMex to pr&&be
rules and xe&at&arrP ‘potQto0ttaiOtgnt with~thelaw, St is suggested
that‘QtuP&S &Or& may ~OV~~O ritlaaand ~regulatio~whereby the
appoVa2 of tha claim mpy bq tradeby ‘theOhalxnmn,V5.ce-Ohaironm, or
s0ae other tnoabsrof th0 Boara, and,if such lu dens we tblnk you would be
authoxikadto aoaspt aqh a’moval, Rowever,.inview of the nw&atory
charaaterof ArtLdu 4355, aa~amettbd,we ai+ of the .opinionthat the
amroval of thaae 0hitiWanv not bs &lamte~ to the executivesecretw7,
oi-a non-mamber,~.butthat’&ch dl$orat+iary action must betakenby .--
somu mamlwr of thu Board unbr the rulae and regulationspresoribed
by tho Boerdr