-, .-
“0 SOl.“.,c..,Ol ,. .* . . .**...a,.0 . . . ..-.“...“,.L -* ” a.I Y” L.,. .PS.O”.. .I .I. .,.a.... . ..‘... . .I... . ..1...“1
kionorabh Oeorgcr D. l&r&m, k'u~a C
prordta purohass or 011 by tendering muo to
Oomaon pWaha8@r?"
Xn rurthar explanation or your qu*stl~no, you 8tat0 Ln
your letter to Col. Thoiapsown thct c3llomaes 011 Cospanjr haa
drlll04 borne twoaty woU8 on land Ln Crookett County belonging
to chr i&irsralty of Toxa8, end that Cllor6oes 00 Company &s
-hut06 0. >lpa 1150 imm thoao relle to YoCaesy, whom a
.@8W@ttiw 18 Wde With &fU&lO ?i&~ &iUO dhlQUU~.
Tour quastXo58 ad8ume that Rumble ?lp* Ltm Company ti
fn f&at a 00-5 pWoha8or, und thle opinion 18 bawd 011that
This foot 1S8UO 18 f&pOrtmt, beomxm, Ud8rthO
zrao m tsth0 United 3tatOk Dlotrlot court in Nx0ma Hatural
m c8..V& ~~ibWOd OOdB8iO5 Of T'C)XEti, 69 hd. (2) ?m, it
WOti k RWOLL8titUtiO5d. ta Ppply the OOnPIY)II ptlroh8W 8tatUt.
to o plpo liar which 3~~8 not ln ract a oommo5 puroboaer.
A8 pOi5tUd OUt in the OpitiO5 by &ire 6OOtt ikd508, ths
prlnolpd statutea rrlmtlng to conxm oarrlor plpe4Unoa are
iU-tiOl.8 6018, 6019, mYf& 6040. 6041, 6046, 6oolb, 6oc8, pnd
6049a of V8lXkOn'a Aclnotete4 Civil Stututse. With rdurenoe to
FUr fhOt qUe8ttOli, tb PD8t ~tii505t 8tatUte8 - dodo, bolb,
arri 604Qa, 660. 0.
hrtio1.s 6040 prprida8, la part, that a ooamon oarrlar
pipe line wsha.ll be raqulre4 to lnrtP31 and mnintaln fooi+litlaa
for the rwelpt and dollro~y 02 oruda pstrolowu of patx-058 at
au pOi5W 05 8UOh pipe 115..-
rit101u 6045 ;rrOYidO8 t&at 50 oa6!!& arrler plpo llm
"8hn11diMr~ta tnicwaenoragdlut ahlgpn ip rrgordto
iaollltler rur5i8h~d or ssrolce rondurmL"
shotion 8 or utiols 60491 prorlao8 that ti oomon
oarriur plpa line8 8hdl be oomaoa puroho8on & tht 00 Om-
-5 PUOh8er
8hd~diAOriEhlata i5 it8 p-.@8"bt-a
r805 a8 4 & li58t l5Cltb r in th w -00
tWUO5 rid k 8 15 this 8t6teag It i8 tqO?
th18 8tatIitO that tha ~W8tkU,Oi th0 jU8tbWbt r-b&8
or any ai8oriml2lat,l~n18 to
k dotorminecl b thm mm.m8e ~COtis-
dJXl -taking into 0050iarmti0n the pmduot md Agcl or rrll8
la raip00ti~0 fhxa8 0nd ti ottar propa wtolr8.-
Xe ugruo with the o~nolua105 erpree8.d by Kr. Soott
iklnea thnt the iarogoln6 etotutory provisions are applioablo by
douorable George D. korgun, i'age S
their ttxprean terms to producers in dirrerent fields a8 well 88
to produoero wlthln the came rleld, and that under these stututee
a common purchaser 18 prohibited from making any unjust in-
reasonable dl8orlaWation aa botweon fields ln thla state.
Wa alao agree nlth Xr. Cainea' co5cluslon with referenoe
to rour 8eOOnd questlon,.and it 18 our opinion that a proboar in
a genoral area served by a common purohesor oan toroe prorata
purchase or 011 by tendering Same to a common purohaeor, a88uml5g,
of oourse, that the produoer oompllee uith,the rules of the Rall-
road Conm~l88lon a8 to the quantity and quality of the 011 whloh
is tendered. We believe that thle oonolu8lon neoesearlly r0U0wa
from the prohibition agaln8t dl8OrimiMtiO5, because ratable pur-
ohaalng 1s the only method of avoiding a dleorlmlnation between
Yours very truly