.- .UnAb
Iknoruble T.O. Walton, Ply.8
SIotion 1 (a) of Art1010 66878, femoaa*8 Anno-
tated Civil Statutes, Q?lnu a *ohauffeu?" UI io~lowsr
*Any person vbo operatu a m&or fr
hfole tar any puqoise, who10 or p8x-tthe,
u on amployeo, sormnt, agent, or lnde-
pondant 00ntraOtor. alutbr ad 0 00l0.S7
or oorniulong ud every per808 rho o-r-
atu a motor raelo while 8aah vehioLe f8
in use tir kin or lean.=
Seatlea 8 oi &&id* 65878, upra, require8 that
*all ohuuffeur8~ be llom irtho fblbmia16 lm@mge:
Wa a l
por6oa tioqt tlwee lxppter8lylr o a fiQt
unhrtkl8 Aot, 8balldrlre anymotor
,mhielo 8gon l hl&may l8 thir Stat*
unless 8ueh parson on a3plloatlon ha8
bun Itemu* u uI operator or ohauf-
reur by the aepabtmnt under the pro-
rirloa8at thU ALot.”
Beotloo.S of the hot emamntes wexeaption8*.
Subdivi8ion (b) Of SOCtiOn S QrOVid~8 a8 !b11OU8!
a r m y p emn in tla lr 7 lo oo r
the United Statu
snd *hen fun&h&
rith a &river’8 penrft and rhen OQW-
ding aa orflolil motor rehi~le in
ahall be exempt hPa ll-
such secrrrlca
OOl.lOOoader thi8 ht.”
l%I-t~ 8tUdMt8 Of A- 8 1. CO&Bge, working Dp-
der the dimatloa of the leader of the Torao Coopcratln
Wildllfo Re8earch Unit, drive rotor rehiolsr Wmed by the
Fwleral Oov8rnmnt”. Tke;Iare paid for t&elr 8Ol'Vi-8
from funds: rovldod b? tke Texas Oaps, Jl8b and Opkr
Coari681Oll s Stat. fUd8) Or th lilsriOM iifildlifemti-
tuts (private funds).
Tke qnUt:M i8, whothor Ot not then 8tUdaXlt8
ma* obtain ohalstieur8* llom8e8 under ArtlOle bb87a.
HoaorubloT. 0. miton, Page 3
or 8erTant8 8inae t&p ax-asubjeot to the oontml
or the &e&or o? tho Wlildlife ReaearohUnit nnd rsoolreOOE-
peruatlon in the r0m of 8IlhX%iesor *sipas.
ma088 exww881y umpt under tb QMV~B:OM 0r
tbs lnw, tke8e 8tudUrt8 are 8tatutol-y"Okd?W?8* MU must
oaapl~ulththoluwby obtaimingohan??eon*
Sub8mtloa (b)of SeationS, above quuted, 18
th e
o nlylexaptlon* raootOlf
applleablo to the 6-0 at
hand. rOt it ?a8 rU 8kOI-tOf IIWtiog th0,8itMtiM O?
then A. b I 8tidWit8. Ia the f'lr8tplaoo, tbsr are tpot
=irr the 8WViOe Of tke -it& 6tatO8.* &SoPd, tkOafdo
nut kam "a drivbr’8pqmlt* ?-the Unite4 state& ?ia-
ally,theyare not wopentln8an ofrioialrPtarrahioleIn
su6h 8ervloe*,i.e.,80-e or the IJnitodState8 Q0mm-
runt, wmn Shou& they are &riving %&or rahloler own&
bytha TederaZCQmm%mw.W. ti 8014 iMtUW.8, tbO80 8tU-
dOnt8 are paid fm privatefUd8.
We 0-t 8tretOh the sxo&tiO%of Seo~tios 3 (b)
to ruoh them in any one of t&a tkru oondit~oB8 8et tort&i
ia the tamllng o? the 8ub8eotion, and all the triple rem:-
8ite8 wt be me&.
At thl8pointn oall attention to Oplalo8X0.
15, 1999,holdiD t&a&par8oaa w-
0470, renderedA&u-l1
PlO bJ h. & y. CO11060, WkOSO dtrtiO8 b0lUdO OpCrMtiq
0lge-ownod tioka 8hOUld obtain ohgri?eu?e* llUeIi808
UnCer Artlclo 6681a, Vernon*8 Annotated Clrll Statute&
10 are fad.llar with the hol4lyl o? t!m Snprw
Court of the United State8 in the OESO oi Johnson T8.
xarylEn6 (UmO) 41 sup. ct. 16.
The aase is easily dlstla&tahable ?rem the pre8-
ant 8ltuatlon. PlaIatiff in em? lo the Sohwm basewas
ea w@loyse of the Post Oitiae !hpa.rtaentof the United
Stat.8 drifing a garermsnt rotor traok aam8l date links.
It M held that the 8tato of Naryland ha6 no pore? to re-
q&ire 8uob aa uplupu to obtain a liaryluad drifer'alioenh
bJeubmlttiayto en lx8&mtiom 00n0ora hlr OMtm8e
UK% paying #s.~ 1lOUi8e ?n. ins reMoni”t lag b&If.& tha opln-
ion rea that the &mtrument8 OS the superior eomert4 a? the
United State8 Qovornmnt Eil8t be iBRaInsrr0r8tate eentrol
la th8 p@rfurMM e o? their dutie8 O? natiuaal 8OOp0.
The statue e? l federel mall ourier emplomd by
tko unltudstatu Pe8t orfloe D8pM In op8ntir48 a
lZonorabl8 f. 0. Ftaltoa,Page 4
gorsnusllt motortmcrk in sa idlorrioo Is In no way anal-
ogoua to that of an A. & Y. Collasgsstudent draw&q wages
from stat6 or grlrateftmda for o*ratIng a gommment-
owea ear la a state eoopuatIro pmjeot. The exemption
of Seotioa3 (b) would reaoh the employeeof tho Ualted
States Post OSfIaoDepartsent8x4 uu oloarlydeaI@md to
la r ve th r ltp u r p o lm. B u t
nelth tha
a r 8ta tu to
aor #a rmaeon.lag of tha opipion *oald apply to the r00t8
unum oolaaldoratian.
xn oplaion Be. Mw, dated uoy ta, 1939, ue
rent further than n, de ia ala laatonoe In denyIn& an
l m8ptfon under klm@atioa tb) *f Seetiolr S, tn rkr ef
the Jolanaamra. Ku+and dsotrine. Ourdeolaioaruthat
a 02.h. wrker, oa a oouaty mad projeet drlri~ l noun-
tpowned truck but drawing hlr psp fran the Unlted 3tates
Ue~eramnt I.8not l t tro880btehg 8 0h0tir0w8 ii-
oenso uaaor seotion S “4 b) 0r Artiolo 6bW~, Vuaoa*8 An-
notrted Oltil statutaa. Tha reay1n la that he la aot *op-
ending on orflolal note? ~ehSo1~0~dthla the uemptioa
pcoriaion. xnh0r80t a-0 th0t h0 ir arvrit~ pi rm
the ~odenl Gorwmwnt doe@ not bW a U.P.A. rorker
,wlthIathe doetrlne ofSoha6on ~6. Wrylead. Saidrrarkor
Ia employedon a oouatJ mad projeot,drIrLng a oounty-
owned tnaok. Se Is mot, thmrefore, an iatstrument of the
United Stat*8Ooventunt who80 oospulaoryooapllanoedth
state licen8. laws rauld oent3t1tute
an I.arrii¶g@#lltupon
the donaia of the Tedoral Coroznaoat. The well reoo(plira~d
iPmmity 0r 10a0~sl iostmatrlitie8 do-88not ~rt~nd t0
this 0884, due tn the r8et that tlm status of t&o @.?.A.
parker on a oounty pmpjeot, driving a county-omed tmok,
Is mat that or a Iedortiuplope p ufo r a la lg
ervloe of
fedoral acape.
Xt ia our oplaloa that tb students of A. & Y.
Collage, driv& noter rehloler ounad by the Yederoi Oar-
armant fbr th8 Tuaa Coopontlre WIldllfe Rmnaamh Unit
emd drwlng pay froa atate or prhato funds, are %hauf-
tours" wlthla the eoove~o of Artlole 6087a. Voraon*a An-
notated Clrll Statutar, and mat obtala ahatpf'fetlr8'
oonsu, ~beIngnolthbr laapt undo? the Aot nor under den-
a-al prinoiple of ooll8tituthml law.
Ba hare prmrioualy pointed out that If the aaopa
or the 8tatutorydofInItIo~of Ia toa broad,
it Is a nttor mail7 rwmdbd by le&Ialatioa. It ia not
for thI# departmat to pea8 upen th6 dirialoa of l pu%ia-
ulu legIslati~0 wadmat.
. .
xonor&loT.o.lilton,Paga 8 7
Trartlng that the lbova full7 uumem your in-
qulrl*r,lm un
APPROVED JuL 13, 1939