Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Opinion Ho. O-1058 Rel order of the coQlaalonera' court of flookley County, fIxIq the eompenaa- tlon of the County Treasurer or said, aounty, aonatruuL IOU have rubmltted to this offlce ?ollouing queatlont the .. “0 the County Zreaaurer entitled to reaeive aoamlaalona on 811 monies f%ua the 881e of bonds and other aourcea when recelvedj and receive oommlaalona on all aonler paid out by her, ln connection ulth the oomtruction oi the Hockley Copty jail?" On January 9, 1939, the Comd.nalon*ral Court of Hoalcley County entered an ordur whlah read6 as follwar Sa f'nota lavolvod, aa f&m&had w by you, aret “OnFebruary 27, 1939, about 424,528 wara received by the traaaurer fram the ?ederal Qovemme nt la oonneutlon with a HA Job of conatruut~ the Eockley County Jail. %a uwaiaalonera eoupt h&ve not paid tha tra8awer a aom- 8laaion for reoelviag thla money nor iOr groiry out the W. "Some @5,W In bonds have been sold UXYpeld for and the treasurer has not ncelved her oolimiarlone in oonnaotlon vlth thla treneeation.” &ticlk 1709 and Artlok 3941, Revised St8tute6, resd reapect1vely a8 f021ou61 "Art. 1709. Money8belonging ro oounty. The county t2eaaurer ahall recelvo all of his oouaty w mquirr 8ad dirwt.' tmeauror ahall reoolve aom- rlaalona on the 80 lrecelvodand~ld out by hia, aaidoom5laaloarto “31l flxdbyor6eroftkeolriralonaau aourt as follousc Fm ?eo*lvin(S all wmeyt, o th ethaa r lehool funds, for the oouaty not exceeding two aad 0twb6irper aent, snd aot exaeedhg two and 023d6irper aent for paybq out th same3 pcovlded, that ha ahall reoelve no o#- miaalona for reaelvlag monay from his predecessor nor for paytag over 8oney to his aucaeaaor in ofri8e.” Article 393 ltilta the merlmm ouupenutlon 8 a5unty treea~of6aount NOh m Hockby, w ~COIVS in on6 year to the aumof'puoYbouaaad f 42,000) Dollars. Yeu have adviaedthe Coamlaalonera ( Court that the Treasurer la lntltleU to aollect the comnlraion fixed ln its order for receiving and di6bwafne tb aoney received froa the Yederal Qoverment aad oa the money reallaed fraa the aalo of county boada rhich we infer uare lamed r0r the purpose 0r oonatructlag 8 county jail. Ue believe you have correctly advised that body. W the plain provlaloaa of Article 3941 and the order of the court, vhen ooaatrued together, as they mat be, the County W ia entitled to receive 8 coamiaa~on of flve-elghta of ona per cent on all 8oae76, other than school funds, ~w)olved by her, 6nd a like co6mlaalon on all Nab aoneya pal4 out w her. she lm sot ontitled to 6~cmulaeleaferrecel*~$ngmoa6y fromhezpredeceaaar ertorprylng over 8onay to her auoceaaor. Be 8oney, abe ha0 received from the Fedem @averment, ma evidently a dire& sift at &rant to the county for the purpose of defraybq8part of the expeaae iaaurredbythe eouaty lnbolldl4 8 Jail, If 60 itbeaancouaty fimdaaad, ferre6elvlng6adpaylng lt out, ah6 is 0alitloU to ruoeive the cambsioa fired in the bourt’a otier. The aoaey reeeived from the aale of tha jai2 bonds 8re likedae aounty &nde for whloh &be l.a uitltled to receive able brief uhieb loocspaaled four request has eauaed our labor, Ye greatly rppretclate your In 6emM6nce with tour request, we me hereulth encloslwi aopy of Opinion Ilo. O-907. Tours valy truly AmmiB!temmNd WTBUS Afp-AW3, 1939 a/ Oerald C. Mann &fORXBYoENxRALWTEXAS &proved Qpialoa Camnlttee by l /RW chainrran.