c. MANN ,I’ b\
Y 4’
Hon. k.9. iUyohs, County Auditor P
Gregg munty
tongriaw, .Texan
Dear Sfrn
‘fhia d6~~iib 6nt is ia
tierOS June Z6, 1939, wherel
upon three
ve QWt6 froRi your
Bon. R.S. Wyahe, Co.mty iudftor, Page 2
oontalned in this Aot shall be OOnBtm6d a8
preoluding . . . the county Golrlwisaioners'
Court irCUII
makiag'OhUI&NI in the budget.fol?
oounty purposes . . . l I)068this Ul6clll,
among other thing@, that the Commlaslon6rs*
Court may amndthe adopteA.oounty budget at
Will, Without r8&?Ud to th6 8Xiet6llO6 0s
@'aYe publio n606E4SityT"
Article 689a-9, I&vised Civil Statute0 Qt
l$as, provides Sor the preparation of the oo%ty budg-
Arti 089a-10, Revised Civil Statutes of Tw,
&.dee that when ths oowkty judge has OOi@6t6d the
budget Sor the oo\mty that a ocrpy of the mu6 should
36 filed with the olerk of the oounty oourt, aYailabl6
for the inspeotlon or any taxpayer.
Artlold 689a-ll, Redsad Olvll Statutea of
Texae, 5.p part, reyL6 as iollowsr
*The Ctiselaucrr6* Court Fn eaoh oo~n-
ty shalleaoh year pro?id6 for a pubrio hear-
ing on the ocunty budget - whi6h hearlag ahall
take plao6 oL+hqs date to be nankiedby the
Connnleslcmers~ Oo~rt subeequant to mtut lSth
and prior to the 16~y OftuEel by aaid OCUPC
mlsslQn6rs’ court. Pub110 notfae ahall be
given that on said date of hearing the bu&-
et a6.~prepared by the OoUnty Judg6 will b6
nn&LW4A @ +i?lfL
&Q?nmb&-6.* fbzt-. wL+A
notloe shall name the hour, the date and Mm
plaoe whera the hearing shall be oonduoted.
My taxpayer of su6h oormty ehall have th6
right to. be present and partloipat~ in aaid
hearing. At the OOnOlU&CBll Of the hear&n&
the budgst as prepared by the County J'udg6
shall be aoted upon by the Commissionerrr~
court. The 0o~rt shall havs authority to
make suoh ohangem In the bwet as in th6f.E
judgment th6 law Wamanta and the int8rMt
of the taxpayers demanq
Hon. R.S. Wyohe, County Auditor, F’cq6 8
bu&et is mad6, a oopy of th6 ord6r oi the
Oourt-amending th6 buU@ shall be fil6A
with th6 alerk of th6 mnlnty Qourt, and at-
taohed to th6 budget originafiy adOpt6&"
(Underaooring our8).
mfole 689a-20, Bevi5eA illvll Statutes of
Texas, reader,a8 foUowat
'Wothing oontalmA In thir AOt
OCUWtrU6d68 pr6OiUding th6 b!IghhtW?O fZoP
pralckg oh-68 in th6 budget for Stat.6 par-
~0568 or prevent the oounty aosunla~ioner8~
,Gourt from nmkhg ehan$ea in tha budgcst for
oounty purpose6 or prevent the go~6rafn&
body *ommaking 6haIl&6S in th6 bu&6ts r0r
sohool purm6a; and the duti66.r6qulreA by
Vim6 or thi5 llotOr E&t&6, GOUatys Olty
and soheol ofrioere er Repr6fW3ntcltiY68&all
be performd ror the ompeneatifm ~~(11
vid6d by law paid said ofrioer8, re-
Corpus Juria, Volume 28, page 884, d6fin66
the term *&raVB" as SolkeWlu
*As an adjeotivs, d6servl43 rerlour
oonsld6ratioior thought! im2ortant;
Gorpus Juris, Volum~l 30, BeOti~~%9+ pa&.
856, defTme the term *publ$6 neoessity* a6 tollewsl
Bon. B.S. Wyohe, County AudLtor, Rig6 4,
%esded for r6a8Oaab3.6oonYenl6noe,
taoillty, and oomple+moaa in aooompliahing
a publlo. purpose great, or urgent publlo
ooav6nl6nos~ wititZ6$W6aOs to 16giShtiV8
aotion, th@t urgent, 5.mmdiate pubUo n66A
arising rrom eristl oondltlona, whloh in
th6 jIZdgtWt Of th0%s *lAtum, juatifls.
a dl&urbano% of prlvat% rlghtr wbloh other-
tiar ml&t be lseplly .exemptfrtm sush'ln-
This dqartment held, In ui oplnlon writtm
byH6n. Joe J. Almap Aariotant Attorney Qeumal,
dated Ootober 3, 2.938,that the odaaloimrs~ aoart
o f a o o untywti ua a uth o r lfs
a 4 ma k 6
to o h a a g eh
nr l b udg -
etaSt6rita flnrrladoptlorrcoopt la Osareaf~an-
,@y and gave publk, nsoeaslty~ la quote ?som #aId
0pirsLm a8 r0uanc
Qtle ulo~t~priaaiple at&w
that in tn% otmatruo~l~ ai otatute8tbrt
th6y mUat b6 OonstrWd as a w&ls and la 8\uh
amsuer aa to &Y% ior and ~Wmtte.eaoh
and er6Py okur.4 roriaa th6reino;
”aestial 11,
quted&ove a~~iilasUyprcw$Aeathrt
aftsrahes&oithe Uxpsyerithetth6Om-
mia do n%r r *
Qo wt 8houlAlot up a alur id %tt*
Th6 art1016 further pMnLd68 that the 0 or
SiOnSlW' a0UI't6baJ.lhaT6 authority t0 W&k@
auoh ahang6tilnths baaget as in th6S.r Juag-
m6nt the lm yiarrant#~ Th68e ohaa$er, unbu’
this S~tlsl6, aret be m&4 priol! t0 the
adoptlm or the bud&& and after a rull~heae
lng orthetsrpepms.
*It La ale0 rrignlriaurtr
‘to note that the
&2&$SlStW6hSS 6BSOt6diQthiS &faB W
geab olauae pl%wlAlagthat in'osssOr&rast
publz0 n%O6Sdty th6 'bUt@t 80 PppWY6d'~.
the oourt may be w&d. Thio ray only bo
dene, hW%Y6r in Os6Q ~OZiditiOll9
6xir0 WhiOh
bOUld n6t be'ior.ssan r) tb6 WE6 0r th6.
adoption Or th6 budg6t;"
ye are not or the eplnfan, upwioanrrlb
Hon. 8.9. Uyoh6, County Auditor, -6 6
erlng the aot ss muhoI.4, t&st soOtion Eo
quoted abov6, 4008 not autlprlts the 00&s-
8loners~ Oaurt to maiceohaages so a8 to ln-.
oreaes the smoum8 of.t& buAg6t after it8
rim adoption -06pt la 6aSM ai W&al-
No Ao not thSak it stihorlss8 the
%&l~~onors@ Oaurt to lnaroaso the budgat
'after its adoptlah TO so holA,woulA AssW6y
th6~Y6l'ypurpoao 0r tha a61hw
Thla dap6rW1mt h6lA la sn opialm wrltta
Of a OOUIlty Was UlWlthoriZ6dtO IBSkO w 8X~nditUXO
0r rm5 0r the 00unty
with the budget, 6X06pt
OM6 of grata pub110 a6Oeasity,
oourt was wthorized t@ emaA th6 tutisotla or&r to*
provi& rarau6hsmargonsy .we y.eao,
&r6alth, a oopy~of this op
is to what oonstit&os *-ye publfa aeooe-
Slty* wIU laWJ6U d6ps& upan the $a@*8 in 6U¶h.sUSq
Inawwerto aarqn6s$laasc yeuuorsspas%
fully advlseb that lo I a the opinion oi tnls &apartmaat
that after the oouaty buAgst ha b66a finally a~praYa6
by the Qomalaaioners~ Ooyrt, that the Oaidaslarer8~
be au%horLzsdto
Oourtwould~not mm&the ori&al
budg6t,unl6saths6r~diturea Sat ou~ln4$asmsndr
mqnt to the buAg6t w6r6 mrg6noy 6xp6nbitursa, an4
wera obuaed and ti6oea6l~et66by s gave
aityto pleat Uzwau6l and unioreaan 06n
tlcm b&V6 b6Qn inalud6A ia the ori&sl.ktbgsf~
You are lurth62 r6apsotrullp a(brir66that lb
la the opinion 6s this &6partnusnt th6t th6 bmmiaai6rMX8*
court 0r a oohnty la uasut&orlseA to W sny upandi-
turb Of the iunds Or thm WKity, =06pt in SrriOt W*
llanoe wlthths budget,,sxarpt 6morg6nay SrpaaAitures
Pago 6
dillgent.thought and attention, hare been l.noludeQln
the orlglnal budget aaid @aer@noy srpOrinditwe8 balng
niade by proper amen imentto the bud@tbythe Oamle
slonare' court.
Thersrore, your fir88 queatlarl 18 aumrare6
in the affinnetive. row rb40d p~0sti0n 18 -wea
in the ne~tlte. Your t.hlr~qlle#8lm la anmwexe6 in
Trusting that thlo awWerB JrOW i.U&SY, ~0
mafERALor Txxh6