Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE QF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable Utu4 hnrI4k county m41ror Bopklnr Cooa8y Sulphur Sprlnerr, Texar e money cwlleoksd 80 be laere whore 311 ofricrss and juatlos of the praao CrLa~nsl Erooebure, Qernoa! 4 1 , 1.423, prarldee (~8 follewr~ roa64rOd 3456in8t 3 dOrMddt preuent, he rhall he im rifboneb prorided by lan. * crrtlt f ed sopy bo suffleleek to authori\ ruoh tipr&rcm- raunlwy fine ha4 baea ad udged again86 ad&en- 6antc aot prersr.t 1, raplar shall iorb d th bs L4w(, ior U0 omrt. who &o&f a;LJIll,~zaouke the naaa by p~aoiw the dorendabt ta Jail., .. i Xoaorable Lotus Haarlak, Page S Ia a aas where only a partial pagmmt is made on a iisdemsanor fine and ths ooats therein assessed and it is impossible to solleat the balanae of said fine und aoats, and where all oifloars except the aonstabls and Justioo of the poaoe are oa a salary basis, then and in that event the ronay oolleatrd on the soots shall be divided among the oSStaer8 in the r0ii0ting ammert Th4 ofrlae,rs who sr* ssning on a ree basis shall take their proportionato part of the rim oollrotrd, bass4 on bhe geraentsge sf the aosts aollsatod, aad shall thewaiter handle sush money in ths sass manner as other hea oolleoted ia their orrlolal oapsaitios. The portioa or the aosts oollsated whlsh vould be due to ths oifiasrs whs ars oa a salary basis rhall be tahn by such oiiiasrn and plaard in the ottloors~ salary fuad, in aocordanos wlth ths statut44 psrtainlng thereto. In all lnstanoes the *rlnsm goes to the county. Txustlng tbati the above till satisraotorily answer your quostlons, as propounded, ~4 twain fourr rexy truly BY