-T& T&glnlotom slmll IO 6oon 0. plwe
'~~~Notabllsh,orgMlB4 onu pxwldofor
oaonoe,oo port mad dlroatlon of l
mi~~sity or the rLn t 01050 to bo hootm4
b yl toto otthe 1s of thf. mJte .I@
ltylo+ Vho Unlrsro
-7 ty of ?oxea,*tar tbr
pt648ua0r ~t~0tur0, mu th8 Ort800u
.danoes, S8mludi.gl. agri.ultural,
hma I. k..pS~:ritb th. obmu 4loalwotlfmArtlol.VIX, O.otimi
11, .f t&o 8.+1tut10Jlat Pox80 proviae~r
'In Qrbr to Mablo the L.g:slot.r.to
porforatho lutles sot forth in the Soro6oio&
oootlon,it is henby beolaredthat all Irml
iad other mopsrt~ br8toSox-e *at apart, lrd
lp p r o p r lo
forto d,
the lrrtoblldment on4 molato-
naaueof ‘ThaUnita~ltyat Taxa@’ tugotm!
with all the prooaodoof lolea OS .b. w,
heratorom rrde or h6roorterto k uda, mid oll
gants donetloBsMb ~ppropr%~tlcma th6t ay
hermiter bo Ilrrrde
by the Ptatr of Tour
my other soiuoo,ahsll oaaatltott and iiiiiii?
permanent Unlterdty furrd.*
Tr8osle.ralall be the TronMror or %a. u8c
terslty. The Word ohollhwe tkerlefitto
r a kl
enu 080 0 ow 60.1 urd rsy altn tho
uu ot plQa6oro.*
othu ortloor8,fir their Twjmotl- aala-
?lOS~ Md they awl1 as* mloh bplm,
rulesand mylrtloar eo m): bq aooomoory
aJr the Muossrulwgaauitmd gmmmamlt
of the Vnireraity
; the aoil hr. p0-r to
awgulatetha ooame a# inatruot~oalnu prm-
Da r lb ,
4 lnu withth emwlo a o fth e
trsBtws, the bowJ *au lut!mrltlor00erGi
the l~+arrl depar@eats,en6 to oomferluoh
&gPQoa and to grnt Mob alplsMs II8om UM-
ally oonfumd a5d grantedby fmltorsltioeb*
'Rultsof the &bardof Rynta in the
~0~~0~80 0r th0 4aobgot0d ponu am or the
sm. toroa ia the stotuteo,oti the Boerd'a
orrlahl lllt42-pmtrtloa
of the ruler bo-
w 0 put thueor. m4 oourte will oot
litcrfum with the rules of the Board in
th lba~• 0t 0 nl0u mdi~~ 0r ubitr~y
letleauer lbum of out!mrlty.m
It MI ba won that fb Lof$lllaturolAt*nud to
give to the 2owd 0r Rmgeatn o? the Vnlver8lty
of Fauo Wml
sand greotUsorrtlmloneo8mhm konoo8rlraea~
c-r Bupraa court OS Texo* iA rpQ8klA&throughita caatulon
ozrApp6ol0in the sbmroolte6oooe.
fn 1909 the pzreldant of the Unlrardty of Fexw,
m&g thr woetwlty ror the lreation0r0bpertacnt cb Ib-
tMsloA, nde tho fol.lowlng m OAR nbwnaa0m to
the m d liemte ai the Vr rer8ltyOr Fexmr
?!B?mrIoR. f ballm the tin
bar ez *hea &a Unlrcralt~shoUd make
8 lkcalost rtart in the dirootlon of .*04-
nsla to idooo the L8g1*1*tuT*to oappfd 0
dopartmnt that h08 boa #trbllrhd, 0m.IUau
la good maon for b0lie+lozthOt0ve0Z00
yearord 0 holithlr dopqt000tuouldprrW0
00 populur 4s to lmble the Regent8to eeearo
tram thr mxt La&lotare 0 MfSelent 8&m to
Iqlop lt.
c -x & klui th? eatinted axpendltaxes
for saloon porpae*, but ask la rla 0S the
noveltyor tbe tladert&%a&,ati ot tbe 6lifl-
mlty 0r entlsatlngooouratelythe emaato
~8wded uodrr the oepereteho~de,thrtt&ePreOl-
b eluth e r ls
a tl
transfer froao na o ftlmn
tund8 to the other In 0888 lt 8-d k lea es-
wly to do a o ,k np ~,o b oourae Me tot01
upsndlturo for uiti purpoaowlthfnth4 4s,ooa
qt dll be m*eM8r~ to &al up 0 dotallod
pm mtb0 0pcntion0r thmprtwOt0r mb
tens:oa, if it be estOULOhd, and X re8omend
thst the Priddent be luthoriztdto paepainluoh
a plan, *ad to pat it hto lffeot,,tithluo h
rpt0a4nt6 4 ~tb 0
c h 8h a 0r
n th 4wa r da tR o -
g e nt8 ra y
da wnneo elsa 0ti
t da Slr mb l4 Ih. a V8
eeeamtlmtedl'grest dcoI of dote, but lt soul4
tske olo~th to Oettmththe 4#*kil0h0r0.
Table of prepe8ed02pelldltU81
Plats P*O%~
Travelsn8 llb?Ui*S
Md debater
Ptenogopher8 l,%%z
=s%~' em*8 aa
3 turo 500.00 ~5,000.00
*The planln g00erOlraxl~ be te la te~isb
three depaftaantmrfeoohing through lorres-
demo, leotureaby mceber. of the Tooulty, ti
he guvprmtlon of Oohool llbtu~aa on request
for those daalrlngto rark ap partloulsr mb$wts,
lltbr for their oua larorMtion or is eon-
meationrdth debates.~ - Prea%da& 5. L.
.Muaa’ xepert to Ibard of Regatta, Jonr Ti
1909~Tel. C, pp. 46%). Regent.'Elnutes,
Andlo lo ur o r dth
a lty
tber oeomenditlon them aodo, tb tlmn
#beti of Rwnta af the UnWrelty of Texas, OR June 7, 1909,
Ibsrd ot Ro At8 Of th.
~Rit~T.i Toxao,oRJuna 7,1909,
a. foun4la$”elm 0, DO@ b72 of l~latltQ8 or the 2 09
R.&.nts ab tha Un~rerai or Texas, nade and a&optedsale eo-
mmenciatlom B1 uaint!? z 0 raiod~ 18n.m8@;
lf the %Untrs of thb Bawd of Riyents of the Uolrerelty ob
muse, the .%kbspr83d8nt or tt8 +ttordt~ or Tuu hmuthis
&n ~~~.“lr tzFzkaza
prlnttr on srptubu 1st ld 1700 oopl.8
uero iim&iatel.tirllmI.me edition or
0 18 mu4 uheu&toC and b new eU-
lollOf ti;sbull&&B w.4 to ths prbtm
oa October 16th. fWw 4& kquotts ba?~
beon rosehe *a& TI r0glstrotlona Lam
h b en
lp p r wta up
a to er teh r ohwlilsb o b a
2 pl lnrl12 being 0th am&r eonsl4Ur-
i It setElm probablythst 88 ILear4
OS ..;I be .rtlnttbU, botwoen 300 rnd &OO
md!sntsrZllryls~ bl tha ~pm.heart
of tztenslonb.'?.!a~
end at the stssion,
Fo far, the SoufSSSmOSt 1eZ@4 llboted
sro bgllsb, frr,Xduostion, rad Yath*-
*I bbllerethat idhaBe8 DbpeHezent
Sully jwtiilcs itself snd adds ~8torL
el4 to th olrTi90'0f th0 Vniwrslt to
$ h St&o,
e lr ul
the a p p r wletim o ttis
Unlrorsltyby th a%nts.w -P r a P r esl-
aoat k ses’report to th eB OUQ o r R o -
@at8;0&0bar21,1909~ Pynts'mt-
atos, Vol. c. pp. bsii-7.
WMeh report by the pmslbmt of the Utivamlt~-#(Iw tb,
Debraof &gents eaoptba.
Isdio la o r itmdty r ith tk 08kbllwt 0r a hb
p er Wo Ont
S2xtenslo n Vnlw
or t& o mlt~
o fTexw, the 2o uaa t
ltepnts Ofth* unlvuslt~, sr c m th e#umr l s&
ior tht mlntenmnebof the nnlrerslt7 eeah-blbnslon
to md through thm 7-r 1926, took open thamelror the autka-
lty to up ndp utor th e
ea m-l
pmoprlatlon for tie asia-
t-e of -5 depsrtmwt, ld in the fourth blmnial lppro-
the bl.mak:.b~&malne Popteab@r1*'1927,and WUUZM AwtSt
fl, 1929 the iward o? GUI*02 'ryrlrtw of itaB W?. 594
through Jpp cwurd the Pldon ef Extu~~lonin data11Mla
th emen’siuflo dmn
e tlh r wglh
na lnelua ls
stb no & r ep h u .
Y’ma that tlno 4ownto the present, th.'mpproprlatlcm
ior the Exto~loa Mvlsioa of the Unlruslt of Tenu has bun
8andwlalongaodade l prtef theeeaer
8s lgroprbtl~ fa r
thb ontlnthkardtymt~wh swaionoa thoxag~lelro.
Asl8tmalfl%l~ tr PagmW.ot th*Urlr%rtesd
the mud of YLqplts of t& Uahudty or ‘Pcrrrs, oaaar aat. of
talg 3, 1937, shq iOllou%q ontry was mar
?%uRE pRo[LBllsn
Al2maTRlT202 &mT
t&it thearks zwxwoss iu4lnlstratton
=-a- .g-r-lnm11 rdnlhmihstian-@l-m.-
&&4trstfost a nd 80 rintandmntWo o 4 8 h wo
wsil 8 Ioslrr ro.hsvo tho Dwislaa d
~bnslon of t&r ualtonltyeat OS ao-•pduQp
rith the f3tste-2mpsr~ste?kAost
Of Publis % .
otrwtlon. Dan t. It.Pholbywouldk Cho
lfifoi*l ropesontotfV0 of the UBlT~*ltt~
alIdthe oo-8~osrarstilp
ysald laoLn m
m the rooosmendotioa
oi BeSO Bholby lsC We
Oslh e uln
n4 o eno tlo o afM r .
%eeena ?
00wa 0d by 8fsJor Puua, the 4mrU tot02
to oathorfrothe MVL~OD ai ~tbfdo8 to
SHOOS ~~-spo~mror thepeo~tdthtb
ol&ustsn~s: thrt thlawula L olvs a0 tlasm-
61 obup4tloa to trio uairer8stylnd that it
would not lnvoltesn lxsssslvoAPein 0s Sny Of
t&s Rxtoeaetat
Dlrlslenioellltlos.*- R~ats’
UllmtQs,al7 3, 1937,vol.L, paa 113.
fapu it oen bo awn thetthe Dmpfirtmnt of Uactensbn
se 0 partot thounlvsrs%ty of Tass UIU Is ot
tzlzc "g7 vsr tu4 o r th o u o o na ltio ns,o o nr ldmwd l pert
on8 -of o? the lnstltutlonbs suhole 0nA the &srA oilto-
mats dth rrfmaoo to the Sorta *ogress AdmltdstrstiQa
it, as a pccrto? snob Ilr-
A. 2& l- naplt
A&Isle 2655, Rov%sedStatatasof Tsmds, 1925, as-
*ld*sr .
-2bre dmXl.be rloot.4 st'oesh'grsoti
lloatio6 8 %sts Rqmrlnton6entoi Fubllo
Snntruotfan, who shall hold his Off%sofew
0 tm of tw8 7oars+ IraePtsto ~apor&stsnAont'
.&all tslco
tho cbr$oLsloath asA shell psrfarr
suah 4utfeSls my b pooor,Lbodb7 law.”
2657, lQorlao4
lirtlolr Ptstutrs of To~s,grati~os:
*ThePtete %apetiteaduIt
mu lmlnsolwith the sohoolaiflssT
O? tJm
oountlos,oitloe8ntltowns end sohool bls-
trlotsas to the beat aothob OS oontbstl~
the gabllo soho48, Snb Sldl bo o~QOma?edk,
rrd rognlations bindlag
for 8bservwwo on ml1 offtiersen6 t*rehus
la lu oasm8*orala t&o p~ls~onn or fbo
sahcwlloy mn7 rbqdrb %ntupntatbnin t
order to rsrry out the Ueslgem 0xprenseU
theroln,Aim rS CAY!?? THAT &MT ARTYI? XU
WrsoH MY LAW HA” lfo PRomIoH, ANI tmRm
n2wsxTY f:mrrzr mm Rvm XM owm *AT
TH3Jru WAX l% no umm Tc l!RmIlEAL~# A?a.l
no 3r3LAYs OR IEoOormBf~ IN Tu2 WItKlR-
lrwr OF m3ooL YRArR~." (C*pltallratbnouls)
Thus lt'ma bo + that iram 8 ,asdlmg oi titir&
-* . . Do* rrrrrw, '-Qv ,
. ,. .,-
~57of.~~~~~~z~bo+o~~,that~ mll&
the8 ma7 rrlsoIn whleh tha lnu ho IID
prwlslaa andrhrn
wuiltlos roqalro, maw mile msy k P-W4Mbd~thOSt8tb
8upulntanbat of Rtdaoatlon
ia adorrthstthopb ma Ir mo
bsrUhlpsoninbltl&ul.esfidnodel4y6orlmonv bai*-InOh@
rugmsnt ef a&o01 Uhlrs m7 result.