Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Your request for op e abors stated’puer- tion hll8 been r66e 18 Hon. 7ralc aright, page 2 repealing all lairsor parts of law8 in eou- tlict herewith; and dealaring an sarsraeno~. “Be IT EHACTFD BY THE ~GISl;WfS OI 'i'EB STAT? or TXXAS: "sation 1. County Superintendent - Se&a in cortlia Cauatlu. lFror aaQ after the passago of thi! Aat, the salary of the county ruperlntuuloat OS Publla Instruatlon of eaah county in Taxa h&dug 8 JKIFUhtiOa Or aOt le88 t&88 tUMt;l; two thoummQ, one hundred (22,100)and aot mre than twnty-two thousand, fire hundred (22,500).aaaordlng to the lsst preoeding federal Census shell be Thirty-sirBundnd Dollars ($36001 per annum, to be paid in equal monthly paymentsout of the cOUUty?8available per capita ap?ortiormentoomln6 to such aoun- ties, upon the order of the County Sohool ?ruste!.s. 'Sootion2. a(uce '. . "That tha saLary of the County SUQ~dlltMdWt at publio Instruction oi eaah ootmty ti T-8 haTill& a ~OpdAtfOn Oi not 14368than fOrtr- one thousand and tittf (41,030)and not sore than rortptuo thousand,one hundred (42,100) aaaording to the lent prooadingFederal Csn- SW, shsll Worn aad after the w88@@ Of thi8 Act be not 1888 than the 81111Of hr0 %'hOWMd, 'ightmu&edDollars .I ($2,8OO)peranaummd not aors~thn mee T~owM~, 31% Hlmdrsd DolLars ($3,600) per annum, to be fired b;l th8 County Board of Pdwatioa oi uoh oou@tyg and ln l4Qltion thereto, the eouatl 8uporinten- &wt8 0,s ma& wwtiO8 8hau M WfTO O?fiU l- QW8.8 fOl' St88@8,t~le~hOM Wit .8tatiOWq act ersuding.Three HwdreQ bollars ()sao) per aalum, u roll a8 PO ammat not in aXQW8 Of *u Hundrd Dollar2 ($300) po? -III to a*- truella& expelrre8 iaourrmd by 8wh 8aqnty @u.Pwlc iatOildUit8, uhloh Hid 8u6 Whfdk ti: cwaty BOUQ or IrMtaw on th8 08rt 19 Hca. Fran2 iKrlght,Page J ruoh mperint8aQent that the expenses had been lnaurred is the dlsoharge of hls duties as awh 8uperintsnduxt. Section 2-a. Sane. "The salary and expenses provided for in Seotlon 8 of thir Aot 8hr11 bo WI6 ~thly upoa the order of the County Sohool %mtee8 of suoh OOtIntle8out of the aounty's available and State per aaplta l~portlon8entoomlng to suah counties; providing that the mnth o? Septem- ber shall not be paid until the CountySuper- intendentof Publfa ImtrWtion 8haU hate prssanteda receipt or a certiilaatefrom tha State Superintendent, of Eubllo Instruotlonshe& IngttLat he has n!sdsall or the reports requfr- cd by him. z~eotioa3. samc. *That the salaries of the County Superin- tendent of Puhllo Instruatlonof each.aounty In Texa8 baring a population of not lesi than twenty-twothousand, 8fx humIraQ (22,800)anQ not RON than twenty-two thousand, eight hua- dred (ZZ WO), aooordine to ths last preaedlag Pederal&umm,rhal1 frty~aaQ aftsrths paiuge ai thi8 Aot bs not 1e88 tb8E ?!NeIlt~-tWo Btmdred Dollars (#ZOO) per annum MQ not more than Twoaty-eightEundred Dollar8 ($2800) Per,annum, aad in eountle8 karlng a poplattoa of not la88 thut fourtetsnthewuxQ,~fira hundredand tfftf.~ (14,550)md not zwre than lowteen tho%tmqQ, eight himdrsd (14,tWO],lcoordln&to the h8t grwudiry Sederal fhWM, Shu ir O!S M d lft8Z the pass&&e of thS8 Aot be not 1088 than the ,' aw of Tlmntptwo HwQrpQ Bollar8 ($B2all ud aot more than hrenty-sight WQN6 -?8 ($2600) par anaua, to bo fix.8 by the County bard. Of &tUO~$iW fn OWh 6QWtY. 20 I502. lrarlk #rlgbt,?agr 4 lnc:to We last 2etdsral%nsuo, &all ironi and after the pa&wage of thl8 Aot be not laso than Twenty-one Hrmdred Dollars (@loo) pez amma, nor niorethan Runty-foPr Eundred Dol- lars ($X00) per annum; said salary to be eet by the County Board of Sohool Trlletcer of each county atiaotcd. Seotlon 4-a. Payment of Salary. "The salary shall be paid monthly upon the order of the County Board of School WUE- tam; provided that.the math of Soptuber shall not be paid until the Superintendentof public Instructionshall have presented a ro- celpt or a oertiiicatefrom the State Suparln- tendent of Pub110 Instruction ehoulng that ha baa mede ail reports required by Mx. Section b. Eepeal. "All law or part6 of law8 in conllitrt rith the prorlslonmor thi8 Act are hereby expressly npaled to the extmt 0r suah 80mi0t. Seotion 6. Emsrgonoy, *The raot that the dutisa of the ottlca of County Supcrlnt~ndentof Publie Xn8truatkUl hare greatly imraa8ed In oert@ia ooontie0 Uxd the fast that ruoh auprintondentr em grOa84 underpaid, sreate an emargenoy and awinperatlre pub110 ncoesslty that the OolutltutlolulRule raquirlngbills to be read on three 8everal W in caoh Howe be %u ended, and the 8ama t8 .hera- by SUB~CU~O& U& th.! # A& 8ha.U kk OrfoOt sod b0-in ~WCO rz+and dsw it* pa8a4pi rd tt la 80 ulrote4+ 23. ,Hou.Frank Xrlght, Pago 5 The population of Upahur County, i'exas,accord- ing to the la8t preaedlng Federal c8nsum, 18 twenty-two thousand, two hundred and ninety-sstsn (ZEJ99) iahabitent8, and it 1s the only county in rexa8 oopling within the pop- latlon brackets set out in %otlon 1 of the ~$111. The popul8tion of Fumln County, 46~~8, aacord- ing to tho la8t preoading Federal Cansue 18 forty-one thourand, 0x10hundred and airty-threa (4i,lds) lnbabl- tanto and it la the only county in ‘iexa8wmlly within the population brackets set out in Ssotlon 2 of the Bill. T h ep o p p la tlo onr Gr im8 County, Tex a e, lcoord- ing to tbs hu3t greceding Federal h8U8, 1s twenty-tW0 thousand, six hundred and forty-two (22,642) inhabitants, an4 It i8 the only oounty in leXCi8 coming rlthln the bracketa of not les8 than twenty-two thousand, 81X hundred (22 600) and not more than tssnty-two thousand,eight hamdred lez,soo) listed In the'flrst portion of Saotton 3 of the Bill. The population 0r .lcontgomery county, Taxas, aa- 00rdhg t0 the h8t preosdlng fedOr Cen8U8, 18 fOLI.+mn thousand, iire hundred and alghty-eight,(14.W) and it 18 the oniy aouuty in I'sxasoomlng within tha poQulation brackets or not 1088 than rourtbea'thoueand,flvb hundred and rlfty (14,820) and not core than rourteen thousand, d&t fiundred (14,800), a8 set out in the aooond portion 0r se0tm a or the wx., The popdatlon of Cro8by County, Texas, aciording ?to the laat praaedm Federal Coa8u8, 11 eleven thou8and, and twenty-three(ll,OeS) inbabitmt8, and it ia the only aounty in Tsxw ooming rlthln the w&wlatlon brackets set up ln seotlon 4 or th6 Bill. 115,*@*qaf$'klt-866 of thla opfaion, w* are aan- rr0nted rwh th0 qwiati0n of tb eonstittitiondity 0r Xouae Bill 4T4 or the 46th kgi8&tuxo 0r Texas, above quote& The qwatlea *rim8 an to .whethezor aot .thirwt la a loci1 or 8peeial X4w ragulatlmg the affair8 of ootmties ins tiohtlm or ktlolo S, Seotiw 66 fi?-a CuaatitaCloaof Tm. 8~. Fr&nk NrlBht, ikge 6 The case 0r altgslt 18. Cnzalt, ccl si 400, boids that bxar county Rood Low, providing ror an aznucl 8alery for cazsi88?oner80r aounl:c8 ror cotlng In all oapaolti~a,YM unoonstlt~~tlonal, a8 an attempted ..regslatlon or oounty urair* by local and 8Qaoiti la*. Th8 ca8e Of Srlth 18. %tat9, 49 tjll &id 759, hcldr that tho conatltotlonalprohibitlooagalnat 8puial lan8, oannot bo ltMhd by making law appllaoble to l pre- tended o&are aad th8t a 8tatuto Ob388fflin(t,EUItiei&ditf~8 by populatllan Ia *apaoIal~ii popalatlondoe8 not afford a fair ba8ia.for ola.salflcatlon but the atctutc merely dO8i@atO8 l 8illi31.ziunfoipal~tyunder tha ~180 Of Olasai- tying bl pepulatlon. ifaquote rrom said ua84 a8 folloa8: .A eon8ldcraticnof tho clasalricctlon oreatod by thm aot lnvolvod in tho prosent oo8a ln the light of ktlclo S, Saotlon 56 of tho Coaatltutlon,priaarlly call8 for.tho eppli- oation of the rule that tho ieglalaturccannot evade the prohibitionor the Constitutionby making a law applloabls to a lmdxmded Qlaaa, which la e8 laanireotod by the act, 15 fact, no Sla88. Clark V8. fhlSJ, 54 SY 34s. auprei. ,%omaof tke bat8 fo r datolan~niDg rkethcr l grctende&oh88 la unirm8tod b,p 8n cat an lnid dam br Eaqufllan on Mmiofpal Corporetfonm, bltm~ 1, pegca 4Q8499. ;wowotet suet ;~+&r**y~fp dl8tlnatioa,.uhlchrondcrr ;OM alaa8, la truth, blatlnat or dliicrca8 from another e&88. . . Tkore m8t-exi8t l mumab2.a jmmtlficatloafor tkr olacaitlwQiw tbrt 1~~ ,thabaa18 of MC dw8it foation X~vokod mwt kati a dlrw~'rel.a~lonto the me ot thr rare,w'-,~*y?nr: . ..z i *r Wo&U Eva.m8 Imb&ib&W: t,,~Jq mc m,rrr, &-m: a& c- ipuor- “k’ hRe Idew, m*ledg* *t lp rDhrr- aouaty in Tea has the ~gmlfffaatfonof aroa findpopulnt~iondeauldeu by the statute--- It is sufflaisnt to say here th-t Omen we . 1-k to the praatiaal oprntion of the aat, we are led to the aonalusion thst beyond aot appllaable~to that csunQ alone. Bemr vs. Tpaa, 97 a. w. ala 467. me that 0inIat-y reamm the act Is a looal eat eld one v&&ah it maueyoad the power of the bgfslature to Vun4n's &uIotat0d ~iv3.la&utas; TexasT~Qattitution,&Wale 5, Seattion56; mis held in its opinion deptvtatent X4. o-18 on l&r& 6, 1929, tfintArtfales 23720-l and 52226-23 Redsed Cirll Stdutes of Texae, 1925, the romter being egBplloablet4 counties *hriAg e populati43 of ?mt 1.86 thanfart~-a~tt~~nd,ninehandred (48 800) aad: not sore than forty-niaelhoassnd(49&X+) a& the latter applyfa to aonntle8 with a ~pulatfon of mat f6itWthen -r-&m thowend, ano husdna .(&I990) es& ne9~Wro tlmn~rorty-e~t tc2maMu, all30llEum& a& 8Cnofpffw t48,QW) ~aaoun~~ritha~poaulationoiaatl8ut~ ten *eamd,~three~~ant mc*eaty (l@S'POfM-not qre t&an tda -u, three hulared awl ~&3&y, (l9,839)~ aawtf3 ~elastpmtmdlnghtkml~ werewa- 04mtitutf.eJm1 ad tesa a* 8peufal law u&or hetics w, AlMel 3 of tb6 8tate CoIkstltats.4m, oitfng the 00 of ity of St. Barth v+ Bobbitt, W S# 2a4479q Bon. Rank Wrig&, Pa&e 8 ?e&sral Census, was void under Artlole S, 3eution 36 of the stata Constftutioa. Tbi8 department hold la its oplaloa Ho. O-662 on lluoh 21, 1939, that Boas. Bill 632, 46th Legiolaturo, uhioh prorldes tor the attaohnnnt of adjaoent territory for utaing parpoaes to tmna of not less.than rour tbusaml (4,000) lnhoDikate withfn ooiuatlrrof ah less thrn three haadrea thousaad (SO0 000) aaB sot mxw thsn three hundred and SiSty thoumnd ~350,000) inhabitants aaoordiag to ths last precedlag Pedenl Ceasus, wa8 aascmstltutioaal in that it attempted to enact a loaal law sad fell ufthia the pohlbltioa of Artlole S, Goticm 36 of ths Cwmtitutiom or Tua8. This deputmeni~ held fa its opinion Ho. O-675 on Hsy 5, 1959, that the Legi*laturswas without aathorlty to ohango the boundaries or a oommoa school diatrist by speoial or loeal law. Citing Artiole S, Seatlon 56, a& Art1010 7, Seotlon 5 of the Texas Coastitutim; Ritter VS. aost, 65 SW’2nd 414; 3mwmfield vs. Tongate, 109 Yi;2ad 352. This 6epartmat lmld ia its opinion Ho. O-TS6, on Sky 5, 1959, thet &us Bill go. 1048 of the 46th L&s- lature'rhiohbill would give the oorasissloaers~ oourt autbarltf to rix ths sa.hrios of aertaia county and Us- triototilaer8lraLl8ountfa8 barlag* po mtle88 thsa thirty thousaa~, niae hlaeor-on OW3W efmr mare than.tAirty-6aethmrmd (Sl,OOO) inhabitants assorb lag to the laatmpreead@g Federal Ceas uno4Mtltutto4sl ua * 8dvei4 as a rpeeialorloea~ law. Ci,*SestL6a66, of utile& Sr Coaimtltatlon ot Tena; Ott7 or ?srt Bbrtb va, Bobbitt, SlLSW tad 4’19;Buar County ~sr F;lnm, 97 SW UrQ 867, This departmust held ln it8 op%aian lo. O-7&3 . 5. Rank Wright, Page 9 ?!tAadepartment held in it.6opinion No. O-MS on Way 29, 1939, that House BIU Ho. 1076, authorizing counties havln; a popubticm of not 168s than three htired and twenty thousadn (320,000)and not CM'O than three hundrad and forty thousand (340,000)bhabltanta, aaaordlng to the last preaedlng Federal Census, to borrow money by theissufbn4sof r*l6ass bonds, was uncon~stitutlcm- al in that it attmqted th eaaat a spesial or 14eal law in riolntion of Article 3, Seation 56 and 57 of the Texas Con8tltuiioa. This dapartaant held ln its opinion NO. 0499 cm &n--l, 1959, that E.&as BFU HQ. 860 nhi4h prodded roartravelhag expen~fm of aamty a4wmissi4nerslm eaaw ties having a population of not less #an twenty-two thousand ona hundred (22,300)acaordlng to the last preccodin&fedoral Census, applied only to UpsbarCounty, Texas, and was ummnstltutinnal In that same vma in riole- ticn of Seotlon 56 of Artl4lb 3 of the Texas Oonstitution. Ciclng numerous autlmritias. Therefore, you are resgeatfullyadvised that it is tie opinion or this department that House ?ill ISo.4747 dftheM$laLe&slatureoiTexae is unuonstitutionaland void in Ita entirety. Truuting tlat thh answers your IJlquily, we am vuy truly youm