0.rw”lL ttllr1,,1*ss
e 0, ma iraID tb
offonr;* you hare
tr or riosnlty or xoum-
llr o um8to no
th e
nt the tolloriry~~uor~
Wo hno boon unmblo 8o tind •~ lthorlty with rr-
form00 to state pzoporty a8 would lnrtituta an lxoeption to
the role th6t 0 p8r8on rhall k proreeuted in the oounty rhero
thr offonclew.8 ooadttod. thr lolloming lrtiolor 0r the Cob.
of Grl~4nrl Rrooodure rpperr to oontrol the tonne ei the otiuua
a8 stated above without dlstiaetion udo ktrrrn rtak pnt-
pertp mid that $olon&g to 8ny I.ndirldorll
"Art. 190. on the boandar~ of two lount%o~.
a:. _~
0r m8el0dttea 01th
1 eb 0wr r yo r b r ptr
oountles, or within Sour hundred yordo thereof, ray
be promouted and punlrhul in llther oounty.*
*Art. LOO. R*oolVlng on6 eonollolin~
propsrtx. ReOolrhIg 8nd OOAOOO~ing otolen gropr-
ty arsy be proseouted in the bounty when the thofi
XGO oonlttod, or in any other county through or
into rhlob the property MJ hare beo;;;;m:yby
the perron ltoo)lng the ooao, or:
wharo the mame uy have km. reoa’f”wed or. oonoralo4
by the oifwlore*
In+loonfth e obore l utb o r ltlo 7mi o
tu11y w.lvl8*4 that it ir thr opinion0r thio dbpwtmant thet
l oompldnt oher&iag one rltb reoelrlaa 8tolm property belong-
lq to the #tote, would hare to br film4 in the lounty oooord-
lq to the proviolono or Art1010 BOO, 0040 of Or*01 -Fro-
oeauro, 1985. Trrrrlo dounty would hero no Jur$rdlotla, of
luoh o n0tr w00 ulllo th
r r elteto’o Qr o p wty wa ultolon in,
or wno oarried through or rooelvd or oonoerled by the offender
in oald oounty.
TrustioE the lbwo 8navm-a your guestion, we roPaln
YOurB tsq truly
APfROVSD JULY 10, 1939
o/ w. Y. xooro