OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS ' xr. 0. J. 5. Elllngeon General Xanager Texan Priwn Sycrtsn Huntsrille, Texar Dear Sir: In oplnlon Islo. 0-m tent, bated Xay 13, 1X59, a oopy OS whloh held that J. D. Chapnan, Gin Superinto rrfeire Yay 1, 1939; by reaaon*ef a 8 Texa8 Prison Board oni[aroh 6 tion a8 af May 1, 1939, and by roa Erlwn Xaimger, haQ COrlTqwQ to xr. tb th8 racp4Bst that he aonply vi fn hi8 written remlgnation errectirf4 my 1, and R. P. Thoqwn b@i@kW ed a8 or ution prorlbed that~;~then be any that the bttornoy 0aerd’~‘askeQto all raet8 presuitd relative to the ~8 or the Board or Mareli 6, 1939. ~10~6 J. D. chapan wIL8ai8aharged errwiirr a8 or Map 1, Z939, aa pointed out in our option of M~.J 13, 1939, be rould n&t be due ~JIJpay buyoad that Qate. ?'romtineiniornstlon you r’urSIi8hOd u8 in your lottrr or June 9, 1939, it appear* that the exaat nation rS8 takw nith rwpsat to R. E. ?bDapwn a8 wa8 taken in the oaes of J. D. Chapman. mw0rr, mar epinien 0r May lS, 1939, would apply equally tb B,E. Thqwn. xr. d. J. a. xllingron, P6ga 8. as therefore hold that under the fact8 aubm%tted 8lnoa Mr. Chapmn and Mr. Thomp8on were paid for thair 8snloer u to May 1, 1939, the Prfwa Syrten haa fulfilled it8 oblllgatPOM to them. Your8 very truly AlTOR#EyGlMRR4L OF TEXAS BY D. D. Yahon ASSISTANT