Hay 15, 1939
Eonoreblr Joe Kunsahlk ’
Gomni8ribn.r OS Labor
Burrat~ 0r Labor StotlrtioB
Austin, Toxar
Dear Sfrr
ring a preseure
am lnoh, rhiah ir
in the handllag
ml from hfs own
of raid law?
W!I a steam boiler, baring a prmmre la
lk produord on hill own farm *hero the ouaar in
addition thereto almo haadlrr and prooeosea milk
ior other pamom for a eonslderation, axempt
rreln the pro~isiona 8r maid lawv
Pertlrient reodioni of the Texas Bollu &MI otlon
fRw, dstlolo 58810 of Vunox&*s Annotatrd Oirll &atu %08,
are as iollowrrt
. .
Hon. Joe Kunrohlk,May 15, 1939, iape t!
Seotlon 1 deilnes a "boiler" tinmeanIng *enr
resee1 used for generating steem for power or heating
Beation Z provldee:
*No ateamboller, onlore otherwise mpeol-
fieall~ oxemptiedin thin Aot, ahall be o rate&
within the Btatr of Texas unlera ruoh boIi or
has been reglsterml with the Bureau or Labor
Statistics and there ehall here bean lasuod a
Certlfloatd of Operation for ruoh bollor, aa
henlnaftor provided for, . . .w
.Seotlon3 ~peolflea the +emptlon:
*The following bollerB are oxmnpt irom thr
prorlalonr or thlr Aot:
(8!) Bollers on whloh the pressure doa8
not exosed fifteen (15) pounds per square inah;
(4) Bollors tutedexclusl~al~ for aerioul-
tural purpom~s.~
The quentioas you asked require a oonrtruotlon of
the dot to determine the meaning of the tern WagrIoultureJ
To use e boiler for WagzIculturel purpordsW ia
to for purposes OS wagrioulture*. The term "a l-
ou.ltureWI8 a very broad and oomprehenslro one, oovu fEg
all those thin@ ordinarily done by the raraaerand hi8
rrerrrantalnoident to oafrying on his branoh of induet-,
Including, of oouree, the planting and harvesting ot.oropa,
the ralslng of f?ult, the raising of aettle and hogs, and
even lnolutllng,to a variable extent, the preparation of.
those produota of the farm ior men's uee. 3 Corpus Juri.6.
Sec. Page.366. It requires no oltetlon of authority to
substantiate the proposition that mllk ie en agrioultural~
v. Oyetsr, 16 D. C. 285,
The problem OS oonstruotlon pre-
80 simple that It mey turn entirely
upon the nature of the produot whloh litiboiler 16 uBf+d
to prooeee. On the oontrarr',the term *agrIoultural pur-
pose@@ m@ be Interpreted as harlr~ that meaning vhloh
will comport with the~.lntentlonof the Legislature. D
other worde, from tifegeneral oontext of the entire Aot
we muet determine whether lt *as the purpose an& Intentfon Of
Hon. Joe Kunsohlk, May 15, 1939; Page 3
the Legislature In using suoh term to use it in its
broadest slgnlrlcanoe, or whether it was intended that
it should be used In a more narrow and llmlted sense.
Gordon v. Buster, g59 S. Y* P20.
An examlnatloh .o?the Aot olearly reveals that
it was the urpose and intention o? the Legislature is?en-
acting the ii oiler Inapeotion Law to proteot the publla from
danger8 arl6lng from the use and operation OS deteotlve
boilers. In providing for oertaln exemgtlona ?rom the
operation OS the Aot, lt,ir obolow that ths Legislature
had in lDindthat the uses to whloh patitloularboiler8 were
exoluslrely put were such as to render those boilers,
when put to those uses solely, less hazardous to the publlo,
and theretora atfording a reasonable ground ?or a olassl-
?lOatlon exempting them ?rcsuthe operation o? the Aot, In
other words, lt is apparent that the Ldglelature deemed
a boiler used ~ercluslvel * ror wagrloulturel purpo8esR
loss hazardous to the pubflo, by reason o? its looatlon
ln rural areaa; and the nature and lntermlttent oharaoter
or the uae to whloh it is put. To deny that the Legislature
had this dletlnotlon In kind In making the lxemptlon
would be to,raise a serious question as to’the oomtl-
tutlonallty o? the l iemptlon and it 18.a rundamental
oanon or statutory oonstruction that a rtatute will always
be given a oonstruotlon, when it is at all susceptible
thereo?, whloh squares with the~Con8tltutlon rather than a
oonst?uotloo which wlll'bring the Aot into dlect oonfllot
with come oonstltutlonal provlelon.
The question of statutory aonstruation thus
presented is not ?ree from dl?Sloulty. We have been
abl* to ?lnd only two oases In this State whloh may be
of any dlreot help in determlnlng this matter. Both of
these aatsesare by the Supreme Court o? the State, and
arose under the provisions of the Workmen8 Con@enaatlon
Aot . In oath ease the issue was presented whether or not
the olaimant was a rarm laborer -- ln other word8, whether
the claimant was engaged in an agrloultural ppursuit,80
that he fell without the provlslonrr o? the Workmen8 Com-
pensation Aot.
-b the ease of -Guerrerovu. Vnlted States Fldel-
lty k Gusaanty Co., 98 S. W, (26) 796, the employer was
engaged in the business o? a ilorlat and also ln oonneotlon
therewith, ln the business or buying end eelllng shrubbery.
The shrubbery bought was plaoed In the ground temporarily
for the purpbae'oi preserking It, and the claimant, an ein-
ployee, periormed thst duty,.among others. The oourt said.L
I# :\
/ .?,
Eon. Joe Kunschik, Hay 15, 1939, Page 4
I as aonoern.8his buslnees a6 a florist,'
ln whI~h*D&rlok was engaged in the growlnq.q?
plant8 and flowers for Sale, he was undoubtedly
engaged in an agrloultural pursuit, wlthln the
purview o? prior deolslon.s,and those worklnp ?or,hlm
ln that oapsalty were iarm laborers.
%I the business 0s buying and mellinE nursery
#tOOk, none of whloh was ,ralsed or grown by him,
but merely put into the ground temporarily for
presenatlon, Derriok was no$.engaeed ln agrloul-
ture . In th6t iiiipaoity
he was not t.illlz@the
8oll or enpaeed ln the growing of ths Shrubtery.
In buying and selli&? the nursery #took we think
he was emeaeed as a jo?.ter~ordealer ln articles
or thin@, just the same as l.?he h&d been selling
?e~dstu??s or plants and bulbs in a storeroom.
In this respeot he was follows 6 dlfterent business
9rm the business of keeping a greenhouse and grow-
ln~ flowers and plants."
In the oa6e OS Maryland casualty Co. v. Dobbs
100 8. U. (Zd) 349, the court held that an employee of 1n
independent aontraotorr who wes engaged In the buslnessIo?
spraying trees ?or %he 0Rners 0s oltrus CUOhardS WSS
not a Ssnn laborer, within the m6aning of the HorbenS
Cmpensatlon Aot. The oourt cays:
"The bu&l0SS & spraying treos'and &ohords ~'
is a well~established Independent business or
ooaupatlon. Defendant in error was not employed
by anyohe engaged in the planting or oultlvstlon
or growing 0s trees."
And the oourt eontlnues by eaylug:
*In this os~e Dobbs had nothing to dowlth the
planting and growing of the oltru6 tre~?s,but was
engaged by an lndepsnZent oontrao+ar In t e inde-
pendent business ot sproylng the trezs. k. was too
far ramoved from the tillizg of the soil and the
cultivation of tree8 to be a term laborer.*
1_ In rlew OS the dl?flcultle6 involved in SO doing,
ayeexpressly refrain ?rom attempting by oonatructlon to
ptivlde a formula by rrhlohit may be detenolned ln all
I' situations whloh may 8r%se whether a boiler is
: d exoluslvely for agrloultural purposes. We
I'% oplnlon to the partlaular raot sitnations
~-... presented by your qtiestlons,leering other au3 dl??erent
'$ raot sltuatlonawhldh may arlee to be detenalned aooord-
,;L>-&&.lng to the peoullartaote Involved in oeoh instance.
_ _ ~_.~ .~_
Hon. Joe Kunsohik, Msy 35, 1939, psge 5.
Reasoning Srom the aUthOrit cited above, we
are of the oplnlon that 50 long as he who produoes also
proceases the milk on the rann. the pmoesslng is but an
lnoldent and oomponent part o? Wagrloulture.W But I? the
prooesslng be d1ssooiated from the produotlon of milk,
: wa ar8 Of the Opinion that suoh Pl’OOSSsi~ 18 the puSSUit
of a separate and independent business or oommarolal
Your first question 16 answers4 in the aftirma-
tlve. The boiler is used the owner in
the handling and proosasing of milk pkoduoed frcm his own
Oo*S and on his own farm end outsid5, the olty limits.
Its use is but an lnoldsnt of and an adjunot to the
managament and operation of his term, to prepare pro-
duots produced by hlmssl? on that farm for market. Se
therefore belleve it fall8 within the exemption of a
boiler %ssd eXOl~#iVely for agrioultural pUrpO885.*
We assume tha
*ooopsratlie assOolatlonw to
whloh your seooud question refers to be organized and in-
oorporated under the provisions of Artlole R514, Revised
statutes, 19es. As a-oorporata body, it le, ,'; laai an
entity separate and apart from it8 mamb6r8.
it ha8 no part In the produotlon OS the milk, but la'
;ygad only In the buslnass o?.handllng and prooeaslng
In other word8, the,masaoolatlon* is engaged in a
o&roial enterprlsa, the proeesslng o? milk, dnd the
boiler USed la therefore not used *exoluslvsly for agri-
oultural purpof3ee.~
Your third question 18 aleo anaered in the nega-
tive. One who prooessee milk produ.oedby hlmseli, and aleo
engagae.ln the proaeeelng, for a oon8lddratlon. of mllk-
produoea by other5, la not devoting the boiler used Wx-
olu8ivelya tci wagrioultural pUrposea.* As to the prooe88-
lng, for a oons1deratioa, o? the milk not produoad by him,
the $arxmr is using the boiler for WaommrolalR purpose8.
Your6 very truly