Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.; -.. OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUfflN Honorable R. P. Powor AB*lrtsnt countt Attoraey Tyler, Texas Doer mr. Pmer tr ia lnr h&d, 8aa th e to suc h triel. ., state that l w8rrant of u-rest was l88uob iOr the SbOUSba,but pu a0 not St@%@ WhOthOr tt -8 lvOT aai+0rra to the Coastable ior lxo~ution, or, it drllrrr*d, whother it war ever lx 00uteaUe.l88unt8that ao rrrrrt war aa& themdora, th8 aoouwb was asv'orbrou&ht beioro the ndo~ or the Peaa@ to aaswer the l8ourrtlon & dol gslnet hlm. Thfr 888umptiOn 18 barra oa four statement "that there 18 a0 lxsmlnlng(trlel as ret out in Art1010 lOe0, aor is thorr any form1 *airer of same.* Eonorablr R. P. POIIr, Psga II YOU lr. 8dViSd thh UZidOr the ~SotS StSt*a, thr ~OnStSbh rotid ROt be antitled to r mo r iTa lng for. ATTCXNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS BY Bruoe u. Brysat BWB:JMt ~SSiStMlt APPROVED Opinloa Committoo By B.W. Chelrmea