son. Pam A. Gramn
County Auditor
MoL8nMll coutq
wloo, mxas
Dear Slrf
Hon. TWA. Craven,Page 2
"(a). When a oonstable Is lnromed by
the police deportment,$ooatea In the imue
olty a8 the county seat, they are holding a
oertain prleonerthat theywanttranate~d
to the 0rmt.y jail, after oharges are ill&l alad
a warrant issued by the proper justloe or the
peaoe the oonstablegoes to the oity jail ee-
our88 the prisoner an4 tranaporte suoh a pri-
aoner to the oounty jail, what mileage may be
charged by the ooxmtable?
"(al. Under the same oiroumstanoee60 out-
lined under (a) but the aoimtabla travela to
the oity jail berore oharges nre riled in the
pmp~0ounty00urt ub0rm -t f8 i88wa,
.eeoureathe~prlrmnerand)ranaports auohpriaon-
er to the oounty jell, what mlleage nay be
oharged by the ocaxetable?;!
"(al. Arter WalTalItfor arkest is isswd
the eomtable,locsatedthe dar+mdant, S&CM
the arrest awl traaspeta the prtsoner to tba
oountyjail, what'rmileageraybeobargedbythe
*(il. LQOregor $8 meaty tiles rrcar th8~
oounty seat. !Cheoonstablemakes an ameat at
'MoGregor,oharges qo riled with the Justios
of the Peaoa at JhSregor, the trial at the de-
iemlant Is postponed,there aram faoilitiee
for keeping a prleoner at Mobrsgor and the oon-
stable trenaporta the.priaonerto the county
jail (tnenty miles away). A few days later the
ooonatable travels to the aounty jail, 6eoure8
the defendant and transport8hiapto XoGregor
for trial, the eeM%tbe& to jail
and the oomrtable agalx&Q!ansport~the prisons-2;
tothe oounty jal.l. #hatm%lee.gemaybeoharged
by the ooneteble?
-All the above questions refer to lnstanoes
where arrests are m&e wWMn the uounty. Oon-
stablea ia mTanMn couaty are oa a r- basis.*
Hon. Tom A. Cravsn, Page 3
Artlole 1065, C. C* P. reabs as follows, In
The rollowlng tees shall be alla*ed
the sharlfr, or other psaoe oitioer pee
rormlng the same servloes in misdemeanor
oases, to be taxed sgalnst the 4sfen4fmt
on 0onTl0t10nx
*'0. For oomeybg a prisoner after
oonviotlonto the oounty jail, ror eaoh
mlle, go- and ocoafirg,, by the nsarsat pnm-
tioabb route by private eon~eyaxm~, ten
asntsa tile, or by.rail~y, sevenan4 one-
half osnta~a rile.
" .......~.
*;Fareashml3.ohenmybe scmpslIs4
totraTsllnaxeoutiPg QriRinalpro~ess~
smoningorattaahfngritness, amona
one-half oonts. For traveliag In the servlos
or proosss not otherwise provided ror, the
sm0r ~f~~O~and0~-hdr00nt~ r0r0drll0
goingana~mtuxnlng~ I?twoermm persoas
aremmzt&xtsd in the ekmewrit, ortwo or
more writs in the tame oaso, he 8haXlolmrge
only for the distanse aotually and naoesearlly
traveled in the .sameTa
Artiols 1067, C, C, P. reads as folltmsr
wComtables, marshals or other peaoe
0fYioers rho exscute prone88 and perform
serviaes ror ~ustitoes in otiainal latlons.
shall reoalve the EWWB fees allows4 to she-
iris r0r the mime servtoest*
EIoa. Tam k Craven, Page 4
is direottldt-0a-rest r0rthdtih berore the
aragistrntewho Issued the wantmt, or betom
the smglstrate narpsdIn the warrant."
Itlaneoessarythstws bsar InBind* fact
th411~tb ret, statuts8 an, 8trfot4 00nstr904 td f-8
by Implleatlon are not pamlttsd. It is a ray settled
mattsrthsttheoonstsbla,who ls oompsnssts4ona rw
bfals, ifinot entitled to any iss at all In a ml8dammmr
oa80 w.lsss a oonv~otlcmis obtained. Tex, J'
the ~88 0r whm0n coanfy ~8. mda~, 19 su
~~,holdslnncriieat that unless the etatutsscargrwrrr4
provide reesbytbewayor oompenmtlonforthepnrtLeulnr
to fixa~~~~aable oompensationthererorns thsyrould
La a.etlon-batwwn man an4 man ror serPioes w~4erad in
the nbf~8~00d a eontraet.
mar thestrictintergrstati0n 0r the f00 rta-
tutes, partloular4in.orImInRltml?W3whersths86stsare
abnrgednnd taxe4aiwlx& defsndast,there4oas not-went
to be any reammable basis ior lib6 aonstruut~on.
fn visa or the r0regDinsmharifie8 pou (tm rt3-
mat that your questIomshouX4 be answers
(a)~Uhen a emstabls is infonnsd or the lawtio-
and travd.s to the plaos 0r suoh rIolatlonor his-
oovers a l.aWvIolatI~nuhlledr~vLng Inhis Oar. rakbran
arrest wShout a warrant am4 stbsprtmnmrto tie
jail it the.Oounty s&at, the s onmoB -.ehnrga my
N~OIIa aonstsbls outlping pno$nst
hears oror4Iseovsrs alaw*iolstIa~ an4mskasalsgal
arrsstwithoutawsrrsnt~flcansportie~ pds~asr toths
orriee or the Justioe'ob ths Pesos of his preoiaob, *hers
0harge8 43~13.riif34,
punishment n~sewed aa4 th6 prtaanar
tzaudtted to jail, the oonstahls is 4altItla4to mIlOsige
oouaty jail tar esuhmIlegoirigsn4omlng bythensa~st
Iion;Tom & crwm, Pqga 5
praotioal route by private oonvsyanoe,tsn osnts a mile,
(0) When a oonstable is ialarmed by the poUos
department losated in the same oity as the oounty seat,
they are holding s osrta5.nprisoner that theywanttrans-
rtm-04 to the 00u.e~ jul, artier ohargesam rim and
a waxmint lssuul by the prOper justioe of the paaoe, the
oonstable ls sntltledto ssvan and ens-hslf osnts~berrile
aotwlly travel,lad In @ng ror and retur+ng swh priscmer
to the OoMty jail.
(4) nl4erthese4me olruumstanassasoutlInsduIl4sr
(a) but the oonstabla fnm6ls to the oity jail before the.
ohargss ars filed In the pmper just106 oourt b&ore wqrrant
is Issued, seaures-theprisoner andtranQortsswhprisoner
to the oounty jail, .sushoonstablswould not be sntitls4 to
w liicrsger08.
(a) Mter -t rw -St 16 ~SSWUthe 00~
stabls losatss thedersxslant,mmkss the arrsstandtrans-
portsthsprIsonerto thsoountfjaIl,:-Ui@eonf&sblswoU4
.bs sntitlbd to ssven an4 we-hnlf oents~per-ml& a0ttqll.y
and neaosssari4 t~mQled In gsirrrsfor find setwnin8 6uah
(r) The oonstablewonld be antltkul to ssvsn an4
OW-hds osnts per r&lo r0r eomaying a prisons n-cm
MoGregorto Wuseor~l~verSa, baron, eomIatIon* p~wIde4~
the sonstablehad am tor arrestrcrr.sushp&onsr,~
and &tar oon.vMtIcm in the Justlsa Court at %@rsgor, the
' oonstable would bs antitle to tan oents per mIls W~UL tw- privrzteoomeyanoe, an4 seven and one-h&S pent8
Court or E®pr to the oowty
sdner rrom the :Jnstloo,
ja 1 at the oeunty Set&
ping the rmwing ~wers your iaqtey, ra
Tours VeTy truly
-aFw n
APPROVED JUL'lS. 1989 couurlr