Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OcnA‘Dc. MINI1 .-“.slumu Honomblo Loo 66oretary Of Unlr6nlty or Juastln, TUM Donr Mr. Hay&erl 0r hl ~s&.tO Bill hereby lidtad to th6 aan th0rh6d rot 0mplo~o08 or the partmatr and thr Carptroller and looel d$#bu&ria& oifi0.r ahall m&r@ Ho trarollng uponu~ &all bo ln- our& by any mm&dO~OOOf say Of the lohoolm, or other agenalrr m&ad honia, outaide 0r the bouadariu 0r the aete or TUM uoept ror 8tatr bualnu8, ~4 upon the &MO. written oonunt Of the &ohool*a Hoaomblo Lao C. Bayno@, Page 8 Board of Ragat or Dlrootora. The provl- alons of this ast with roiuoaor to travel- ing rxpenses shall not apply to tha hoads of the InatItutIona aaamd in tbla hot nor the rmbers of boards rho do not Mooife an annual or aonthly salary. The term 'raIntananso* may Inolude traveling lx- penae*.~ You nqueat our oplnlon aa to whether or not the Daan of the KedIoal Sohool of the Unlvaralty ot Tour la the haad of an Institution, as that turn Is uoad In Subssotloa (6). The Serentesnth kglalatura, at it8 Rewlar SssaIon, wtabllshed the UnIrrraIt~ Of Taxaa anb prorldod for thm looatlon of the Unlvarslty of Tore8 and the Medlosl Dspart- ment, theroof to be datarmlnod by a rota of the pmoplr at an 6leotIon to be ~held on the rimt Tueatlay 0r~ September, 18&l. The Governor was authorized and instruoted to @sue the aeoes- sary proolamatlon orderlag the aleotlon to be held on the date above mentioned and further proridbd the Mnner oi noml- nating the names, or, that Is to 8aJ, the plaoaa or dirrrront looslltlss In thin Stata. On July e9, 1.881, the Clovsrnor: issued 8 proolamstlon oalllag for thr elootion oa Bsptubsr 6, 1881, In whIoh appaarod the a8888 or plaoos pnparod to ba voted upon;rlth spao~al and partloulu nieroaoo ior the looation or a Yedloal Departmant oi thr Unlreralty of Texas. Mtsr said eleotion war held In the manner and on the data shore mentions& the tots8 wars osnvasssd and u a result It wu shown that the Mealoal Dopartrsat or the Unlvorslt~ 0r Texas was selooted to ba looated at Galroston, and the bore- tary of State and the Qorernor by proolamatlon doolarsd the r08ults or luoh llaotloa. Teohnloally It Is true that thm YstlIoal Braneh oi the Unlvoralty or Texas Is only a branoh.oi suoh Unlrsralty but it wiii be saea rr0lp the roregoing that 8u6h ybai0al Branoh haA Its origin in a 8aanu oonsirt*st with sonsldora- tIon a s a lparate Inetitutloa. ?wthwmore, II, bellen .that It la ooemmlr looked upon aa aa inatltutlon rithin it80ir.. Under the uRu.Lea and Regulations' promulgated b7 the Board oi Rage&a Of the UaItersIty of Texas for the . Honorable Leo C. Baynor, Pago 8 government or the Universityof Tuu ana its Btanohes oem- Ing uaaer Its jurIsaIotlon, sots our Ie Chapter t, Seotlon 2, the duti08 ~a qualirioatfons 0r the Doan 0r tho m0ai0ti Sohool, Oalrostcn, and reads In part as rollwir ‘600. 8. TX2 D&&4 OF TIiZ COLLE6ESOR SCHOOIS, OF THE KEDICALBRANCR,CNf; OF TIE DIVISIO# OF EZTZNSION.--The Deans of tho roveral Colloges ana Sahoois shall be quail- floa ror profoesbrlal-rank end shall attend to the faithful aed proapt exeoutlon of all rogulatlons and routine aSfootIng their Col- logos or Sohoole, primary jurlediotlon over general ltuaont life and oonduot rost.Isng with the Doan oi Student Life at the Main University and With the Deae of tho Moaloal Branch at-the Yodloal Braeoh. xxx -The dean 0r the ysai0al Branoh ahall be qudiri0a for professorial rank and shall be Dean oi oaoh Ccllogo and Sohool at Galveston and ehall represent the Presldont In appropriates autton durIn& the lattorts absohoe. Ko shall lxeouto all the ml.8 aed pogulatlous of the UnlroreItP lpplloablo to the Modloal Breneh whleh hare boon ap- proved by the Board 0r Regents. HO shall deal with the sdxIssIon 0r stuaonts to the MedianI Branoh aed their natrloulatlon. 80 8hdi 8tuaf th0 ma8 0r th0 ~sf110al Branoh, plan ior Its irprovuoat md uke roocmmondatloas ta the Xedioal ?aoulty with a rim to oorrelatIng its ocursos 0r In- struction. Be shall suponiso tho prepa- ration of the oatalogue material of the liodloal Branoh, the sohedulo of oxamina- tlons, the 8Oheaule Of hours on the rooter, and the sohodulo ot rccss ror olasses. Ho shall servo ao Dean or Student Llfo at Otinaton. Ho shall make an annual report to the Presldost on er botoro 8orombor 1 or eaoh fisoal year* lie shall be a member ox orrioio ma tb proeldIhg orfloor of the Exeoutlro Comalttoo and the John Soalr Ccl- leg0 0r Nursing ConmIttoe, Be shall a08ig- nato the student eligible’ for the Isabella Eonsrablo Leo 0. Haynor, Psgo 4 BraokonrItlgrS0holuahip and shall r0- 001~0 applIeatIona r0r loans rr0i8 the Isabella Braokonrlago &an Funa.xxx* The ItsmIzatlon of apgeoprIatlone for the Unlrersit~ of Texas oomn0n~o8 on page 981, General and Sp0oIe.l Laws, 1937. On page 1000 00nrnonoos the ItonIcatlon 0r approprlatIons for -The Unlrersltp of Texas - Modloal Branoh”. The term la& enolosea in quotation appears in the a??roprlstlon bill In oapltal lottsrs In the 8anio attitude as do th0 h0adlnga tor . the ap~roprlation8 ror aoparate Institutions. On page 100s we find an appropriation OS ~6,000.00 per yerr ror the Desn or the Yedloal Branoh. Sootlone 1 and 2 of Art1010 2654-8, Revised Civil Statutes regulate the ooll0otlon of tuition snd isee in State In0tItutlons and S0Otlon 3 of Bald Article Z654-0 read6 as fOllOWb: 9300. 3; The word8 ‘State oduoal. tlonal Inetitutlons~ ai used ln this k0t 8hall inoiud0 the rollowinr, and any branoh thereof: The University of Teraa; tiiT~a~oultural and ,MeohanIoal College ; the rarioue State teachers* oollegsa at Tsxas; the Collage or In- dustrlal nrts of Texas; the John Tarlo- ton Agrloultural Colleg0 or Texas; the North Texas Agrloultural Coll0go; ths ?rairIo View State normal and Industrial c0110g0; the Texas Toohnolo~loal Collsge; ana any other State ldueatlonal lnstltu- tlon either hor0toror0 provided ror or hereafter to be provided iOr undsr the law? of thla State.* Conaldnlng all or the above raots, the manner in wt,loh the Modloal Branch orlglnatod, Its looatlon separate and apart from the Main UnlversItY, tha mtknrmr In whleb~ the appropriation for the KedIoal Branoh was sot up In the ap- propriation bill for the ourrent blanulum, thn duties of the Denn of the Eedloal Branoh and the light in whfoh the Yedi- oal Sohool Is generally looked upon, we bolioro that it was the Intention or the LogIelaturO that the D0an or the tt0ai- oal Brsnoh should be oon8IdoFsd as the head Of an Inst$tu- I . Eonorablo Loo C. Ba)~es, Page S tlon within the waning of raid Subseotlon 6 and Our umwar to your question, therefore, is in the affirmative. fours rory tNlr ATTOi-N3 OENElbL OF T!tXAS G&FL APPROVEUJUN 30, 1939 81fZh&Us- ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS