Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN May 29, 1959 Mr. R. V. Rey?ord County I?uUftor &w&i county HenUor8cPcn,Texm 0 ar day end pay in addition? a (5~ the aboo stated gwnticn ho0 bsn distriot o@ oounty tJlrQ8 dcinars of a day thtit he tc be p%fB'Qut OS owaty by the oounty ertifiaato of the olerk h sudi semfoe is render- Article 2056, Code of Crlzinal Pmcredure, reeds as fcllcwr;: “Ka& Juror in the AI&riot or criximl distriat oourt, county court, or county oourt et lnw, excs~t cpm.al v6nlrcras!lnhosa J?ay is now f!xsQ by law, Sh?d1 reoeive three dol- Lnrr fcr each 6ep md for ehoh fmation of a 3% R, V. Rayford, t:ay 29, 1939, Fage 2 bay that he emy attend as 8uah juror, to be paid out of the jury fund of the oounty in which he c?uy so eerv4. mrbre ‘in jus- tioe uourts who aerve in the trial or orlm- lnal oases in such oourts shall reoelve fifty cents In eaoh oase they sit ra jurors, provided thnt no Juror la ouch eourt shall receive xore than One dollar for esoh day or fraotlon of a day he may 48174 as suob Juror. Crsnd jurors shall ewb receive three dollara for each day and for eaoh fraotlon of a day that they may aeRa as 8uoh.e Artlale 1038, Code of Criminal Procedure, reacla as follows: *Each oounty shall be liable fox the expense of food and lodging for jurors bpeneled in a folouy ease, but no sortpt shallbe issued or money pltl to the jurors whoseexpenses are so paid.” Artlcls 1039, Code of Crixlnel !-'rooedure,pro- vides : "A juror may pay his own expenses and draw hio suript; but the county in responsi- ble in the first place for all 8xpenne in- currsd.by tha sheriff in providing suitable food nnd lod@nE; for the jury, not to sxoeed tm dollars a day.* Coqensetion for service as a juror Is not a ocmcon law rl#tt, but ia purely statutory, and in the abeence of statute oom>enaatfon cannot be r8covered. 'r;hareBn the trial of crimainal oases the jurors 8x0 not allowed to separate but am confined end kept together, It has been hold thnt the expenses of their board and lodein~ during such coniinement ounnot, in the absence of statute, be char&cd eltheraeainst the'state or the county; hmover, the contrary has been held in a numhor of aaee6, nctc:ithstanding the jurors where reooiving a per disn allowance. The pound for these oplnlon~ is that r juror ehculd not be reCui?ed to ray his own Mr. R. V. Rayfor& Yay 29, 1939, Yagc 3 expenses exoept when he in left free to seleot his mode of livlng~:,end that where by the exi~enciss of the ease he IO deprived of this privilege and can- pelled to live at the dioaretion of the aoui-t, such expense becomes lnaidental to the administration of justice, and liks other incidental expenses of the crourt ehould he aharged egeinst the aounty. Bates vs. Independent County, 23 Ark. 722; Stows11 vs. Jaak8on County, 56 Eloh. 31; Lyaaniw County vs. Hoa, Pa. 7, 290; C. 7.. Vol. 35, p. 312. Ke have been unable to rind any Teras asses where the question we ncnv have uuder oonai6erution has been pe88ed upon by the courts. Flowever, a8 above steted, the ruht of oompenzetion for ssrvlae a8 a jUXW iS FIWely 8tStUtOI‘y. .Qticles 1038 and 1939, supra, do not provide for cmpenoation in addition to the ooxpensetion pro- vided for and ellcraed by Artfiales 2222 and 1056, sure. Artlale 1038, Code of Criminal w0e0auhe, supra, speai- riaally provides thnt no script shall he issued or xonep paid tx~ the jurors whose expenses are paid by the county, and Artiale 1039, Code of Criminal Proacdura, sizpra, ymvidea t.hat a juror may pay hi8 own erpenaes and draw his script. U’nCerthe above nentloned statutes, we think that in tho event a juror #as not able to pey for his meals, the county would be res]~onnible in the first plaoe for all expense inaurred by the sheriff in providing: suitable food end lodEIn for the jurcr, not to exoeed two dollerrs e day. Artiole 1038 end hrtlale 1039 do not provide for axtm compensation or ccmr-ensation in addition to the compensation allowed by Artlole 2122 an8 krtlcle 1056 auy?re.,but merely provide thet the county &lmll be lie?& for t-lx ex:-e& of food and lodging for jWor8 inpaneled in 5 felony 05s~ and when such expenses are psld no ncript shnll be issued or nnney paid to the juror when the county peya euah ex~zenoes. Pr. R. Il.Rayford,,lWy 23, 1939, Fage 4 Tou ar8 reSpectfully advlsea that it Is the opinion of this department that the oounty oannot pay for the mealo of jurars who era In the oustoay a? the sheriff in addition to the three dollar8 per day allowed by larandtbatno extre or other compermatlon can be pald exoept the three dollars per day a8 allou- eU by Artlales 2l.22and 10&L Trusting that the fox@olng emuers your in- quiry, we remain Very truly your8 ATlORtEY tIXlWRhL OF ‘i53LLS