xou8ton oountf
crockott, Tons
Dear Slrt
you a aopy
, addresaml to
l population or mu&on County, Tuar, aooord-
lnq to ttiela8t p~OW3ith6 I.d.ti CWUS, YaS thirty thou-
ran4 &ad lvw& r en(M),OlV) Inhabitant&
Ban. Joe Bd1.f B\rphr.y8, Kay 17, 193s. -8. L
Artlrle loba, C. C. P., rud8 u follomr
“Thm (allnrs &all bo paid by thr
l0m7 t0 th0 00mtr w80, 0r +m 0r th0
court at law and t~0 Qollara 4~83riity rata
r&U bo ~18 bv tha oounty to the $mtlro of
oa ior uoh orialnal aatigzp: and
%iag dtqO8.d of boforo him.
houvu, th4t In 4ll OOUtbtie8h4riag a p&la-
tlon of twoaty thousand or 1068 the jwtloo
Of th0 pO4Oe 8hrU ?0dvO a t&l rtM Or
thra dollan. Suah j-0 or jwtleo &hall
pruaat tc the ocml8rloaus’ oourt 0r hia
muat 4t 4 nguhr tum thnoo?, a nltton
looOunt rpor ylng r o h rrlmiwl lotlon 3a
uhioh ho ala E mah fu, oartii1.d by mmh
judge m juatioo to bo lorreot aad fl10d with
the aouaty olerk. The .a!ed88lon.r8' oowt
rhti approve flub l000UDt for 8wh amoUnt
a8 tha find to bm 8ornot, and order a drdt
tok I sruod uponthe lomat~treamr0r In
raror or ruoh jad@ or fwtlu to? the 'amouat
80 lp p mmd. P r 0Tid.d th bOd88iWOr8
OOWtrhlllld~1~ loount or trlal iOO8
l4 u y oa8a triad ld %I m h loa h n
irhd Wl.088 th.OWtOOfhn8WU WPZ-O-
unto4 in the tri4l 0r ria musa’br the
00.&y 4ttWlw, OT hi8 488iSt4llt,th@
lrldn4l di8triOt 4ttOrWy Or hi8 USi8knf,
aad thm 8WtitiOdO 0r wu 4ttorDey 18 at-
& a l& loownt omtliting
t& o h to to the t8rt
that 8ald oauu WN trlul, and the *tat-o of
Ten8 wan npruut.6 mad that la hir j’~d.~-
meat thon -8 8ufflohat widow* in maaid
oaum to duaad.a trial of mm.’
Art1010 1074, G. C. P., road8 at3 iollorrc
-Ia uoh au@ or ooprlotlon la a oounty
oourt, or a ocuaty oourt at law whether by
a 1tu-y or by a oourt, thara rhab 80 taxed
aglast the derawlaat or a&dart all defeadaat8.
Artlola t6W pemltr the tranrror or a 8ohola8tls rru6 on0 eopnty
to a a ldJol111ngdl8trlot In Mother oouaty uador owtala olroum-
St8coaS. The tnw0r rmut be m6e b&ore iuqpA8t rir8t.
T&O 9X7WiSlOJh8 Of th.88 8tatUt.8 8rO Oh8rlt b-d orma&
to lnoldo tramfar of ohllddnn who80 fullles 8re movln(llato
another di8trlet. The Statute mQuire8 no ruaoa to be giron 8x0
oept trat the 8pplioant ha8 a bona iids latsatioa ta SO& the
ohilb to School in another dlatrtet.
g6 o a llltteatlon to the protlrlons of Artlole t696
&lob 61~0 the right of apeal by a 8ohool Qlrtr1ot to the CotmtJ
bow-e, which board my aancel an4 lnul the motion ol the county
ruperlntendsnt la taking the traa8rer. k vo tlam the que8tl0ri
prceeotod it le by and ler6o an lddalrtntlvo xmtter.
It la our ogialon th8t the oounty rupsrlatea~oat%my
tnu8rer 8obola8tlo8upon proper application, rrorPon8 dlrtriet
to laothor dletrlct rlthln the rese acucty, or to an adjoining
di8triOt In another oouaty undbr aortain cireuut8nOu, prior to
Aufuet Clnt, although ruoh soko&8tleS move %nto the llctrlot and
establloh 8 re818mor.
Your8 very truly
By /td+it/dd4
C.e 1 C. Cwznek