Yr. La P. mard
Oounty Auditor
Bell Coamt;l
B*lton, l?oxar
P*es tar exeautln~ writ, du.aaon11 rib
n~aaes, Jury tee,,oomdttmmt~ relrarr,
oonrsyrmee’of dafandant to asylum;
~~uard it nbu9senry, am¶ other erpane*
inoiden8 80 bho drllvery to th e l*ylunq
th8 Couaty Clark for him fera $0.lUa60y
aasea, the aounty Attorney his fae and
thr Oo&uity'JoU~shia im in ruch aarea.
*Court Attsndanw~ The Shsrlri hlr Sea far Souzt attea-
Canoe la both Oounty and Distriot
Court, yor hlrr for jsfl guard.
. .
?Oorr0atbg prlsonus while la aall,
the amount ellmed per dey to be fixed
bf the Cedesl~t~ue~ Oo ur l
to o o r ding
to Aa wend the ‘Btatgtory amountr0r
wfr -k e8pori.ttg pri0011~8 and r0r 00n-
tepnoe or prlsonerq t0 8t ate prlaon,
Posting ell notloes in rohool tnx or
bond lleo tio nS pO8tiflg ndtioes Ot
trU8tS.S SlSCt f OB8; poet llOtiOS8 Of
m kind 0flis0ti0w 8d ~SL~VSTJ 0r
box.8 for boldin& 8-S. ThS ,dlerkrOT
~SOeiti4~ Md tebti8ting rSttWSS Of SW
g e ner l
-In suven11.1 The SX~enSS ot 111 OffiOU8 in saoh 6SSS8,
.8&N301S.l4 the Sheriff in Ul-Sit S@
oonreyanoe t4 reiorwtory.
"Birth W, death
and othu ma-
mlsrlonera’ owrt
E8tterr: For reoordlng birth8 and death a8 re-
quired to be the prloi to be tired bf
‘the c0d88i011~r89 00wq r860rd or
soldlera and ea~&ro dleohSrge8~ eu-
firiSd OOplS8 Of ps’OO@SdiUge rSqkd?Od
br the coaud8uioner8* Count and for
keeping index es required by law.
lCrldaal Bed:
The Cowty Judgcr’hi8 trial rSS in an
O.TiE&Wd OU08, SRd ill dS~ill~U.nt OaSS8.
The County Attorney hS8 rSS in depen-
dent and negleoted ohlldren .md de-
Seotlon 3 lid eeotlon S 4t ixtlole 318120, Rerieed Civil
I _ 3tatutes, r.ead aa roiiows:~
S8ition3. fll'all 08808 whore COl!Uli8~iOllU8'
Court shall h8ve.deterleined that oowty offioue or
preolnot 0rrioers 0r 8UOb oouaty8bS11 be aompaneate6
for their 8ervloe8 by thenparisentof M ennue1~881n~,
neither the State a? Texas mr any oowty shall be
oharged with or psy to any Of the oftioera 80 ooa~en-
m0d 8np is0 OX 00d8si0n for the puroraan00 0r uw
OX ed ot the dutiS8 0: their OtfiO68OffioSr8but 8uoh
ahah reoeire 8uoh SSlarier %&I lien o? all other iee8,
eonnni88iOn8 or oo~pensation whluh they would othsrw$le.
. ---. .- _ _~~ ._.
mr. L. F. Eu$d, Yy 30, l*S@, Pegs’8
be lthSrl8eU to ?Stdq prorlbed &werr .thet She
A88u8or an4 Oolleotor o? Tax88 8iell wntlnue to sot
loot ~4 reta ror *ha bear?lt or the bttloer8c 60l~
ma ax iPad 'herelna8tu otldd ?or all foe0 0na
ocmmlr~lonmwhleh LO 18 aurhorim mndu the 18~ )o
SSllSOt; &S4 it ~hSll be hi8 duty t0 SODOUSt GOT lid tS
go% Ou;h m&ml@0 ?eoel+ed br air Into the -4
ovided for ada the prorlelon8 of thla
ioq Qrorlder further, 8hat the orlelonr of thlr 8eo-
tion sJ@l not aff*otthe pamen r ef ooet8 in elvll
iti by the 8tate but all, woh eoet8 so pal6 8hall be
~ooountad for bt &he offlou SSUeotlng tho ISme u
they us requlreb andor ,the .provlalone of this me& to
SoQoPnt ,for tee8 ~mmlsrlenr or So8ts Jolleoted fru
prlrate partiem.~ 1, .. .~~ : .
,’ ‘. Wertlon I. ‘it lball'bi the duti of all Otfiear
to oherge end qollrot $8 the irrnnerSuthqrlaed blln
dl fee8 and SomiSsionS whloh Ire ermlttS4 br lew
to be u*eue4 aad eolleote6 for U P orri0lei BU-
riee8 pUrOTES& br t&m. Ab ~4 when woh teee us.
wlleota&the~ shell be.68 8ited lm thi O?fioere*
Balaq Fund, ot~funds prh raea in thie aa& In the
heat the 0omalrrlonn8~'Otnwt Slnde t&t the.tellure
to~oolleot8ay tee or 04ml8810n was due to a*gleot.srr
. the'put oi th? ortl.oer charged with the re8gonelblll~
OS wUeetlng a&me, the amount of ruoh fw or oomiulon
rhsll be deduotrd.ironthe qalaq Or moh ol'fioer. Bc
3oro &ay +iwh deduotloa~ie~mede, the Caaai8aionerS*
Court rhell furnlrh 'ruahofflou rith ra ltimlteb.8kte-
unt of the unoolleote4 rear with d&oh his loeount la
to )a ohuged and 8hSll notify mob offloa'of the time
an& plaoo for i he8rlng on meis .to betumlne whethu
,8uohoffloor w&e guilt? Of ne&&noe; whloh thus tar
heariag &all b* et lout 8Snndt3T8 8QbseQueat to the
&to of tit&o*. Ualee8 .M offloer ia qlmf~od by law
with the rorponrlblllt~ of lolleotlng feea, the COG-
drslonue' Oourt @hall sot In any event nako any da-
: m eltithorlre4
@otlaan fr o th ml* of edoh ottlou.*
8eotlcia8 of Artlab SQlk above quote6 8poolrloallq
groriaes'that where the a0nnieelonaii~ Uourt 8hall &eve ~etermlno6
...~ :,a80 eountr 0rri0u8 or greoiaotO??iO*r8 or Ouoh omaatr Ohall
be. eaapa8ated for Shei? 8irrioe8 by the &twmnt ot aa annual
”I 8&w, neither the &de Of %x&8 nOOf8ay SOIlnty 8hall bS ‘Ohargd
J to atbyof the offloerr 80 oompenrated cay fee or oom-
zt%~ 4"or the puform+noe o? u@ or all Of the hi.8 of their,
Ofrio ior roah Orrlwr 8hallreoelre l r6lex-y in lieu of
Otb;rt~fees, dc+e8lone or oOmpOn8atlon8 whloh they w0uad
&p. L6 F. tieera,IL8719, MS@, Fe88 4 '
othmiss w lWmriredto rekin. Herater, rradu the porleloar
of this 8tetute. the 4u A8eerror endGollostor shsll eontlaue
to wlleot and retain8or the benefit ot the OfiIou8~ 8eluy
Fun6 or run68 hereinafter provided for a11 tees aad oomleslone
rhlah ho lo lutharleed under-the law to sollaotr Thla leotloa
pi the 8tetute does not Ufiot,the parnent or 008ts or al*11
kesos by the 8tat.ebut e&l 8uoh 00&r 80 paid 8hallbe looounted
for by the ofilcero solleotipg the 8~iW, ae la required wider
the provisions or dhe sot Waooount ror tees, eo8ualaelone,
mQ o&et& eolleoted from prlreto putle3.
&otloa 8 0r irtlole mae; SQpT86 QTO&SS thet it
@sallee 8he duty or d.l otiiou8 to oharge @ml eolleot in the
ma nuu luthmlsed by law (r51,fwe snb ommle8lone uhloh us per-
R $ ttdb yh W t0b S m889 8S6 ld OOlliO8ed tOT ul Ofr iOiu
serrlee~perfarmM by than. As mnd when luoh tees are oollooted
.they depo8Lted in the Of~loere* Salary P'und,or fun&e
provided +t UIe.,eot.: ,,
.~ ..
'It ash be seen that under the ~rorlelon8 of the ete~ute
..&8orhqtmtad that the stmte or 8ountyohs&l not be ohe.rgedwith
:~srw>to coy ssuntr or peolaot ofrlosr any tee or ocmalerlon
for ~the performmoe o? mny or .jtll of ~theduties 61 ~euoh oriioe,
~ir60 ,t the W8t8 in 01~11'Oi888 ,by ‘the stats and fS@e W~SOtSd
bJ&eM aa8sa~ hnd Oolleotor of Tue8 8nd sll euoh oo8ta w
:pelgshgll be aooounted for by the oft&r wlleotln~ the sama,
:~u they Us required under the prorlelons of tho act to tiooouat
~or'~ees,'8da8lon8send wste oolleotetIfTOm priieto putles.
.Uader Section0 of Artlhe SOlBe, aupre, it iq the duty
6s & OsfiOU8 to iUrge. and oolleot la the kumnu author%t’ml by
law rll reee and oomdufone which sre permItted br law M.~‘be
~aM@8&'oe aa4 oolleatb4 r0r all orri0iu 8Wd.CM pertormea by them.
As tid rhon~;uoh fees we,oolleotd tbex shall be depo8lted with
the Of'floue~ saluy.Fuud, or rUd8 prorldsd rOT in the sot. All
gasa, 'egmmirslons; and-ooagr.;whloh raoh.oirlere us luthOrlxe6
by law to oblloct ue those ieev , WmLai88iOn8 end 008t85 th8 pri-
vats perties~are r~bQu&ad 00 per ?mder the law, end,OO8t8 in 01~11
oases by thq stato, and See8 ~bolleotedbp the Tax Aare88or-Golleotor.
Opinion Ro,.O-ZS9 retarred to In Fur lottei holds-in
&foot that a lunaoy proosedlng ir s air11 prooeet!lng,an6 that '
fa'.wuntlee where officers us wmpwa8eted on a sUa?y bulr,
8ha County Clerk 8hould oolleot foes On lua8oy'ossee end depo8lt
8uoh fees in tho OSIPlousl Celery Pund.of the county.
This department ha8 repeatedl.yheld that OfriOU8 in
jupenllboases are entitledto no ieee exoept that the ShulSf I'
sr. L. P. Hoerd, xay -1e, 1.989,Paga 8
y bo oaapenratod for eonr&# the jutonile to the r&&m-
tory. And this department ha8 trrrthor hold tbat thr County
Attorney 1s not entltloeto agy is* lwoao*o or dellnquult
and do@soteb oblldrmn.
Your quastloa ray be raotatd eo ~ollowor What Soeo,
oo~~Ioolon3, end soot8 ue oounty and preoinat orrloeru who ore
oonpn%ated on a lalary baolo roqulrodto oollpot and pay to
tha orriouo~ salary mm
You are roop6otfully edvised that it lo'the Qplnion
or thim that ail 000w~ lnd pr00b0t 0ffi0mO rho.
u~.oorepenoatod o na laluy baoio +re requlroa to oolloot all
oooto in 01~11 laooo by the state and all iam, ocumloolono
end oootm from rlvato pu~loo who am qqulred bp~lawto pay
'Ouoh~roe~, 0tuoA aolono and loato.
Tb OOUk hi O;V~ 0008% w the 8tittO urd al fOOS,
eomiuliuo, cad oooto oolleoted from pirate port$oo who ore ra-
qulred br law tcpay ouoh rose , ooad~oiono and aostm when ool-
looted by oounty or &%-eoinotofrioors oompensated on 8 r~lary
bdrlo muo) bo dapoOlto4 Jm the Offloerr' salary Funa O?~thO
oouaty s
The ttu &l.aaor-001100toi shall 80ii00t 0x1 rou:
requlro4 by law to be oollamtod by the tax loreasnor-oollootor
ea dh e 8h e ll
ao~ooit luoh ie.8 in the Ofileetot Saluy Fund
0r hi0 00ipity.
lo oounty or prrolnot offloor who,io o#npenoat~ 0x1
a oalary bar18 shall collect rroa the stat. or oounty asyr teoo,
eo~~looloao or oosto ror any 6r’al.l or the duties puforzod
‘by hhoxoopt the ooats Or clrll wmao by the sLata.
Ardell William