Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AITORNN GENERAL OF TEXAS Hamable lL P. CauiIty. AUditar airdin amtty )cormtze, TeCas Dear sirt _ reoslpt+ : , IselgPer, isuper- of bdul funds~, ram mats, who respeothill~ referred to.Akiole 1 Code of the State of Texas, 69s as rollowlY: State or any af- Ai any distrlo$, oountyi elty, pro- alnat, sohbol dietriot, or other mun~~lpal Subdlvislon oi ~thia state, or any oitieer or member of any States, distrlot, aounty, dity', sahool dietriot or other ?nniolpaI board, or judge or any oourt, created by or under authority or any general or ape- ala1 law of 'this State; or zany member of the~Lagisl#xl%, aha. appoint, or vote for, or-oonfirn the kppointma3t to any . ..- ; -_. _.. Eon. IL P. Jennings., Map 16* 1939, Page 2 orrioe, position. clerkshlp, employaent or auty, 0r any person related within the seoond degree by arflnlty or within the third degree by aonaangnlnity to the person so appointing OT so votfng, or to any other member of any such board, the Leglsleture, or aourt bf which -mah person so appoint&g or voting may be a member, when the salary, fee8, or aompensa- tlen or. suoh appointee is to be paid far, dl- motly. or lndirsotly, out or or imm publlo ruuas or it3433or office or any kind or o&n- aotar whatt3oever.* * 'It has been repeats& held by this Department that the above art10143 applies to the employment.@y the .oeuaty oeumisaloners or the dounty ooad.rMlone~s* oourt ofpersam related to a imunty oo~sdoner within the stat64,ds&mes of relatlogship~ ,9he raat. that the persons eiuployed would be ‘~ paId fromxi band issuerather than qurreat funds of t&e Wuaty would mke na-aiitsreaae, as,~manles ratied .fram a band. Lssus w ,vblio .%uzulsyrithln ths aanteaplation Of the edxxtea. . IOU da not state~the rslationshbp between the.. oottatyoamulsaioner and the persons ptOposed to be em- PlarW W hh Bar your lnformatlon, we are enolasing a oopy of'an oplnlon'written by Honorable Soott Gqines, a former Assistant Attorney General, which very ably sets out the rules~ror deteqnlnlng the degrees or relationship. .. Yours very truly ~GXQXALOFTBXAS.