June 12, 1939
Honorable T. M. tilmble
First Assistant State Superintendent
Austin, Texas
Dear Sir:
Opinion NO. o-776
Re: Ellglblllty of Rang
School District.for
In the transportatl
Ye are ln.recelp
wherein you' advise that th
trlct Is more than nine ml
been refused aid by the De
that there are more than 3
clpatlon in the
he Equalization Law.
being Chapter 60
al Laws of Texas,
937, reads as fol-
s which have an average of not
u&red (200) scholastics of each
et composing the consolidated and/or
rural high school districts unit, and all dlstrlots
composed of entire counties having a scholastla population of less
than five thoussnd (5,000); provided that schools in
sparsely settled counties may be exempt Prom the
minimum restrictions of tventy (20) scholastics, as
Honorable T. M. Trimble, June 12, 1939, Page 2.
hereinafter provided; provided thatln such cases
th8 district applying for aid shsll b8 levying
and collecting the limit of local tax support as
provided by general lav. Sparsely settled COW&ies
shall b8 defined as those having less than one
thousand, four hundred (1,400) scholastic population
In the common school districts. It Is expressly
und&stood that the provisions and llmltatlons of
this section and other sections In this Act do not
apply to vocational aid, and aid for crippled chlld-
ren; provided that the minimum and maximum scholastic
limits herein provided shall not apply for trans-
portation aid to any school district containing
forty-elght (48) square miles of territory, or more,
or vhioh is alne (9) miles or more In length; and
provided further that the maximum limitations a8
to scholastio population herein set forth shall
not apply for any type of aid to school districts
containing forty-eight (48) square miles of terrl-
tory or more, or vhlah Is nine (9) plile~s
or more
In length, proqided ther8 la not located In such
a district an lncprporated city or town havl
population of more than thirty-six hundred (3
Inhabitants, according to the last preceding
Federal Census."
A oareful reading of the above section discloses that
whether the district nov has less than 3600 Inhabitants or
vhether the same had more than 3600 Inhabitants according to
the last Federal Census has nothing vhatsoever to do with
the question of the right of the district to participate
In the transportation fund,provlded by Senate Bill No. 185
being Chapter 474 beginning at page 1259, General and Special
Laws of Texas, 45th Leglslaturp, RegulerrSession, as amended
by the aforesaid House Bill Ao. 133.
Our answer to your question, therefore, Is that
your letter states no fact vhlch vould deprive the Ranger
Independent School District of its right to participate In
the transportation fund.
Yours very truly