l-m ~WmmU
Xomnbls Manln 8811,Pa@ 8
a poll07 or in8wanoo ror tlut oom 7 to sa
Fhs pa-dun 1s in turn 9air to ths
agut b the rsruroA# homsr, this 9rstdumis not
ai mnA rlxt7Aa7s'tlm
Es%i& :Ezs "I:
48 rightto oansolthr'pol-
io7 for non-paymant
of pramlua*ad netlflo,ths
a g snt
lithsrtoneollootths 9remlamor oanoolthe
901107. Ths qwlt, having aolleotoA fho pralium
and oonrortod mma to hlr om Qlo, oonkotm the u-
lwoA, and InstuA ot toads? the rotma 9lwalum
Au. Oh. ruurrd in ordu for 3s
h to plok up the
rubstltutu a
*a&t7 dam a?teithlr lattor trawaotlon Oom-
ny X0. t dontsotr ths 8 eat anA nquo8tr rltk
rha ranlsslon ol the prOldum or the oanoellrtlon of
tha 981107. ml0 sgwt tsi1a to A0 so; thsruion,
ths oom9sa7 wit188 fho U8Ur.A by reglstusd mall
that hlr 901107haa boaa oaneolleA Car noaqaymsnt
or IwAlum. XOWSYU the rrrur.4 malatsinr snd
&7 so, that ho 1; oatl8lsA fo aavera(to&om oao
of tha oompanlu lnvolvoA tar ths mason that bo
has palA to the agent ror thoro oompanir8 prrrriam
pfmms og~or#~ and no rotam promlua has bun
.I.n n~purousothsr oases, the $sms9r~oodors lr
r0ii0d dth tho lx so p titM
tbst r,‘ftllrA ooa
intoi~~ b8r0r8 th0 880~04 18 rin8ur nofir P 0a that
his 901107la olaa&loA ior non-paymant of p~d!m
lBsoa0)oor the lmnt.8 uaethioal anA Aldonut
9raotloss, wo bare omosllsA blo llooaso to do busl-
na ssa sa nlg a nti
h o wuu) ws 0l- ataa lo 80
to k a o lf
rhloh oomgaayto hold responslbls tar the rstum prom-
lm. ‘In east ouoa, the ls8ureA at111 holAs ths pal-
107 in tho lsrt oom9s an the rlskihoustoc, thl~ ll-
07 1s ru99osoAl7oanooYl OA b7 the ooqany bt -6 r or.4
EonorabloX~nln XaU, Pus 8
not1000r luwollatlon~ 0 X0. 1 lAtls#d thlr
_. 1t door
1 _ao?fx
__ that -I$ lr-!lablo
.?Wo,thoroforo, ~8~0tfull7 rubdt to ou tho
quoetlonr wh la oh
r th e
lo mp snlu 1 U;.
imo l~rId th ir
lh @ a -hrequlrs
@ a t 00 allow tho return prdua to the
Inmr ua lra Maad b7 the 8otr oonduot ea4 mgre-
rmtationr or ear ~a. ‘DH .uths& OS an wpnt
reeuaad $8 ha eo-exW~l~r with ths bwlnors entrwteA to
&r oaro, and inoluAu the lWiorlt7 to A0 lll thermthlngr
whloh am nooouruy anA psqor la orrr~ on the buaiuorr
.inik Wus1 IpIp11.rmd wb ld th eDT h Olw o o uldld wulA
wuall7 40 la rlmilu olr8umtmour Texu Jurlr ruAoa01,
Vol. 84, pago 8041smxtr 0 V. mifi080t8 Pti tit8
Inmnnoo Oompany,t93 8. W. -ix
ent oi
Oompany1. .pUokett,
tir0 Inmnnuo Oompanyv.
U ia the OUO Or 8~W0i.8 ia 6UMa1, lLIh WU’8P o O
lr bound b7 au sots oontnotr or ro9rorultstloa8
or ta uant, whothe? genonnior rgul~l, whloh u-a rlthln tbs
lsops or hle realor a parsnb luthorlt7, aotwlthmtanAlng ths7
8ro in rlolatlon’orpcp+ate lnrtruetloasor llmltatlons upoa
hir sutbrl~ OS &leh the 9srran doalbg ulth him, lotlbg in
woodrslth &s nslthsr lotual no? oorrrtruotlro knmdo&s, In
looorAburoo with thisnmlo the empaq 18 llrblo la A
ior th+ *nnA or 0th~ rmnghl sot8 of it8 ago&8 rl %i?tho
soap8 or his aotueil or qqarent wattborlty, luoh as falUng or
Uo bdlmvo that the oplnloa ot the oourt Ln the
OS88 Or 8 lsnt Inaur~08 00. v. De 0, Berndon& 00, lt al,
to) 8, vr 98848 uuwmr8the QU88t~OSAwith rsforso8 to the
ii#biut~Or th 8
vS~OUS OOISp UdW UUA8Tth 0 lb m08t8t8Wt
k toot0 troa. thr dove mantionoU o&don aa iol-
o r f80t8.
. .
IRonSnbloYlnla UaU, Psg# 6
89917t0 th. third BOB Obh8TOO~O8 if thO=#wUr
the sbovo lmatloae6 tlmnaootlonm.
f coMYn7