OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Hon. Tom A. Crarpn YoLennul CountJ Auditor boo, Texas' D6ar art ~plnfon 110.0-756 OS your letter or hy 4, 1939 Opinion olarify- r+ Your letter b their offloss for the oount It hem bean the interprotstion of the D 1'8triot Attorney M,';f"J"nnnnCounty that A.rtioleSIolCe,Seo- , provided Sor the diBoontlnuano6 or the paymant o? all muoh feeu lxoept those Bon. Toi A. Craven, &Y 87, lSS9, Pam 8 luth o r lramder ed law to be paid or allow- ed thm offloa of A8nnor & Dollmotor of Zus8. -Already thl8 offloe ha8 beon ap- proaohed on a plying tha rule 8ot out in your aplnlon 80-259 to iear other thaa the one8 owered in that oplnlon. Xhder thr in 8y 8toIn nlffaot prior to Jsnuary 1, 1956, mnnerons fee8 wore paid various oounty orfl- ofal by the oounty for 8errloe8 rendered the county by thome lounty Offlolal8. A8 lndloatad abwo, rinoe January 1, 1996, th18 lounty ha8 operated umder the theory that ;hg rwlrlon8 of Art. 6918e, &otlon S, ren- ei the Art18108 or tha law autharlzlng tha peyneat or 8UOh roe8 by the oounty to muoh lounty offloes void, with the lxoeptlon noted ln Artlolo 39188, Seotlon 5. -our eplnlon olarlfylng th18 8ltuatlon to u8 wlU be greatly lppreolated.w Opinion lo. 0459 of thir departamnt parnd won the tollowlng two proporltlons: *In a oounty operating on a salary ha18 Is the oountJalark antitled to fee8 00.lunaoy easea, ruoh fee to be remitted to Offleer' Salary’?uad oi the aounty? 9~ oounty 0 eratlng on a 8mlary basis 18 oounty oP ark entitled to fee8 f&W noordlng oount ln8tru8ent8, 8ooh foe8 to be remltted to 8ffloer'r 8alary Fund of the oounty?" Opinion lo. 0439 held that lunaoy prooeod- lags wem of a oltll and not of 8 orfmlnal aetum; that a lunaoy prooeedlng wa8 a olrll proeeedlng. The oplnlon further hold that If the defendant In lunaoy ha8 no e8- tab then the aounty olerk 8hould ah&rge the aounty a c Ron. To. A. Oroven, Roy 59, 1959, Pi&b 5 fee for nrvleeo under Artlolo bUB1, Petloed Civil Statutes Of Tox.88,a8 the 88m fa a olrll oaoe, and that he 8hould be pold b7 th elounty for 8uoh senloes out of thq geae8al fund of the county, and that when ouoh olerk reaolreo luoh payment out of the mneral fund It lo the duty of the olerk to place ouoh payment he re- eelreo from the general fund Into the OffIoer'8 Salary Fund of the oounty. In snowor to the oeoond quootlon, Opinion lo. O-559 hold )het the oounty olerk wa6 not ontltled to charge the county noording fees for raoord- lng rlcht-of-way deed6 for the county beoauee there war no lathorlty whloh authorized the oounty olerk to oharge the county fo r luoh lenloe8. 50 la0l08e herewith a copy Of oplnlon RO. O-807 of thlo de lrtment.rhloh wao rendered Hay 19, lOJO, whloh we think w 11 as uppon~allof the queetfons raised ln your latter. lp p"hi8 opinion 8ppolfloally pa8000 upon a great number or Seen of oounty offlolalo. Thlo opinion by8 down the fOl..lWingrule, whloh 1). think 01UiffeS your l ltuatlon, to-wit: cllou are re8peOtftiiy adrleed that It 18 the opinion of this department that all oounty ond preolnot OffiOU8 who are oompen- 8ated on a Salary bar18 are required to eol- leot all oo#to In olrll oaee6 by the ltate nnd oll fees, oommloolono and oootr fBom private parties who ark roqulred by law to pay suoh 1800, o~o8iono and o0oto. The oooto in 01~11 Oa8eS by the #tata and all feeo, oo8rmioolons and ooota oolleot- ed from private partleo rho are required by law to pay ouoh fees, oomai8oiono and boot0 . ' when oolleoted by oounty or proolnot offIoar8 oompensated on a oalary basis must be deposit- ed In the Offleer8* Salary rund et the oounty. “The tax asooooer-eollootor shall oolleot all fee8 required by low to be oollooted by the tax aaseestir-oolleotorand he &all depooit ouoh fee8 in the Offlcer8' Salary ?und O? hi8 . wuntyr We sorrntyor nelnot orfloor uho lo oonpenoated on a 80 ! my bOOi8~8hdi eoll~ot trm tha state or oounty any fea8, la o a lo o Io n8 or eooto for any or all et the duties per- formed by him lxoept the oooto Or olrll oases by the 8bt0.m that tht8 Mower8 ~0~2 inquiry, n ore Very truly yours AlTOR88Y olz- OF T8xAs BY (signed) Wm. J. ?annlng Aoelstant b RJT 1AU EBcLoBc8E APPROVED: APPROYEor Opinion 0dttee (signed) Oerald 0. Mann mTORR8Y 08R8RAL OF TIIXAU By RUF, Chairman