Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 0cnAl.D 0. MANN May 13, lose rn- ..“..4& nr. 0. J. s. ~llingron Conon Kanagor Texas Prison System RUntmill., Tan8 Dear Blr: ruparlntea64nt fa8 Prlpon Syrta. so you requ4&rd 8n OpilliOll a8 D. ChapriiaFA i8 8till 8LI4Blpl 1, 1989, arts on b;tha T8ur Prfuan t the re8i@ation or umnt, errwit* xay 1, 068thW with l 1 Ott.r n(, 8tat4a4Bt: th tb above your lrrltton n- y 1, 19SQ.' undar~~h&hr opinion that Krr. J. 9. Chapman, etanoer molted above, va8 bircharged aI an 4rnpl9~ki and gin 8up4rrintendeat or the T4248 -iSOn sy8f=, ltfeotivm May 1, 1939, 88 it 1118rithln the power Ku the T4X48 Prison Bard ana yea, a8 Cmwal l&nager of the Toraa Prircm Systa, to diroharge m. chtX@U?Al 8t 8Zly tim0. The above notloe to Kr. Chnpn, although sent in a courteous mmner in order that it rOtid BOt -baITa hi8 ill 88OLUin( OthE aplO=t, 814W- ly oonvryrd the intantion of tlu T4X48 Prlrai Bard ami oi 7OUa8 the GOn4ti ma ll'otth. t4S48 Ri80~8y~trtliat h8 br di8OhU8.d 4ffOOtfV4 48 ob M8y 1, lQs@. Very tnl17 YOU8 ATTORMUX OWERAL w TXAB DDXrFBP APPROVBD: .