OFFICE OFTHE A7-TORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Air. Adam R. Johnson, Dircotor Texaw Relief ConswlssSon Au8tl.n#Texa8 such em be legally eamele4 a8 agalu8t the f~axasRelief Camm%~~dah Rr. Admn R. Johnson, Director, page 2 "For lack of diligence On the part of the payee8 or holders In not presenting these checks for popent or for any other reason, are we privileged to cancel these itans as an obligation against the Texas Relief ca!milaslon? *The Texas Relief Commission carries a liability aceaunt covering both xmpresonted disbursing orders and checks and has Szopound- ed Texas Relief Comisslon fuuds for the li- quldation of theoe it.em~ Aismne of tam ahecksordie~ingorderebrsbtenp~~t- edforpayn~entfWnom thentm yeara*th me exception of disbur8l.ngOrdGra aeGwl~ to aferdollarslastDeaember, It10 quite remote thataathenticdmotdmrpaymsnt rui Srer’beZlade. We are in a stats or liqddation, a10 money Smp~mrclaa is needoilatadfinal ad$mt- meat or ml8 aGGount 3.m*oratiTe, mm iomh we 6Wl1apprec1atere~n1~chanea1%~ opsnl0ninthepreniselc~ rourl~tter states the qaestlmm aabatf’td Aihu- tAooil faattshare been obtained imn you. It appearsimat the TexBe Relisi CfRmaiasionin the a&aiuhtrat.~ of t&o 1~ prop for the d3strlbutd.m a? relist fuuds wodld tile- ~teeaohmoi~th to therespe&ivecountiesaporfimiefrPill fund& Thierpsdoner2*terit~&fsnniwdfheaormt.need- d by eaoh county. Itmaldthenseadtosomeimnkinrpar- titular eouuty the awuntofmomeyallocated te thateaumty to bedepositedto the emditof theTesaeRel*ef~eriop. The f'uudoeo deposSed mare funds deci*e(Lkmm me Ale of bondt3imm3dbytheState forrellefpurpo~ or fur& snp- pliedby um sederal etw-ent for that.piwpoee,or rhieh eomefmsbothsources~ c Urittenordora were lsm~edbytheC%mais~onfor dated msount~~to relioP elionto ntr ntembmUse. 8noh 8n .ordercouldbeprtwmtedti anymercbsnt foraoeeptsaae. If oooeptedbycrm e.mhsint,he wouldtakwup theorder,preaent it to thG Conraissian~elocal dlabarslng officer, whe mewld tdumdrawacheckon thelocal bankaadin favorotthemer- aiantforthe earountoi fhemerahsndirce sold to tbeelia%& Order8 of this 43hara~terwere Issued to t&e earouutoi Yr. Adam R. Johnson, Mrector, Page 3 $23,27&.7rj \vhiCh ncvcr bcCn accounted Pm-. They were have either lost, never taken up by merchants, or, If any were taken up by uercbmts they have never been presented to the Commission for payment. All of these orders were lssucd more than two years and nine months ago. Checks of the character described and amount&g to $3,01&.53 have never been presented for payment. These checks were dL1 issued prior to June 1, 11)~ You are advised that such of these orders as may have been filled by merchants and all of said outetanding checks are valid obligations of the State of Texas. Youarefurther advlaedthatour courts have bald thatthestatemayidooke a ltaitatlon statute as adsfen- ins sultbroughtagalnstit, but that linifsrtlonmdldpot begIn to run in the Stateta favor until pennlaeion ts me AthadbeengrantaxL Stanleyetal v. Sahwalbyetal (Sup. Ct.) I9 8. 1; 2641 Uhatloy v. Patton.,31 S. V. Bo; Stata T. Elliott, 212 S+ Ud ass, error retrueb. Eop%ngwe have gl~cm~poutl~einforma+onr8quaated, we are Y0ure wry truly ATTORXEY OIDlIEabt OF l%x68 BUB-MRA~PROVECJULJ 29, 1939 ATTORNEY GEt?%.AL OP TEXAS